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Group: Registered
Joined: November 27, 2012
Senior Chief Registered
Travelling towards the borders of explored universe   &...

In forum Pioneer

9 years ago
More explorations and a rescue mission.   [attachment=3...

In forum Pioneer

9 years ago
Oceans of lava and other wonders   [attachment=3336:scr...

In forum Pioneer

9 years ago
Some planets, not too far from our beloved Earth   New ...

In forum Pioneer

9 years ago
Aaa! sgm files found and eliminated, now it works. Soon new ...

In forum Pioneer

9 years ago
I assume you're running windows (7/8/10)?   Try deletin...

In forum Pioneer

9 years ago
Just downloaded the last release and.... It doesn't work, as...

In forum Pioneer

9 years ago
Of   nozmajner, all of you who give of yourselves each ...

In forum Pioneer

9 years ago
You are finding some amazing looking worlds!   the "ea...

In forum Pioneer

9 years ago
My last explorations. Including some nice "earthlike" worlds...

In forum Pioneer

9 years ago

In forum Pioneer

9 years ago
Landing in the deepest canyon in galaxy (more than 10000 m d...

In forum Pioneer

9 years ago
more explorations[attachment=3035:screenshot-20150417-124419...

In forum Pioneer

9 years ago

In forum Pioneer

9 years ago
It works for me too (win7 64bit, 20150205). Isn't there any ...

In forum Pioneer

9 years ago
wi   Arrakkh what OS are you using? I've just tried the...

In forum Pioneer

9 years ago
I just downloaded the last build, time acceleration doesn't ...

In forum Pioneer

9 years ago
The travel goes on, towards the borders of universe

In forum Pioneer

10 years ago
some more     [attachment=2976:pio11.jpg][attachme...

In forum Pioneer

10 years ago
SOme awesome planets for tourists. I can't find anymore Ache...

In forum Pioneer

10 years ago

In forum Pioneer

10 years ago

In forum Pioneer

10 years ago

In forum Pioneer

10 years ago
Hi friends. Another nice picture from my travels in pioneer ...

In forum Pioneer

10 years ago
Downloaded and already played 2 hours. Different from any ot...

In forum Free SciFi Gaming Projects

10 years ago
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