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Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.

Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.


Let's Play: Pioneer!

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Trusted Member

Hey guys,

I'm starting a Let's Play Pioneer (version 17 at the moment). My mission is to reach the center of the galaxy, stopping off only for exploration of strange planets and scooping fuel from gas giants.

I've seen a lot of calls for one of these Let's Plays in the forums, hopefully I can provide this for you in return for views and subscribers to my YT chan.

I've been playing Pioneer since many versions ago (I cant remember). I never played Frontier, so I may not be as seasoned as some of you out there, but I've gotten to know Pioneer very well since I started. I found it one night when I was fed up with all the other games I had. My niches are free roam, sandbox, and exploration. Games like Fallout, Skyrim, and GTA are good most of the time, but even they make me feel clausterphobic. I am a long-standing EVE Online player, but EVE is much more pvp and competition based, and sometimes I want a quiet experience in space. Pioneer is exactly that. I very much enjoy landing on small moons of gas giants and watching the stars and planets rise. Or messing around in binary and trinary systems.

I will do an episode every time I feel like playing (which is a lot these days since I've beaten Skyrim). I will try to keep episode length around the 30 minute marker (thank god YT allows more than 10-15 minutes these days), but I might cut them down to make them more accessible.

Let me know what you guys think. Please, feel free to comment. Give me criticism, tell me to turn down the Star Trek in the background (or turn it up), tell me I'm wrong about something or using a module wrong, etc. You can tell me I'm awesome too. Please get the word out, I'm sure many would be interested in this game, they just haven't found it yet. Share my videos with as many people as you can! Comments on my Youtube channel are approved by me before they show up, but please dont hesitate to comment. The only reason I keep it on approval is to keep trolls away. I will read all comments and respond!


Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 4

Episode 5

Episode 6

Episode 7

Episode 8

Episode 9

Episode 10

Episode 11

Episode 12

Episode 13

Episode 14

Episode 15

Episode 16

Episode 17

Episode 18

Episode 19

Episode 20

Topic starter Posted : December 11, 2011 09:01
Honorable Member

1st episode is good. Looking forward to the acutal follow ups

Posted : December 11, 2011 09:48
Famed Member

Firstly, welcome to the SSC bchimself 🙂

Good luck in your journey, I will look forward to your future flight logs! 😎

Posted : December 11, 2011 10:33
Prominent Member
bchimself wrote:
My mission is to reach the center of the galaxy, stopping off only for exploration of strange planets and scooping fuel from gas giants.

You won't make it. Your hyperdrive will fail due to a lack of servicing long before you get there. Trust me, I wrote the breakdown code, and the probability of reaching the galactic centre without changing the game at all is zero, in alpha 17.

To disable servicing and breakdowns, delete data/modules/BreakdownServicing/BreakdownServicing.lua, or change its extension to something different (such as .txt ). This will remove the servicing companies from the bulletin board, and also the code responsible for counting your jumps and deciding whether to smash your engine. All you need to worry about is sourcing fuel. You will not need to restart your game if you're already on the way.

Good luck on your quest.

Posted : December 11, 2011 14:58
Trusted Member
Brianetta wrote:
To disable servicing and breakdowns, delete data/modules/BreakdownServicing/BreakdownServicing.lua, or change its extension to something different (such as .txt ). This will remove the servicing companies from the bulletin board, and also the code responsible for counting your jumps and deciding whether to smash your engine. All you need to worry about is sourcing fuel. You will not need to restart your game if you're already on the way.

I never knew that, this is why I came to you guys. This is awesome, thanks. I will make the changes before I start episode 2.

Topic starter Posted : December 11, 2011 15:54
Honorable Member

i know the spread of human settled systems was reduced to about 1000au and then very rare beyond that is that still true or are there no star systems beyond 1000au from earth

Posted : December 11, 2011 23:44
Estimable Member

That would probably be 1000 lightyears, since there are no stars at all in a radius of 1000 au...

And yes, that would be a settlement limit, not a generation limit.

Posted : December 12, 2011 02:42
Trusted Member

New episodes are up. I've cut the video time down to around 15-20 minutes. It was all recorded in one run, but I cut them into smaller episodes and edited out some of the boring parts. Thanks for watching!




Topic starter Posted : December 12, 2011 03:20
Eminent Member

About centre of galaxy: currently you will most likely instantly die by being spawned inside Agamemnon when hyperspacing into black hole system.

There is patch which is supposed to fix that but you need to manually apply it and recompile.

Even after you apply that patch you will most likely die in matter of seconds by being sucked into Agamemnon.

(In older versions there was bug - you would just pop up on another side when crashing into star 😆 )

Posted : December 12, 2011 07:48
Prominent Member
durandal wrote:
About centre of galaxy: currently you will most likely instantly die by being spawned inside Agamemnon when hyperspacing into black hole system.

There is patch which is supposed to fix that but you need to manually apply it and recompile.

Even after you apply that patch you will most likely die in matter of seconds by being sucked into Agamemnon.

(In older versions there was bug - you would just pop up on another side when crashing into star 😆 )


The dev team have had a bit of discussion about this. We do plan to fix this bug for the general case, so that you'll always enter a system at a safe distance from the primary. We don't usually care about saved game compatibility between alphas, but since you're going to all this trouble a couple of us have decided that we might back-port this bug-fix to alpha 17 and produce a custom build for you once it has been done, if necessary. We'd hate to see you make it all that way out there only to be stymied.

Posted : December 12, 2011 08:02
Estimable Member

Erm... Episode 2, 3 and 4 are not available in save mode. Any particularly hard-core swearing going on in there? 😆

Posted : December 12, 2011 11:03
Active Member
Episode 2 wrote:
[Isn't Olympus Mons supposed to be the biggest mountain on Mars]

Right now, Mars is procedurally generated like the other planets and not based on the real-life version like Earth is.

Episode 2 wrote:
...Mars used to be a lot cooler, don't know what happened...

My understanding is that everything is snowy-fied for the Christmas version. 😉

Posted : December 12, 2011 12:03
Trusted Member
durandal wrote:
About centre of galaxy: currently you will most likely instantly die by being spawned inside Agamemnon when hyperspacing into black hole system.

Yeah, i expect the end of the journey to just kill me off. I think of it like the end of a put-put course, it sucks your ball down and you dont get it back. It's really all about the journey for me, not the destination. The center is just a great waypoint.

Topic starter Posted : December 12, 2011 12:40
Prominent Member

Olympus Mons is a very large, flat shield volcano. So large, in fact, that from the top you wouldn't be able to see the bottom, due to it being over the horizon. So, even when it makes its way into the game, don' t expect to be awed by the view from the ground. This is one piece of geology best appreciated from up high.

Posted : December 12, 2011 12:41
Trusted Member
ElectricSkies wrote:
My understanding is that everything is snowy-fied for the Christmas version. 😉

Yep, I figured that out after seeing Neptune especially. Sometimes I just make off hand remarks that are completely wrong or baseless for a laugh, but that's kind of my style. Please keep correcting me tho!

Topic starter Posted : December 12, 2011 12:42
Trusted Member
UncleBob wrote:
Erm... Episode 2, 3 and 4 are not available in save mode. Any particularly hard-core swearing going on in there? 😆

I assume you meant "Safe Mode" and I honestly didn't even know that existed for Youtube. I do cuss every now and then, it's just the way I talk and I'm in no way trying to be super formal here. I'm not going to be vulgar though.

There are a couple times when I'm near crashing that I might cuss though 🙂 I'll try to keep it to a MINIMUM but sometimes the words just come out!

It might be fun to bleep them out during editing. I'll explore that option.

Topic starter Posted : December 12, 2011 12:44
Trusted Member
Brianetta wrote:
The dev team have had a bit of discussion about this. We do plan to fix this bug for the general case, so that you'll always enter a system at a safe distance from the primary. We don't usually care about saved game compatibility between alphas, but since you're going to all this trouble a couple of us have decided that we might back-port this bug-fix to alpha 17 and produce a custom build for you once it has been done, if necessary. We'd hate to see you make it all that way out there only to be stymied.

Haha, no rush! As you can see in the videos I haven't even left Sol yet. You guys really don't have to go to all this trouble for me, but if I can be a motivator to help drive you guys towards making the game better, then by all means go for it. I really appreciate all the support I've gotten from everyone. An alternate route could be the ability to choose a starting spot. Rather than messing with save compatibility, I could just start a new game around the same coordinates as I left off, etc.

Topic starter Posted : December 12, 2011 12:48
Prominent Member
bchimself wrote:
An alternate route could be the ability to choose a starting spot. Rather than messing with save compatibility, I could just start a new game around the same coordinates as I left off, etc.

I have a script that can get you anywhere in the galaxy, relatively quickly. It cheats a lot, and you *will* end up with an Eagle MKIII with no drive (unless we make you some changes, which shouldn't be hard). Once it gets where you're going, the Lua console will let you affix a scoop and a hyperdrive so that you can continue your journey.

Unfortunately, you can't change your ship type except when docked.

Posted : December 12, 2011 12:57
Trusted Member
Brianetta wrote:
I have a script that can get you anywhere in the galaxy, relatively quickly. It cheats a lot, and you *will* end up with an Eagle MKIII with no drive (unless we make you some changes, which shouldn't be hard). Once it gets where you're going, the Lua console will let you affix a scoop and a hyperdrive so that you can continue your journey.

Unfortunately, you can't change your ship type except when docked.

There seems to be a lot of potential in that. We'll figure it out when the issue actually comes up.

I love my viper def craft though 😛

Topic starter Posted : December 12, 2011 13:12
Noble Member
bchimself wrote:

Yep, I figured that out after seeing Neptune especially. Sometimes I just make off hand remarks that are completely wrong or baseless for a laugh, but that's kind of my style. Please keep correcting me tho!

No your actually right about Neptune, its just a co-incidence that its like this for the christmas edition, but yeah it does kind of look like a colourful Christmas bauble 😉

There was a terrain re-write/ re-factor which occured way before the christmassy themed stuff, thats whats responsible for any screwy terrains... But there's also the christmas tweaks to terrain which give planets a lot of ice, (Which electric skies and uncle bob already mentioned) but they shouldn't change gas giants, they are just messed up on their own 😆

Btw, thanks for taking the time to do this, I've watched every episode so far 😀

Posted : December 12, 2011 16:15
Trusted Member
s2odan wrote:
Btw, thanks for taking the time to do this, I've watched every episode so far 😀

I'm happy to do it. It makes the game a lot more interesting when you have a mission and are playing for viewers. Thanks for all the support and thanks for the views!

Topic starter Posted : December 12, 2011 16:21
Estimable Member

Anyone else notice in ep 2, Star Trek Voyager is on in the background? 😉

Posted : December 12, 2011 16:28
Trusted Member
Subzeroplainzero wrote:
Anyone else notice in ep 2, Star Trek Voyager is on in the background? 😉


Topic starter Posted : December 12, 2011 16:32
Estimable Member
So, even when it makes its way into the game, don' t expect to be awed by the view from the ground. This is one piece of geology best appreciated from up high.

Oh, Olympus Mons is an impressive sight when standing a distance away from it and looking up at it, believe me. (No, I've not been there, but ORULEX has a Mars heightmap. I really have to open a Github issue about getting that into pioneer one of these days...)

It might be fun to bleep them out during editing. I'll explore that option.

Oh, I don't mind the cussing, I only mind not being able to see the videos without deactivating my Web-blocker first (as it forces Google and YouTube into safe mode). 😀

Posted : December 12, 2011 22:15
New Member

I think we should add an drive that doesn't ever require maintenance. That way people who really want to explore the galaxy can do so without modifying the game. It could be either really expensive or a reward for completing a certain set of missions. Maybe a lost piece of Thargoid technoloy?

I don't have the same history with this game (nor its predecessor) that most of you do so forgive me if this is some sacred cow and I am speaking blasphemy.

Posted : December 13, 2011 08:30
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