If your catching up on your reading may I recommend [Encounter With Tiber by Buzz Aldrin and John Barnes]( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Encounter_with_Tiber "Encounter With Tiber by Buzz Aldrin and John Barnes") and also the [Red, Green and Blue Mars trilogy by Kim Stanley Robinson]( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mars_trilogy "Red, Green and Blue Mars trilogy by Kim Stanley Roberson"). All of these have a nice mix of hard sci-fi and good stories. 🙂
THX Geraldine dunno if i they are available in german but even better if not because not long ago i thought about to get me some books in english. could be difficult for my mom but i guess if i note the ISBN # it should be no Problem to order them. the trilogy i guess is translated, it was a recommend by Google if i remember right. i won't be surprised (anymore) if buzz also composed music or sculpted.
I would have thought Encounter With Tiber would have already been translated Gernot, but I couldn't find a German version anywhere. :/ All I could suggest is get the pdf version somehow then try a translator. There are a few online, although I don't know if they could handle a book that big. Maybe do a chapter at a time?
Hi Gernot! How did you manage to break both feet?
hi Marcel, both heels, i jumped off a fence about 1m, but i thought it was quite higher thus i landed like a Plank. but Mike i said that's a bagatelle. they habe to replace my main body Aorta, because i have or get a "smokers leg". the surgery was planned for today, but it hhad to be cancelled because oft my teeths Bad condition. the risk oft an infectiln is to high. not my fault,3 times the commune didnt liked to pay the Costs for a dental surgery. i'm a " junkie" you must know (i'm not but i'm handled like one). it's sort a OK because it will ha get a echo from the surgeon. stupid idiots, missed the Chance to help with a small effort and produced a big effort. greed usually ends up in such. fix those goddamned bite apparatus and then fix my rotten Main hydraulic pipe!
damned communicator i typed like you piece a junk, not Mike. Mr. Zuckerberg you are a Cheater, we won't have ai, there is no Software, will never be, which can Interprete like we can. or it would habe to learn a lifetime at least, a least it can't be programmed. we are much much More AS the sum oft our experiences.
My goodness Gernot! Your getting your Aorta worked on!?! Well take care of your self and please make a speedy recovery. I think I speak for everyone here in saying we send you our best wishes that your back on your feet soon. Also, don't forget to check the PM I sent you. 😉
Hey Gernot! I gave you [a much deserved mention]( https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php/368717-Space-Artists-who-do-you-like?p=5795886&viewfull=1#post5795886 "a much deserved mention") over on the FD forums because you don't get nearly enough credit you deserve for your epic rework of the Imperial Courier. B)
i won't get killed 😉 (yes they have to replace parts of the aorta)
that's not the worst thing happening to me,
imagine a cop kicked me out of my wheelchair, i didn't get hurt but dammned that's a impossibility kicking a injured or handicapped out of his wheelchair.
that's the real problem, fashism!
phew, i managed it, and damned yes Steve with thd default colorsceme i nearly can't read what i write, especially in the mobile.
however, i jusf want to tell anybody that "bones" (actually a she) had mads a goox job.
all systems are running fine.
im still wired, especially sich a wonderful Apparatur wjich controls the pain near to the Backbone. sort oft pipe which deposes small amounts of medicals near to the nerve. very efficient.
the surgery was a success.
and in a few days i can already leave the Hospital.
andi'm bored,bored, bored.
2 months in geriatric are already More then enough.
i've noticed little traffic in pioneer, what's up?
is There a reason for this?
well, i guess you won't have to wait long for my return.
in both projects, ffed3d AS well.
but recently i can only type a few letters.
hello my friends 🙂
and dammit yes fluffyfreak, but my moms MacBook is definately obsolate. else i would like to help.
and hmmm... hasn't pioneer get a little bit to hungry for a mac
overall i guess Laptops with builtin graphics will have problems, no?
well it would be good to have a game for the mac.
i don't like to make you angry, but don't you think we missed something?
i mean i'm since at least 4 Weeks the only one who comments in pioneer.
i can't remember such from the past.
i know we have many brillant competitors.
but i remember also wie had a strong base of followers.
no matter i will Hang on, on whatever pioneer 😉
and the Interpretin oft what i type is still bullshit, Mr. sugarhill 🙁
Gernot, it's great to hear from you! Welcome back! I'm so glad you're OK!
It lives! <grins> Good to hear from you, Gernot.
yech, it's alive!
i got a piece of plastic in my body, i feel a bit strange.
but i guess as long as i don't need a overdimensioned black wehrmacht helmet everything is ok.
for those who like to get a deeper knowledge of a aortic dissection (yech):
it's the part which is labelled "4" in the graphic, from under the liver to the ledge.
and it feels also that bad.
Gernot wrote: "but i remember also wie had a strong base of followers."
It still does. Remember the Frontier Forum thread? It passed 100,000 views a while back and, during the last update over on Mod DB, Pioneer topped the list of popular Futuristic Sims over there and it's up against serious competition from the modern sims and such classics like Freelancer, the X Series and Freespace. Big hitters all, but thanks to you and all the Pioneer devs, it hit back. So yes there is a following out there Gernot , even if they are not as vocal as they used to be.
Anyways, the important thing is your getting better Gernot. We all worry about you know, and hope you get home soon! 🙂
And.....here is a song for you, hope you like it, it's an old one!
can you please PM me?
i noticed that you posted something but i can neither see my posts or yours.
either i'm doing something wrong or i don't know...
certainly in like curtis mayfield
(space sim central acts strange, i submitted a post and it's nowhere to see)
now i have to type the shit again. (edit: it was my fault)
sorry that i was a little unattentive in the past, i stayed at "AtariAge".
i moved my Intellivision to my mothers flat to play the few old games i have...
visited "AtariAge" and got stuck there.
i ordered me a "flash rom" cartridge (LTO Flash!, LTO is "Left Turn Only" in other terms Joe Zbiciak who startet this Intellivision mess we have today).
it can hold quadruple of the amount of games ever was made including all homebrews (some Megabytes).
LTO also released "Christmas Carol vs. the Ghost of Christmas" published in 2014 i guess, made free to obtain this year (written by some other fellow).
also his "Space Patrol" (Moon Patrol clone) is now free to obtain.
"Christmas Carol" i guess you will like, just because it's one of the fewer games with a female protagonist.
i like it because it's a well made homebrew which tops most of the official releases from back then, it's a damned good game.
while it seems to be popular amongst inty devs to use female characters, just to be the opposite of the rest.
we intellivisionairies was and are still different ppl. we have to, we are used to play with a disc as controller 😉
one of my best liked "homebrews" is the "XBox One Simulator" (short: XBoneS)
certainly you can't.... on an inty, ts.
it's a demo of some sort, but cool, "wait for downloading 80GB" "wait" and "wait again" at the end comes the message:
"don't you miss the old days of plug and play?"
"Intellivision, the revolution has started now!"
to get a little more serious, but not to much.
there have been many homebrews released since i left the forum in 2015, mostly thanks to "nanochess'" IntyBASIC SDK.
but some still find it interesting to get into machine code.
"decle" is one and he automated the process to convert "RCA Studio II" games for the Intellivision.
The very first emulator for a 80's console which emulates a commercial not successful console.
the fitting emulator for Windows would be "Emma O2" which emulates all of the "superchip" consoles or computers.
for further trivia of the "Studio II" and its clones (Hanimex MPT-02 in example)
they ment "super cheap", as stated in the devs manual, "a cheap graphics computer guide".
However one Game from the MPT-02, it produced colored screens compared to the b&w Studio II, fits to the topic here.
"Star Wars" fits certainly as a sort of "Space Sim".
It's a extremely simple dogfight between a X-wing and a Tie fighter.
you don't have to shoot only to aim (onboard firing computers, yeah! this tin can in the back has to do something).
but it moves me, how simple it is ever.
of course it can't be a official "Star Wars" release, everybody is concerned about this.
nonetheless the game is titled "Star Wars" and the ships, as rough as the graphics are, are easy to identify.
here's my self made instruction booklet for the special Intellivision conversion:
"Studio II" itself had two space related games - sorry three.
Space War
which is one game for a single player and one for two players, in general you control ballistic missiles to shoot on alien ships.
(horizontal intercept - vertical intercept)
another one comes with the classic "gunfight" game for a single player, and "Moonship battle" which is unfortunately only for two players.
it's similar to gunfight one could say, two "Moonships" (what a great term) battle each other "in a fight to the dead".
(one is a upright triangle, the other is a upside down triangle, space ship design of 1978)
enough of advertising "AtariAge",
now i return there and advertise Space Sim Central on AtariAge.
i guess "Space Shuttle" a unfinished game for the intellivision i presented already once.
however i guess i will open here a topic especially for vintage space games or simulations.
"Space Shuttle" can be seen as a Space Sim.
A quite similar game has been released for the Atari2600, both leak of a real gameplay, i watched a review of it last week,
this dude stated that he loved it as a child even when it's not a game in the common sense, but it boosts your imagination.
as a child (in the 80's), and of this i'm certain, you will feel to be for real in a space shuttle, especially with a buddy aside.
Both are simple the same, in the Atari version you have to lift off, lay in a curse and manage to onboard a sattelite.
In the unfinished Inty version, you don't have to lift off, manage your curse more intelligent i feel (on a second screen, a map so to say) and even onboard a satellite (i can't speak for the atari version, but to onboard the satellite isn't so easy for the Inty version).
"Space Debris ahead! Watch out!"
don't stay to long in orbit or you run out of fuel and have to land (it lands automatically if the fuel runs out or when the mission was successful).
Overall i feel it's not such a bad attempt to make a real Space Sim for the 80's, that it has no action or doesn't count points plays no role for this game, you complete a mission and that's it, that's the goal.
the mission is not to blast some evil mothership from the skies, it's a typical Shuttle Mission, onboard a sattelite to repair it.
thus it is a real Space Sim.
alternateîve box art for "Star Wars":
ok this one i can see, strange.
let's try it again (i hope you don't mind, last try)
or do you have to author my entries? i'm confused, total confusion, argh....
sorry that i was a little unattentive in the past, i stayed at "AtariAge".
i moved my Intellivision to my mothers flat to play the few old games i have...
visited "AtariAge" and got stuck there.
i ordered me a "flash rom" cartridge (LTO Flash!, LTO is "Left Turn Only" in other terms Joe Zbiciak who startet this Intellivision mess we have today).
it can hold quadruple of the amount of games ever was made including all homebrews (some Megabytes).
LTO also released "Christmas Carol vs. the Ghost of Christmas" published in 2014 i guess, made free to obtain this year (written by some other fellow).
also his "Space Patrol" (Moon Patrol clone) is now free to obtain.
"Christmas Carol" i guess you will like, just because it's one of the fewer games with a female protagonist.
i like it because it's a well made homebrew which tops most of the official releases from back then, it's a damned good game.
while it seems to be popular amongst inty devs to use female characters, just to be the opposite of the rest.
we intellivisionairies was and are still different ppl. we have to, we are used to play with a disc as controller 😉
one of my best liked "homebrews" is the "XBox One Simulator" (short: XBoneS)
certainly you can't.... on an inty, ts.
it's a demo of some sort, but cool, "wait for downloading 80GB" "wait" and "wait again" at the end comes the message:
"don't you miss the old days of plug and play?"
"Intellivision, the revolution has started now!"
to get a little more serious, but not to much.
there have been many homebrews released since i left the forum in 2015, mostly thanks to "nanochess'" IntyBASIC SDK.
but some still find it interesting to get into machine code.
"decle" is one and he automated the process to convert "RCA Studio II" games for the Intellivision.
The very first emulator for a 80's console which emulates a commercial not successful console.
the fitting emulator for Windows would be "Emma O2" which emulates all of the "superchip" consoles or computers.
for further trivia of the "Studio II" and its clones (Hanimex MPT-02 in example)
they ment "super cheap", as stated in the devs manual, "a cheap graphics computer guide".
However one Game from the MPT-02, it produced colored screens compared to the b&w Studio II, fits to the topic here.
"Star Wars" fits certainly as a sort of "Space Sim".
It's a extremely simple dogfight between a X-wing and a Tie fighter.
you don't have to shoot only to aim (onboard firing computers, yeah! this tin can in the back has to do something).
but it moves me, how simple it is ever.
of course it can't be a official "Star Wars" release, everybody is concerned about this.
nonetheless the game is titled "Star Wars" and the ships, as rough as the graphics are, are easy to identify.
here's my self made instruction booklet for the special Intellivision conversion:
"Studio II" itself had two space related games - sorry three.
Space War
which is one game for a single player and one for two players, in general you control ballistic missiles to shoot on alien ships.
(horizontal intercept - vertical intercept)
another one comes with the classic "gunfight" game for a single player, and "Moonship battle" which is unfortunately only for two players.
it's similar to gunfight one could say, two "Moonships" (what a great term) battle each other "in a fight to the dead".
(one is a upright triangle, the other is a upside down triangle, space ship design of 1978)
enough of advertising "AtariAge",
now i return there and advertise Space Sim Central on AtariAge.
i guess "Space Shuttle" a unfinished game for the intellivision i presented already once.
however i guess i will open here a topic especially for vintage space games or simulations.
"Space Shuttle" can be seen as a Space Sim.
A quite similar game has been released for the Atari2600, both leak of a real gameplay, i watched a review of it last week,
this dude stated that he loved it as a child even when it's not a game in the common sense, but it boosts your imagination.
as a child (in the 80's), and of this i'm certain, you will feel to be for real in a space shuttle, especially with a buddy aside.
Both are simple the same, in the Atari version you have to lift off, lay in a curse and manage to onboard a sattelite.
In the unfinished Inty version, you don't have to lift off, manage your curse more intelligent i feel (on a second screen, a map so to say) and even onboard a satellite (i can't speak for the atari version, but to onboard the satellite isn't so easy for the Inty version).
"Space Debris ahead! Watch out!"
don't stay to long in orbit or you run out of fuel and have to land (it lands automatically if the fuel runs out or when the mission was successful).
Overall i feel it's not such a bad attempt to make a real Space Sim for the 80's, that it has no action or doesn't count points plays no role for this game, you complete a mission and that's it, that's the goal.
the mission is not to blast some evil mothership from the skies, it's a typical Shuttle Mission, onboard a sattelite to repair it.
thus it is a real Space Sim.
alternateîve box art for "Star Wars":
sorry geraldine for being so "unattentive".
the past couple of months i stayed on "AtariAge", thus you know because if my Intellivision, i tok it to my mothers flat to play some games.
i oredered me a "LTO Flash!" card on which i can pull quadruple of the amount of games which exist at all for this console.
the progress the homebrew developers made in the past two years is enormous, there have been created a lot of new games, mostly thanks to a BASIC SDK.
the Inty eats up all of my time recently, and >200 games are a lot to try out... i don't know where to start, if not with one i already know.
A lot of kind ppl, and stuff to create from my side as well, i'm up to create box arts for games which never will be released on a cartridge.
but the shit looks good on the computer if all games have their own boxes.
something in topic of SSC (while not especially Pioneer, i thought about to open a thread for vintage space games)
Do you know the "RCA Studio II programmer"
it was a fail as console and hit the marked in 1978 when atari started out, unfortunately it's only b&w and the games shedule is quite short (13).
there was later derivates of this machine "in color".
one dev. (decle) automated the conversion of the machine language written games to a "Studio II" emulator, a emulator to use on a vintage console, quite uncommon.
(he even made a more uncommon "simulator" of a absolutely rare system the "Unisonic Champion 1127", it's colored (wow!) but the games are even less, five officially published, almost all are card games and the controller of this console has only two buttons to control the games, "yes" & "no" (and a reset button, very useful to have it on the controller).
however the most debated game is "Star Wars" i guess, it wasn't released for the "Studio II" but for the systems based on the same processor which came after it (clones of, such as the "Hanimex MPT-02" read here:
Debated was for sure that this can't be a official "star wars" title, but the game is cool for this age, you fly a X-Wing in a dogfight against a Tie-fighter. they are to recognize as the ships by the (quite rough) shape.
however i like the game, even if it's far to easy, but it's a space game and a star-wars title from the early early 80's and that's quite something.
the emulator to really try out the "MPC-02" or "Studio II" would be "Emma O2" which runs all of the "superchip" based consoles and computers.
freaking enough to dig such out and create emulators, even more freaking to create homebrews for it, which exist, up to a sort of Pac-Man as far as it's to recognize that it is "pac-man" or "space invaders" the graphics of the superchip are supercheap.
and such is the developers handbook titled "the cheap graphics computer".
but i like the "StudioVision" best it emulates the "Studio II" on my Intellivision.
Your Intellivision post shows up twice for me. Hopefully the site's posting problems are fixed now. Look at the SSC Administration forum for information on that.
I have some questions and comments about Phoenix. First, I really like the quotations on the startup screen.
You asked above if I'd like to do a test, placing bases around a planet's equator every 5 degrees. Do you still want me to do that? It would have to be a planet without surface water. When I accidentally put a base in water in my hometowns mod, the game would automatically put it someplace else. I'm sure it's to prevent bases in water on procedurally generated planets. I could try it on the Moon in the current Linux build if that would do.
Petra is at 61 Cygni. Cagnoli's home seems too dark. Flying above the planet, I see a light brown horizon, but when looking down the ground is dark. I don't know if that's because of the lighting change mentioned above. It's the only place she's been other than Earth, so I'm not sure.
I think the docking detection area on the outdoor1_4 may be too small. She had to land precisely in the center of the number for the landing to register. She earned enough money to buy an autopilot, but even though the landing looked good it didn't register and caused some damage. The second try at landing worked.
I get a low frame rate near cities running on Linux and WINE. I had the idea to try what walterar did with Scout Plus and put in the Linux executable, but I can't find one for alpha 31. Does one exist? Perhaps I can compile it from source first, if I can find that.
Hi Gernot, I don't know how to access the PM system now, but my last post in this thread was about my Pioneer thread passing 100,000 views. I was just thanking and you, and all the other folk who worked on Pioneer through the years for all their wonderful work. 🙂
Messing around with an Intellivision Gernot? Cool! 😀
Which wich rided me when im posted the StudioVision stuff here?
It doesn't belongs here!
I guess this still can happen, some posts vanished for me in "PC and Console Gaming" (where dammit the Studiovision belongs to and i even started a new thread about the "generation 0.5" of programmable home entertainment systems (pre Atari2600).
Phew i totally lost the idea what it was about i asked you, my mind is full of Intellivision, i wrote i own this cool thingy now to hold all the games and additionally a very kind collector gifted me an Intellivoice expansion (imagine the first was broken. he stuffed cartridges in the box because "it costs me the same for shipping", after i posted him that it didn't works he immidiatly sended my a different one, older used but working again wit additional cartridges, the first was CIB unused - complete in box, damned i speak like a collector already).
I remember (or start to, i have to warm up the reactor), it must have been because of my old problem with the unprecise result of pi in the game, or whatever causes the wrong results, but i can't recently remember that i asked you for help? however that's a nice offer.
recently it isn't important, if at all i would have get into it again first, if i think about Pioneer now or read my old posts i wonder that it was me who wrote and created all that, it's hidden in a misty cloud, but once started it will come back.
(and i'm thinking about to get into IntyBASIC how can i manage all this?)
i will have to reads the old posts, but it has getting late - erm early in the morning.
Yes it's a wonderful toy, it makes me feel i'm 16 again, better 16 with the experiences of a 52 years old.
And the community is a bunch of playful people, we joke a lot and have in general a good time.
developers, hardware devs, players, collectors.
off topic:
we had a competition to color a "Running Man", other "Intellivision" or "IntellivisionRevolution" adverts/posters.
like to see my entry?
I wouldn't say it has no competitors even if one posted "Well, then. No need to finish my running-man attempt!".
Judge yourself:
When i passed this euphoria i will pick up both Phoenix and FFED3D again, but i guess it will keep me very busy for the next time.
I have 200 games to explore 😉
oh my, not all but some fascinate me extremely, recently it's an unreleased procedural generated AD&D game.
This is twice of interest for me, first because i like this game and because there is no manual to it it is a challenge to play it and to explore the clues of it. Second because it's procedural generated, i like to force the homebrew devs to use this more, this is the intelligent in Intellivision.
even if that is off topic to a clip of it though you get an idea of this old game,
Also visit my new threads to "PC & console Gaming" if you like to.