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[Sticky] !! Pioneer Question Time !! - Ask them here

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Noble Member

Any questions that do not warrant a fresh topic can be asked here.

Topic starter Posted : December 23, 2010 06:16
Noble Member

Original post:

Please post your Pioneer related questions here to save the board being spammed by 1 reply topics.

They Will be answered here. πŸ™‚

Possible v7 bug - Loading v6 saved game crashes Pioneer

Saves are not compatible between Alpha releases currently.


Possible bug in Selling illegal goods

Unless Tomm has changed this the Goods trader does not work as intended.

Bulletin board doesnt work?

It does, simply accelerate time ahead and the board will populate itself.

Are Fuel Scoops available for the Eagle LRF?

No, thats a gameplay decision, some ships don't have the ability to fit them.

How do I do X, Y or Z?

Go here: ... =Main_Page

My ship does not use correct values for acceleration

Save and reload.

Help, doing action X crashes my game

Don't do 'action X' then

Topic starter Posted : December 23, 2010 06:16
Noble Member


Topic starter Posted : December 23, 2010 06:17
Famed Member
s20dan wrote:
Help, doing action X crashes my game

Don't do 'action X' then

πŸ˜† Good advice there S20dan!

Posted : December 23, 2010 08:42
Noble Member
Geraldine wrote:

πŸ˜† Good advice there S20dan!

If it works.... πŸ˜‰

Its like those Doctor Doctor jokes.


Patient : Doctor, Doctor, it hurts when I.....*insert action here*

Doctor : Then Don't....*insert action here*

Topic starter Posted : December 23, 2010 09:03
Active Member

First of all, congratulations on all the amazing work you have achieved so far.

I have a question which I guess could also be interpreted as a request ... would it be possible to implement a headlight feature which is attached to the underside of each craft and can be angled forwards or aftwards? The only reason really is that due to the light model in Pioneer, you can't see what you're landing on if you're trying to land on the dark side of a planet, and whilst you can use the altimeter to gauge your height, it would really help if you could actually see the terrain below.

I was imagining something like a helicopter searchlight, with an effective range of like one or two kilometres before the atmosphere scatters the light away. It could be purchasable at the shipyard or standard issue on all craft.

If it's too much trouble, please say, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask. πŸ™‚

Posted : December 24, 2010 02:47
Noble Member

Thats a good idea.

Many ships do have a light like this, except that the light will not shine on other objects, so its already half-way there.

I'll look into it, but off the top of my head I wouldn't know how to add it.

I might ask Tom about it, (he'll know what to do) as I could see this being a neat little feature.

Topic starter Posted : December 24, 2010 04:52
Estimable Member

Yeah, good idea. Would also make the game more atmospheric, i.m.o. Exploring a deep dark canyon with a searchlight. In the game Mechwarrior 2, your mech was equipped with the so called "image enhancement" system. It basically turned everything into a wireframe VR like environment which also looked nice. This way, you won't enjoy the terrain graphics but it does look cool in a sci-fi way and you'll be able to see everything. In later Mechwarrior games, the image enhancement was replaced by "light amplification mode", which was basically just night vision. Not really a request though, I was just having nice memories about a nice game series.

But good idea! I like it πŸ˜‰ .

Posted : December 24, 2010 07:57
Eminent Member

Is it possible to use real star catalogs for the names, positions, and types of star systems (i.e. colour and size of star, number of stars, mass of stars)? This would allow at least a larger part of the galactic map made from real star data. If the real astronomy programs (i.e. Celestia, Red Shift, etc.) can do it, I'm sure you guys could.

Celestia knows about more than 100,000 stars, by default. There's add-ons for it that boost that number past 2 million stars, and that download only occupies 35 MB, which is peanuts in the broadband age.

The Guide Star Catalog has information about roughly 10% of the stars in our galaxy (more than 940 million of the 100 billion or so).

Even if you had real star data for stars of a certain magnitude or higher, the rest of the galaxy's dimmer stars could then be populated using the random name/star type generation tool.

Planets would (and should) still be generated in the same way as is being done now (which is awesome, by the way), regardless whether they are around real stars or seed-generated ones.

Posted : December 29, 2010 05:16
Noble Member

I've asked for the same thing. Tomm basically said that the galaxy generator will stay much as it is through Pioneer 1.0. After that he'll look into adding stuff like that. See The Balancing Act thread page 3.

Posted : December 30, 2010 04:28
Estimable Member

I have a question! What are the chances of some improved ati compatibility? My desktop if fine as it has a geforce 9500gt, but I just got a new laptop which has an ati radeon hd 4250 which has major problems with the game. At start, an error message tells me it has to start with shaders disabled. Even then, planets tend to turn completely invisible when I get close or when I load my game.

Posted : December 31, 2010 06:30
New Member

Hi everyone,

i did a quick look on the alpha 7 and it was a real nice looking!

On startup got an conversion error (4 to 3 component float) on the shader compiler for file postprocessCompose.frag.glsl

replacing line 10 with

col += 0.1 * vec3(texture2DRect(bloomTex, vec2(gl_FragCoord.x*0.25, gl_FragCoord.y*0.25))) ;

solved the problem.

None the less the graphics look a little bit strange sometimes with shaders enabled (z-fighting)

My config: Win7 64, Core i3, ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470

Keep going on!


Posted : January 1, 2011 11:24
Trusted Member

I got it installed on two PCs, a win7 netbook and winXP desktop

It runs fine on netbook, but I get out of range on the desktop and can't find anywhere to change it

Posted : January 2, 2011 03:31
Noble Member
It runs fine on netbook, but I get out of range on the desktop and can't find anywhere to change it

Thats resolution related, you need to change the resolution but you cant get into the game to do that. So you simply edit the .ini file: C:/Users/*name*/AppData/Local/Pioneer/config.ini

Location may change with operating system.

On startup got an conversion error (4 to 3 component float) on the shader compiler for file postprocessCompose.frag.glsl


At start, an error message tells me it has to start with shaders disabled.

Got a feeling that those bugs are fixed, can you both try out the Alpha 7.5 please and confirm if its still in that? I messed up the packaging of alpha 7 a little so some older shaders were included with that, but thats fixed in alpha 7.5, or at least I think it is πŸ™‚

Pioneer Alpha 7.5 WIP

And the fix for alpha7.5


Topic starter Posted : January 2, 2011 06:27
Estimable Member
s20dan wrote:

Got a feeling that those bugs are fixed, can you both try out the Alpha 7.5 please and confirm if its still in that? I messed up the packaging of alpha 7 a little so some older shaders were included with that, but thats fixed in alpha 7.5, or at least I think it is πŸ™‚

I tried it and the error message no longer comes up and planets dont seem to be disappearing any more! .. unfortunately there still seem to be problems. The colours on planets appear quite intense with or without shaders enabled, moreso with hdr enabled. Earth's moon for example is red with green blotches. Great work though! It's getting closer πŸ˜€

Posted : January 3, 2011 07:13
Active Member

Here a possible bug I have found in v7 : some missions in the BB have the wrong title for destination,

it often occurs when there is 2 or more missions to the same system.

for example :

1st mission (good one)

title: Need a fast ship to go to the Olack system

content: packet to deliver to the Olack system .......

2nd mission (wrong one = bug)

title : Going to Olack system ?

content : packet to deliver to the Ross 154 system .....

(and here, the real destination is Ross 154)


and congratulations for all the good work

Posted : January 4, 2011 03:18
Trusted Member

Bug, I saved up for a class 4 military drive and miitary fuel, yet it says 'insuficient fuel (1t required)' when I have 30t

Posted : January 4, 2011 04:07
Honorable Member

Just found this game infinity is dragging its heels good to see a development progressing eve online blows

So got the alpha 7 realise and love it.

A quick question are there plans for a system whereby as u explore and trade u will have an impact on colony development - ie if u trade into a outlying system a lot it will upgrade, population grow it will become better defended or the system itself will upgrade and degrade dynamically * if u turn pirate * u can cause a system to become a pirate heaven production drops and so forth

And also are there plans for dynamic expansion and dying of outlying colonies u know those thousands of explored and unexplored systems where if u head out with some equipment u can setup a colony of youre own or u will be given missions to take out and setup equipment for a colony 1000 light years from earth and once the mission is complete it becomes a part of the game map. U and the AI ships then expand to incorprate make it thrive or kill it off

Or is the aim of this game more a space sim and outlying areas remain kind of only of use as high pirate levels mining and basic interaction or are there long term plans for a space sim but with influencing factors that make the world grow change based on youre acitons

Posted : January 4, 2011 04:46
Noble Member
celticfang wrote:
Bug, I saved up for a class 4 military drive and miitary fuel, yet it says 'insuficient fuel (1t required)' when I have 30t

Was that for alpha 7.5?

If so, try this fix:

[attachment=383:Alpha7.5 fix.7z]

Let me know if that works for you, I only tested it on 2 ships; the Panther and the Police Viper.

Topic starter Posted : January 4, 2011 14:33
Trusted Member

It was Alpha 7 and happened on any ship I can fit a class 4 in. I usually use a Sirius Interdictor ora Panther

I'll try 7.5 with your fix now

Posted : January 5, 2011 03:25
Honorable Member

so how close is alpha 8.0 to being let loose

Posted : January 5, 2011 04:54
Trusted Member
celticfang wrote:
It was Alpha 7 and happened on any ship I can fit a class 4 in. I usually use a Sirius Interdictor ora Panther

I'll try 7.5 with your fix now

Am I missing something? I'm using your fix and can't find fuel for ANY ship, I buy luck. I buy miitary luck either

Love the new textures though

Posted : January 5, 2011 05:38
Honorable Member

are u using a military drive on a civilian ship ?

Posted : January 5, 2011 07:27
Trusted Member

Same with a civlian hyperdrive, I can't buy fuel for both.

If I use a military drive, military fuel doesn't work

Civilian drive, buy hydrogen, no fuel for that either

Posted : January 5, 2011 07:33
Honorable Member

Erm interesting wonder if theres any fixes planned

Posted : January 5, 2011 14:58
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