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Working on improvements to Source, also hello

Crewman Registered
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I am amazed that I have not ever heard of Pioneer, at the moment it is simple but brilliant in terms of flight mechanics, galaxy generation and the procedural generator is a good start. The best feature of course is the open source engine, I'm a concept artist and 3D modeler, though I also love to modify code, my favorite being C++. I am working on my own sci fi universe called Union, along with models for a Elite Clone, though first I am making the changes/improvements I need to the Pioneer engine first.

I'll keep this short because what I previously spent time was erased when my window refreshed. I'm working on adding in:
-New political factions, 73-74 in total, assigned to Left-Right Wings, Political Compass Quads and Grouping based on those you find in the Elite Dangerous BGS. Prepping for implementing a 2 way interactive BGS system (You interact with the AI, AI interacts with you and other AIs based on you actions)
-New Economies, various capitalist economies, Market Socialism, Mutualism, Planned Economy has been replaced with Communism. I have also created new enums for system monetary wealth and resource wealth (this may also be per faction and district/city/starport), with Communist economies having post currency and either Utopian or Shared Burden conditions based on access to resources.
-New Industries, most of them from Elite Dangerous.
-New commodities for the industries, almost 700 or more I have to finish coding.
-Districts for cities.
-Multiple factions per District/Starport, along with each starport/District being assigned an industry type.
-Populations are generated for every District/Starport, making up total population of a city/system.

Maybe at some point Pioneer will beat even Elite Dangerous to space legs 😀 .
If the dev team needs any help with coding, procedural generation, modelling or concept art I would be happy to assist. I registered for the Pioneer dev forum, though I am yet to get my confirmation, which is why I'm posting here.

here is my artstation:

Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 294

Contributors are gladly welcome. 🙂 I'd point you towards our irc channel and github right away, we mostly hang out and work there.
The channel is usually the most active during UTC daytime and evenings.

Nice artstation by the way, I've followed you. 🙂

Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 294

Contributors are gladly welcome. 🙂 I'd point you towards our irc channel and github right away, we mostly hang out and work there. We also have a dev forum, but it's more to collect stuff these days.
The channel is usually the most active during UTC daytime and evenings.

Nice artstation by the way, I've followed you. 🙂

Captain Registered
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 1970

Welcome aboard! Models for an Elite clone, eh?

Oolite Naval Attaché
