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Salvation Prophecy pics

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Jabberwocky has uploaded some pics into the Salvation Prophecy gallery and here is a few on them. Nice to see Salvation Prophecy coming together and the little things matter. Like the weather effects and the action around you in the ground battles. I love the engines on that ship 🙂 I wonder if Salvation Prophecy will eventually have destructable environment or least show craters on explosions and gun fire effects on the surfaces of impact. Is that number in the right corner the FPS?

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Nice pics there Darkone. Wonder if there will be an option to fly from a cockpit view and fight on foot in first person mode. I know it's not essential but it would be nice.

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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So everything from a first person perspective. I cannot honestly remember from my readings on Salvation Prophecy if those gameplay views. I'm sure Jabberwocky will chime in on this one.

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Thanks Darkone for getting us set up with the gallery and the dedicated forum. It's a pleasure to show off the game's progress to such a cool crowd here at SSC.

Darkone wrote:
I wonder if Salvation Prophecy will eventually have destructable environment or least show craters on explosions and gun fire effects on the surfaces of impact.

Any explosive weapon will leave a big scorch mark on the planet surface. Right now, there's 2 weapons that do this:

    [*:nvx997vm]the Drone Unity (screenshot 3&5 above) character's rocket launcher

    [*:nvx997vm]the Wyr (screenshot 4) character's thrown bombs.

Darkone wrote:
Is that number in the right corner the FPS?

Yeah. It's from a program called FRAPs which can be used to measure framerate, take screenshots, and record video. Usually the framerate doesn't show up in the screenshots, not sure why it did this time. Weird. 😯

Geraldine wrote:
Nice pics there Darkone. Wonder if there will be an option to fly from a cockpit view and fight on foot in first person mode. I know it's not essential but it would be nice.

Hi Geraldine!

Thanks for the compliment on the screenshots. 🙂

Our plan is just to stick with a 3rd person view. For a straight-up space sim, I agree it's definitely wise to provide both options, if possible. But each separate view takes a lot of tweaking to get right. Since Salvation Prophecy is such an expansive game (the space sim is just part of it), we decided to just pick one view (3rd person), stick to it, and make it really good, instead of splitting our time and making two half-decent views.

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Awesome pic,like to see some new vids of the game in action.

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Can we see more space pics ... please ? 😀

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SolCommand wrote:
Can we see more space pics ... please ? 😀

Alrighty! I've uploaded a few more images to the Salvation Prophecy gallery, and linked to them below.

The first two are shots of a wormhole stabilizer ring, and then wormhole travel.

Master Chief Registered
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Oops - ignore that little "preview" bar that shows up on the first two.

For a guy whose programming an entire game by himself, I'm remarkably useless at taking screenshots. 😳

Commander Registered
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Thx for screens.

Well, the game looks really cool m8. Nice work so far !

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Some good work there in those shots Jabberwocky. I really like the engine trails and warp tunnel effects.

Jabberwocky how do you get down to the planet surface? Do you get close to the planet and the game loads or can you actually fly down to the planet.

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farcodev wrote:
Jabberwocky wrote:
Oops - ignore that little "preview" bar that shows up on the first two.

For a guy whose programming an entire game by himself, I'm remarkably useless at taking screenshots. 😳

My god, you dev that by yourself 😯 FUCKING GREAT work ! 😀


Definitely a lot of work for one man, and well done, too.

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Darkone wrote:
Some good work there in those shots Jabberwocky. I really like the engine trails and warp tunnel effects.

Thanks! It's a never ending battle deciding between graphics improvements and gameplay code, but you want to have at least a little eye-candy. 🙂

Darkone wrote:
Jabberwocky how do you get down to the planet surface? Do you get close to the planet and the game loads or can you actually fly down to the planet.

It's just proximity - fly towards the planet, and when you're close enough you get a fade-out/fade-in to the planet landscape.

Master Chief Registered
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farcodev wrote:
My god, you dev that by yourself 😯 FUCKING GREAT work ! 😀

Thanks! To be clear though- I'm not creating the artwork myself. I've got a couple awesome artists who are creating the raw art assets for me, and I integrate it from there. I can hardly draw, let alone model. When I sketch a stick-man, it usually has the wrong number of arms. 😉
