Obi-Wan Kenobi a se...
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Obi-Wan Kenobi a series?

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The on off film of Kenobi may have been pick up again by Disney but this time if the current internet rumours are to be believed, they are thinking about doing it as a series with Ewan Mcgregor back as Kenobi.

Again according to rumour the series may take the same format as the Mandalorian.

This topic was modified 3 years ago by DarkOne

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Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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I swear you an I talked about this a few months back but couldn't find the post, but here is a little info on it

99 Star General Site Moderator
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Posted by: @sscadmin

I swear you an I talked about this a few months back but couldn't find the post, but here is a little info on it

Same here, must have been in another thread as I could not find the post about it. As the guys in the vid said a 6 hour series is a better way to go with these adventures as the films seem to have burned themselves out. 

Gaius Konstantine
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The films gentlemen didn't burn themselves out, they committed suicide. All the inconsistencies, ridiculous flip-fops and thinly veiled remake of Return of the Jedi as the Rise of Skywalker were too much. The series entries however are a breath of fresh air and far more immersive. In the end, it will come down to the writing and direction, if it's similar to the Mandalorian, it will be a winner.

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Posted by: @gaius-konstantine

In the end, it will come down to the writing and direction, if it's similar to the Mandalorian, it will be a winner.

I would agree with this, the Mandalorian is a good series. I got disney+ for one month just to watch that. If they do the same thing with Obi-Wan then it will be a great mini series. I think it will be more popular because I think McGregor will bring in a lot of eyes because he reprises his role.

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We should get to see yoda in it as Kenobi know where he is as he tells Luke in Empire.

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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They even brought back Hayden Christensen to play his Darth Vader role, so this could be good.... guess I might have to re-up for Disney+ after the end of every season 😉

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Hope we get to see a lot of Vader and here also hoping we don't see a lot of baby Luke or what ever age he is when this take place.

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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This looks really good 🙂


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@sscadmin I agree!!!  The TV series are more interesting, than the latest trilogy!! (Although "Rogue One" was superb, and "Solo" was charming!!)

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Oh no Wesley Crusher alert.

I see that the Boba Fett  series has come in for a bit of a kicking.

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Guess who back.


Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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What is cool is that Hayden Christensen is going to reprise that role, so that will great for the fans. Hope Disney puts this on blu-ray, i don't subscribe to Disney+ or maybe I should to watch these 6 episodes 😉

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Was going to say that I hope Christensen acting ability has improved from the plank he was in the films, but just thinking about it does it really matter who's in the suit, it James Early Jones voice which makes the character. 

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Had a watch of this and kind of in two minds about it, I don't think it's as bad as some have said it is, does have few glaring plot hole in it, but at six episodes it does not out stay it's welcome.

And I don't think they should make any more, they have told the Kenobi story.


Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Posted by: @pinback

And I don't think they should make any more, they have told the Kenobi story.

I like this comment, I like knowing they have told the story to its completion and they won't milk it 🙂 Maybe I will pick this up on blu-ray if they release the series. Or maybe around xmas time I will purchase Disney+ for a month and watch it then. I tried not to read reviews on this one but I have seen some crazy youtube titles bashing this series but I haven't watched them didn't want to spoil it for myself

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Hopefully they wont but as it's Disney who knows.
