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Rebel Moon

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Looks like Zack Snyder after the success of that recent zombie movie on Netflix has been greenlighted to make another movie called Rebel Moon which will be a sci-fi title.

Read more here:


Think this might be a great thing, Netflix has actually been a savior when it comes to sci-fi because Netflix will make the show or movie. So I hope this is successful. Snyder says he wants to turn this into a movie series and if they let Zack do it his way I am sure it will be good. Because I hear the Snyder cut from Justice League is great. So here is hoping this will be a hit for Netflix but its not due to start filming until 2022 🙁 so maybe we get a late 2022 or 2023 release... 

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Sounds a bit like Battle beyond the stars, that super bit of cheese from the 1980s, which was a remake of the Magnificent Seven, which in turn was remake of the Seven samurai and I see Kurosawa gets a mention, although it's in connection with Starwars.

Wonder why Synder did not just say he was just remaking Battle beyond the stars. 🤣 


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Posted by: @pinback

Sounds a bit like Battle beyond the stars

At least he's not doing a film of the '90s game (a Wolfenstein-alike, as I recall).

Oolite Naval Attaché

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Posted by: @cody

At least he's not doing a film of the '90s game (a Wolfenstein-alike, as I recall).

A robot Hitler. 🤣 

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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It comes out in Dec on Netflix
