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Oolite Fiction

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Crikey, I'd forgotten all about this Fan Fiction section. Thanks to tsmspace for reviving it.

All Oolite fiction, including my own contributions, can be found via the Oolite Wiki here.


Oolite Naval Attaché

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Posted by: @cody

Crikey, I'd forgotten all about this Fan Fiction section. Thanks to tsmspace for reviving it.

All Oolite fiction, including my own contributions, can be found via the Oolite Wiki here.


so, if I recall,, oolite is a generic take on the "classic elite" games, correct? So,, since elite has a really specific story, I assume that oolite fiction is basically all and any stories centered on the gaming concept and produced by oolite players? 

anyway that's pretty good,, like a public domain open source story database. I think more storiy-worlds should be that way. (maybe all of the major ones). For example, star wars. Star Wars is not exclusively a franchise. It is by now also separately a culture. It is a bigger thing that the franchise, and is costed dearly by being controlled (and limited) by an entity. 

I think Star Wars should move into the public domain by now. Instead of being controlled into coherent stories,, the history of SW stories could be sorted on a forum or perhaps a set of pages like how github is organized. Enthusiastic fans could create accounts, start projects, gather contributors, and pull from the story-database into their own unique worlds, or describe the worlds they are coherent with. Releases could have version numbers, and be listed and referenced both in other projects, and in moderated threads that also organize the projects. Single projects could be coherent with multiple versions of worlds, people's stories could be new or merely remembered, or mildly tweaked and with change descriptions, etc. This would be very helpful for many story-enthusiasts, as it would officially establish a common language. Lightsabers can just be lightsabers, jedi can just be jedi, no matter how different from the leading SW universes. If a story is intended to be coherent with one of a few leading universes, then that universe can be cited, or if the universe needs to be tailored, changes can be described in that project. Likely most will be some variety of blend of the few major universes, and specific inclusions can be referenced, as well as specific exclusions if needed. A forum and threads could probably do it, but it might be easier to have a "story-git" if the concept is a hit. 

when it's time for a major motion picture, it can use the database or not. But, for the commoner with enthusiasm who wants a minor publication,, they can just say x-wing, and it's acceptable. They can just be in star wars and everyone will know what is meant. 

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Posted by: @tsmspace

... oolite is a generic take on the "classic elite" games, correct? So,, since elite has a really specific story, I assume that oolite fiction is basically all and any stories centered on the gaming concept and produced by oolite players?

Correct - if one had played classic Elite, one would recognise Oolite immediately.

Oolite Naval Attaché
