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Cry Havoc!

Master Chief Registered
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We’re running at fever pitch here as development pauses while we start fine tuning for the First Playable Beta. A whole host of particle effects and shaders have been tweaked and added just for the sheer glory of it with a dramatic musical score thrown in for good measure.

But don’t take our word for it, check out the latest preview video ‘Galore!’

Nobody is more excited than we - now a mere are days away from releasing the First Playable of the new Shallow Space!

In the preview you’ll get to roam around a 30 Zone area, complete sample quests, fit modules, play with inventory – but the main idea of it is to test things like the controls in these early days as we roll in content and fixes, thick and fast.

Learn more about it, along with some excitable developer rant in ‘Cry Havoc!’


Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 7888

In that animated gif, is that your new ship firing that sweet weapon? That looks great.


Nice video of the combat between two factions, which ones were they? Can ramming be a tactic used by some of the bigger ships against smaller, could a bigger ship survive a ramming and continue to fight?
