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10 games for 2022

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And it's 2022 and another games list to follow in the coming year and we have a few roll over from last year as well, thing may well be slowing down or it could just be the effect of the ongoing pandemic maybe they will appear this year.
First let's get the elephant in the corner out of the way first.

You know the routine big budget game, Skyrim in space, probably overhyped and not much has been said about it so far. might be out the end of the year.



Falling Frontiers
Conquer a vast procedurally generated star system in Falling Frontier, a sci-fi RTS where intel and logistics are decisive factors.
Design ships and raid enemy supply lines, lay minefields and construct recon stations, and ambush enemy forces within asteroid fields and nebulae.



Out There:Oceans Of Time
Sequel to Out There and should be out around about 10 of Feb.
And is a space exploration game that puts you at the helm of an interstellar mission of discovery spanning a vast and vibrant cosmos.



Flight of Nova
Maybe around about May maybe.
Flight of Nova is a space and atmospheric flight simulator in which you control spacecraft on and around NVA-31, a full-scale planet.
You will fly an assortment of craft doing transport and research missions in an environment with realistic aerodynamics and orbital physics.



Apparently still on the way and I do believe the demo is still on
Battle storms, chase monsters, trade, mine, and explore the galaxy in this richly detailed, hand-crafted, open world space-shooter!


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worlds of the future
Maybe this year.
Worlds Of The Future is a sci-fi open world, action/adventure game. Explore a fully seamless solar system full of adventures, mysteries and colourful characters. Build your space delivery company, climb the company rankings and become a legend among the worlds!



Zero point
Not much has been heard about this and the demo does not work.
Zero-Point is a 3D space roguelike inspired by the indie hit FTL: Faster Than Light. Take control of a cruiser-sized spaceship crewed with up to 4 starting crew members, and travel through many regions of hostile space on your mission to save the Star Federation.



Odyssey: Your Space, Your Way
Published by 505 games, again not much known about it, but does have space farts.
It’s up to you and your crew to Build, Explore, and Manage your team to get enough resources for the next big jump to a habitable planetary system. The future of humanity literally depends on it!



Solar sail:space pirates
Again nothing much been heard about the game but still appears to be in development.
Take control of a space pirate ship in a satirical action-adventure game inspired by Treasure Planet and Star Control. Upgrade it with powerful alien technologies and sail onwards to plunder a galaxy full of treasures and mysteries.



Trigon space story
Another FTL clone and there is a demo of the game.
Space roguelike adventure. Take a chance to become a spaceship captain and lead your own crew, make pivotal decisions, and inevitably win tactical battles. Uncover the mysteries of the galaxy, among which is the star of Trigon, the most sinister and enigmatic one.


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Posted by: @pinback

Trigon space story

For a second, I thought that might be based on The Trigon Disunity, which is an excellent sci-fi trilogy.

Oolite Naval Attaché

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Maybe the dev a fan of the books.

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My picks from this list: Worlds of the Future, Underspace, Solar Sail: Space Pirates and Out There: Oceans Of Time!! 

99 Star General Site Moderator
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Mine would be StarField as long as you have a ship and not just a hub as in Mass Effect along with Ocean of time and Worlds of the future.

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Starfield.... doubt we will see it this year personally, we have still yet to see some serious gameplay... but I am rooting for them to get it right and not do a fallout 76. So surprise me Bethesda and get your reputation back again. 

Worlds of the Future... definitely looks good but will they finish it in 2022... steam still says unknown on release date

Underspace... looks good too, they did just put out a new demo and big info update 2 days ago: and the steam page says its releasing in 2022 🙂

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Nice to see Underspace some news.


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Thanks for sharing your top 10 games list for 2022! I'm really excited to see what this year has in store for gamers. StarField sounds like it's going to be a massive hit and I can't wait to get my hands on it. I'm a big fan of Skyrim, so a game set in space with that same level of depth and exploration is definitely up my alley.

This post was modified 1 year ago by JeffreyBea8
This post was modified 1 year ago by DarkOne

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Posted by: @jeffreybea8

Thanks for sharing your top 10 games list for 2022! I'm really excited to see what this year has in store for gamers. StarField sounds like it's going to be a massive hit and I can't wait to get my hands on it. I'm a big fan of Skyrim, so a game set in space with that same level of depth and exploration is definitely up my alley.

If they do Starfield right and support it I wouldn't be surprised if it has the longevity of Skyrim and people are playing it for the next 15yrs, if modding is easy this game will be around a while.
