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Crewman Registered
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Well the thing is that I don't really need a game literally. I need a program. Simulation maybe. It's all about the experience.

But get to details.


I always loved SF, space and everything similar. I loved spaceships, space travels, space adventures. I loved to watch Battlestar Galactica or my favorite TV series Star Trek: Enterprise. But it was always about "realism" if you could call it that way (that's why I'm on the side of Star Trek instead of Star Wars, but that's subject for another topic. Although this discussion could not have any sense in my opinion).


The most fascinating and my favorite experience (that's what I'm looking for) was playing Dark Space.


Hey. Stop. How does this relate to things you said before? - you could ask. Here's the explanation.


For those who played this game it will be easier to understand. Going through entire space ship. Through decks. Engineering. Bridge. O2 production zone. Hangar. Don't mind the necromorphs for now. Don't mind the "horror". Let's focus on operating the Ishimura. Getting engines to work. Clearing hangars. Deactivating mining drills. Activating something on the bridge. Repairing damaged systems. Trespassing through vacuum. Yeah. Vacuum. My favorite thing in DS. Going back and forth through doors that led to decompressed areas and watching that glorious effect of air being suck out to emptiness. That deep and heavy sound (there should be none but it was amazingly done) emanates like in solid material, not air (though it was vacuum, but nvm).


I've completed the game several times. Had my savepoints near the most fascinating things that led to activating/deactivating/repairing or whatsoever. I liked to repeat several parts over and over again.


I've played this way orbiter too. Entire activating procedure of DeltaGlider IV, orbiting, randez-vous with ISS, docking, refueling, crew transfer, shutting down entire craft, activating again, getting pilot back inside, undocking, deorbiting, reentry, landing, refueling and crew transfer (with shutting down and back on entire craft) and so on..


I'm looking for something that will give me some more fun in the way i described it above.


I like FTL too. Managing crew to ship systems, and boarding, damaging specific ship modules etc. Starsector was great fun for me too, but I'd really like to operate one specific ship (especially the capital ship) not entire fleet. FTL was amazing but lacks in open world and sandbox-type gameplay. Starsector is great but lacks little more complexity of single ship (it's my opinion, but the thing is you need to operate entire fleet, that's why)


I've even enjoyed pointless exploration of random systems in Space Engine (spent my time on observations like 10-12 hours in one weekend lol)


The next thing I'm waiting for is for sure No man's sky (love the freedom and sandbox concept) but more of that (and even more than Star Citizen or E:D) I'm waiting for Rogue System.


When i watch this presentation:

My excitement reaches it's top levels 😀

And when I saw that ship startup video is split on two parts... Don't even ask.



Well. So now when you know what I mean through word Experience could you recommend me something? 🙂



P.S. Sorry for so long post, but I needed to explain you in details what I mean through one simple word 🙂

Crewman Registered
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Take a look here:

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Hah its a long post so as I was getting to the halfway point I was thinking "man, this guy really needs to check out Rogue System....  oh".  

Crewman Registered
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@imshrike Yup, I know this game. But [as I forgot to mention in previous post) I don't like "god" perspective. I would prefer to act as a single character, maybe few characters that I can change. There are of course a lot of exceptions like FTL that I told about or having this 'god' perspective where you can act with multiple characters, but you start with your personal character/captain with a crew or not (like in pixel piracy).


Of course any game could make the point, maybe one of them gonna meet my expectations but I'll definitely try this game when it's released if it gonna have some freeroaming in open world.


@LeoCeballos Well, I'm fallowing space sim genre from when I first played Freelancer in 2008 I think. From years ago I was interested in space at every detail. In physich, gaming, research, even UFO's and some religious aspects. Conspiracies and theories. Speculations and facts. Science and fantasy. Movies and literature.


aaand I'm creating another long post so I'll stop 😀


Just post your ideas or games/simulations/projects or whatever you've played/seen and I'll take a look. I will be grateful for every answer.

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Pulsar lost colony.

Warrant Officer Registered
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Elite Dangerous:

For the purposes of exploring space, I think Elite: Dangerous is going to be very very nice.  The price right now is rather high, but it goes down as it gets further in development.  


Anyway, the stars in ED are real, meaning that cataloged stars are in the game, and they have their actual spectral class and relative location.  Discovered planets are also added.  The remaining systems which are procedurally generated and are created by a monte carlo used by astrophysicists to study planetary formation, so the star systems should be as realistic as you can ever get in a game.  Fortunately it is possible to really enjoy this since you can freely warp about the system.  They promise seamless planetary landings and walking in ships in expansions.  With the addition of planetary landings exploration alone will be fairly spectacular.  I really hope it is a higher priority for them than walking in ships.


The downside however is that the flight model is completely unrealistic, and very arcade-like (depending on your definition).  It feels remarkably like X-Wing despite some very distinctive quirks (granted it has now been years since I've played any version of X-Wing).  The aforementioned quirks are also not peculiarities of particular ships, but universal features of the flight model (which FD is extremely dogmatic about), which I feel is a missed opportunity.  This is not necessarily a terrible thing, but if you are looking for immersion you won't get it (assuming you have any understanding of physics) because you will not be able to feel like you are piloting a spaceship.  Ironically, as far as I know the underlying physics of the game engine itself are Newtonian (a statement that might seem hard to reconcile with my previous ones, but for details you can check out their wiki) and sometimes that will shine through beautifully such as during ship collisions.


Evochron Mercenary:

An extremely under-rated game that I think you'll enjoy is Evochron Mercenary, available on Steam.  It has seamless planetary transitions (including the ability to land) and a realistic flight model.  (When I say realistic I mean that the physics of ship movement are Newtonian, except that there is a modest speed limit due to technical limitations, not necessarily that the translational and angular velocities involved are "realistic".)  In Evochron the speed limit is high enough that you will often lose that feeling of their being an absolute velocity, more so than in IWar2 (Independence War), an unusual attribute which I think is Evochron's strongest.  The trading/outfitting aspects of the game are poorly done however, it seems that for some reason the developer treated these things as very low priority.  It was developed by a lone individual, so I'm sure he had to prioritize.  The combat is nice for the most part, but not quite as nicely tuned as in IWar2.  This is not helped by the AI, which, while not terrible, uses pretty much the same tactics all the time.



This is new, and also available on Steam.  I was much more impressed than I thought I'd be, despite the primitive ship graphics, the game is beautiful and has trance-inducing music.  The developer was saying he wanted a cross between Elite and Morrowind, which seems an absurdly overambitious aspiration (certainly it has lightyears to go before it's there) but the demo convinced me this may be somewhat more feasible than when I originally saw and scoffed at that statement.  In my opinion the game isn't really worth playing in its current early state, but there is a demo available, and you may disagree.  Whether the game turns out to be amazing or just a passing curiosity I suspect depends on the rate at which the developer adds content more than anything else.


Limit Theory:

This isn't out yet.  It first came onto the scene in the golden age of kickstarter, where lots of projects that were never going to be finished were getting lots of attention.  The novel idea here is that EVERYTHING is procedural.  To give you an idea of the extent of it, when you look at videos and screenshots remember that not a single model was created by hand for the game, even the ships and stations are completely procedural.  When I first heard about it I dismissed it, thinking that nobody could write procedural algorithms good enough to actually make such a game interesting, but at some point I started following the development videos and have been extremely impressed.  If successful, this could be a really big deal, since I think one of the fundamental problems with Elite-type games is that since progression is so non-linear it is really hard to add enough content to give people something to do over hundreds of hours (though oddly some people are perfectly happy to do trade runs for hundreds of hours).  If LT is as good as it looks, it could potentially solve this problem without adding some sort of linear progression like leveling.  Perhaps this game doesn't belong in the post, but I'm excited about it, so there it is.



It's a different type of experience, sure.  A very multi-player one.  But, it is the only game of it's type which has enough content to keep you busy for thousands of hours.



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For actual space flight, the best is Jumpgate.

Crewman Registered
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Thanks for so exhausting response 😀


But let's move on. Well, I've bought E:D and DLC pass for all future DLCs and for now, I've got little bored of it (not much things to do) and I'm awaiting future updates. Gonna play this game so much but first it need to expanse itself (it's Beta so...)


Evochron? Well, I've played that one too. A little bit, or more than a bit. Great game. Great ideas and I love those planetary landings without any loading screens. But I've never get used to it. Not much things to do, weak ship fitting. No capital ships (or am I wrong?); I've just got bored after few hours of play. I'm not in love for dogfighting in space (if it's the main rule of the game and, for some games, the only one). I like few space fighting sims (I've enjoyed Freelancer a lot and then playing multiplayer on Discovery Mod servers and Starlancer) but they're not the thing I'm looking for. I like complexity and dogfighting for me is simple. Lock target, get in line and shoot. Watch for shields, avoid loosing hull integrity and try to kill everyone.


Of course it's not that simple, you need skill for dogfighting, some games are more complex than i described etc. but if it's only dogfighting - I don't buy it. Let's just avoid games that put you in fighter and tell to kill, intercept, capture or whatever without any other side things to do especially if it's done only in fighter.


Rodina? I saw that game. Amazing. Fallowing it and waiting for future updates to have more things to do. Really love it. I hope for multiplayer 🙂


Limit Theory? Same as above. I'm watching dev logs regularly, and fallowing the project. Can't wait till it's finished. Really.


EVE? I've played 14 days trial. Like it much. Very much. But for now I can't play it. Subscription.. In my country it's much higher to pay for those subscriptions in MMO games than in other. And when I pay for playing I want to play as much as I can, but i can't play that much lol 😀

I would like to buy for those money something for my gf or take her somewhere for dinner or whatever 😀

I can collect money to buy a game. Even Elite: Dangerous which was expensive to buy in beta + DLCs pass. But paying for playing is not thing I like. Maybe if there could be a system for paying this money for a specific amount of hours that you can play. It could change the situation dramatically. But monthly subscriptions? Nah... Sorry guys. It's not my fault that we have fucked up economy and everything from abroad is at least 3 times more expensive (especially in gaming). 


[I'm from Poland btw]


Jumpgate? Well. It's.... It's little to old? Of course i could start taking again about old games that I've played and were totally cool even playing them now (starflight for example which i love to play even today) bu let's skip that.



Few words at the end. I've played games like:

Star Trek: Bridge Commander

Universal combat

Freelancer (+ discovery mod)

Faster Than Light


Dark Space

Dead Space

Star Wolves


Orbiter Space Flight Simulator

Kerbal Space Program

Space Zombies and Pirates (or Pirates and Zombies lol)

Independence War


X series


All of these games had this "something" that I'm looking for in space sim. I can't describe it. It's just the level of immersion into the game that i got by playing those titles.


Anyway thanks for all those replies! I'm waiting for more 🙂

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As Goomich above suggested Pulsar might be worth a look although it not finished by along shot.


Also Wayfarer the game not out and they seem to have gone dark again but it one to keep an eye on.


And last The Precursors very much unfinished and with lots of bugs.

Crewman Registered
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Well, the wayfarer seems promising. I saw this project one day but then forgot about it. Thanks for the reminder 😉
