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Looking for a Realistic Multiplayer Space Sim?

Petty Officer Registered
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Then look no further... This game is amazing. It has a 30 day free trial, and a low subscription fee of $9.99 a month. If you can look past the dated graphics, bugs, and clunky interface then you will be hooked. This game has a very steep learning curve so do yourself a big favor and read the new player guide on the forums. If you don't you will most likely have no idea what to do. If you don't feel like doing all that reading then join Starfleet, and one of our officers will start you on the right path. Send me a PM if you have any questions.

Petty Officer Registered
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What is keeping you from trying this game? I have spent the better part of the last year trying to find a game that compares to this one in features, complexity, depth, originality, and immersion. I have not been able to do so. I urge everyone to try this game out. It needs support now more than ever. Nexon is being kind enough to keep it running, but I fear without some fresh blood that this game is doomed. If you are interested send me a PM. I can get you a starter ship if civilian life is what you like, or I can get you on an active Starfleet, Klinshayan, Theratan, or Tikopai crew. If you have any questions about the game I would be happy to answer them. Don't let this epic game slip away into obscurity. If I can't find players on a site devoted to space sims then all hope is lost.

Petty Officer Registered
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 28

would be nice if i could get in , i made an account to try it and it wont let me in says my subscription has ran out. What happened to the 30 day trial?

Any help would be gratefully recieved

Senior Chief Registered
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Legion wrote:
What is keeping you from trying this game? I have spent the better part of the last year trying to find a game that compares to this one in features, complexity, depth, originality, and immersion. I have not been able to do so. I urge everyone to try this game out. It needs support now more than ever. Nexon is being kind enough to keep it running, but I fear without some fresh blood that this game is doomed. If you are interested send me a PM. I can get you a starter ship if civilian life is what you like, or I can get you on an active Starfleet, Klinshayan, Theratan, or Tikopai crew. If you have any questions about the game I would be happy to answer them. Don't let this epic game slip away into obscurity. If I can't find players on a site devoted to space sims then all hope is lost.

Whining about it won't help. 😉 I'm gonna try the game myself this evening, as it looks...interesting.

Petty Officer Registered
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Apparently it did help... 😛

As to your trial not working I have never heard of that happening before. Unfortunately without the admins being around you're screwed. Even if Nexeon could fix that account there is a lockout set up to prevent people from creating multiple trial accounts. I'm about to re-sub to my real account. At this point I think your only option would be to buy a month for 10 bucks and see how you like it. If that's something you would be interested in let me know. I will make sure that you get set up as soon as possible in one of the Military, or toss you a starter ship to get you going in civilian life. You could try to set up another Trial account, but I fear it would just lock you out. It woudln't hurt to try though.

Petty Officer Registered
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The war between the Alliance and the Tikopai/Klinshayan Alliance has escalated. The T/k's have made numerous attacks on our forward outpost, and disabled the Starbase Kiniuir. They have us outnumbered, but not outmatched. We recently took out 8 of their ships during attacks on Alpha Cir. The Alliance government needs a fresh batch of cadets if we are to turn the tide, and take the battle to their doorstep. Do you have what it takes to help bring peace to the universe, and push back this murderous horde?

Lieutenant Registered
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would love to but ..... the game keeps dropping from server not a good introduction to new players they need to work on graphics and stability to

Petty Officer Registered
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Posts: 15

I was playing this game back when it was beta. 3rd person top down view very anoying interface for many and very old graphics quality. They did finally add a 1st person view, but the control for that was even worse. When they went pay, all beta testers where given free lifetime access, but when my computer started getting clunky, I couldn't log in for a month or two and when I did get back in, they had changed teh account to standard saying everyone that was away during that time lost their free account. I gave up on the game. Many good ideas poorly done and stalled develompent esp after they got a publisher which is also when they took away our free accounts.
