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Squadron 42 - I Held The Line

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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FINALLY.... this game is feature/story complete, they are just finalizing the game to make it the best experience. This is why I got into the kickstarter all those years ago was for this single player game that would allow me to have another Wing Commander type experience. Cannot wait...

99 Star General Site Moderator
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Fall to the floor, but wait does it have a release date? and how long are they going to be polishing it.

And I got no idea what my login details are for site.

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Hahaha, I ran into that issue too a few months back when I wanted to try to login to RSI. I had to go through their support, it took a few days but got access to my account again.

That is the $1,000,000 question is how long the polishing stage will take.....? My hopes is a release in 2024 sometime. hah we have waited this long Pinback whats another year 😉

99 Star General Site Moderator
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were their any spec given out as for the game as I'm currently thinking of building a new one for StarField.

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Hard to believe that this picture from my SC hangar is a decade old. 😔



Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Woah nice screenshot @geraldine forget sometimes how far SC has come since the early hanger days. Just wanting on my gfx card and then I can build my new PC cant wait to play some of these high end games again 🙂

Geraldine liked