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The Pyro System and Origin 400i from CitizenCon 2021

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Not sure when this will be in the game but they are showing off some of their new tech for planets and a brief look at the Origin 400i


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Well it's impressive as always just a shame I will never own a computer which can play it.

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@pinback Don't worry!! By the time its get released, you 'l have a quantum based laptop!!

This post was modified 3 years ago by CaptainKal

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Posted by: @captainkal

a quantum based laptop

Quantum computers will never work 'cos you won't be able to turn them off and on again as they're neither off nor on!

Oolite Naval Attaché

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I built my existing PC like 4 yrs ago now to play Star Citizen and as I watch these videos I am like woah I will not be able to play this at acceptable framerates.... I haven't played SC alpha in a few years... maybe this xmas I will boot it up on my existing system to see how it operates. With PC components being so expensive these days I haven't upgraded yet, looks like I will be holding off another year because when the avg price for average card is over $1000 its just too high to build a PC right now.

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Posted by: @sscadmin

I built my existing PC like 4 yrs ago

I still haven't plumbed-in my new (old spec) machine. The one I'm running now was built in 2014 to play Elite Dangerous, and it performed very well back then. It still runs good, but I expect it'd struggle with Star Citizen too. My heavy gaming days are drawing to a close though.


The crazy thing about that new machine is the graphics card (EVGA GTX 1070Ti 8GB OC) which I bought over two years ago, and is now worth nearly double what I paid for it. Today's prices are absolutely insane! I blame the bitcoin miners!

Oolite Naval Attaché

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Posted by: @captainkal

@pinback Don't worry!! By the time its get released, you 'l have a quantum based laptop!!

Kinde ironic that Cloud Imperium talking about vapors. 🤣 

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I think the gaming industry need to do more to drive down hardware prices. After all, if the systems they are building games for are too expensive for the average person to build, only a few will be buying their games. Speaking of which, my graphics card broke down at the beginning of the year and now I am using an old card from 2006. Great for retro gaming but it simply does not have enough power to run modern stuff like Star Citizen, Elite or No Mans. For me, I have no option but to wait it out and hope prices become sane again someday.

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Yeah your gaming options are definitely reduced with using a card that old 🙁 I hope all these card prices start to drop so we all can enjoy the better visuals of these newer games. I see that Intel is now making Gfx cards so maybe competition will bring the price down. I cannot blame the companies for going for the money.... because the main reason these cards are super high is crypto mining. The gfx card companies can make a card that reduces hash rate so much that its not worth buying for crypto but it can still play games flawlessly. 

Cause you are right @geraldine, there isn't many people that can drop $2500-3500 on a gtx3090 just looking at that price makes me sick. Especially when we all know that a little more than a year ago these top tier cards were like $1200. I wouldn't even pay $1200 for a top tier card nevermind $3k hahaha

I have noticed more often that games are now more and more multi platform and I think that is the adjustment they made. I can probably wait another year in the hopes these prices will drop so I can finally play some of these newer games at max settings 🙂

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