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Lets try and put this thread back on topic, well nearly back.


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Live action trailer....

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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In 6-12mos we should really start to see some decent modding and with all the planets, weapons, ships its a customization paradise I think this game will get huge and have a life span much longer than skyrim. I might also try my hand at the creation engine (or whatever it will be called for SF) and create a SSC Station somewhere in space for people to uncover 🙂 I know it comes out in a few weeks, but I will resist the urge to play until after I get my new PC... maybe by then we will see if Bethesda has the modtools ready for the public. I heard somewhere that they will actually have team members working on this toolset for some time, which would make sense since there seems to be speculation that their might be some sort of paid mods type of store .... as long as they don't limit free mods I don't care.

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Posted by: @pinback

Lets try and put this thread back on topic...


The player joins a group called The Constellation, which he described as "NASA meets Indiana Jones".

Oolite Naval Attaché

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Will probably be this time next year before I get to try the game as I need a new computer or an Xbox.

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10 thing you probably don't need to know about the game.


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Performance review of the game and an interesting comment regarding the open world nature of the game, in that it is not as open world as they claimed.


Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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That is correct about the 'open world' aspect.... yeah its close. And I am on the fence on my feelings about this... its like NMS, you can explore every planet on foot but why would you? So much quicker in a ship and even still it takes a long time to traverse a planet in NMS. So in Starfield, even though they are getting some crap about this I think they were trying to save us the pain of finding nothing 😉 And keeping the 'nice to see' spots as landing zones or discoverable areas.

I haven't played the game yet, but I have watched a lot of videos on the game. And I do think modding will help with this and modders actually already fixed this imaginary wall on the maps to make it seamless. But I think once we get the mod tools in 2024 for the PC this game is going to blow up with content and enhancements.

More action and having space feel lived in would be nice.... and more things/interactions you can do with the crew so you get attached to them and maybe even include death for crew members (if its not there already). Starfield is going to be a game that is around a long time and cannot wait to finish my new pc so I can play this one.

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Their are vehicles in NMS which can be driven around and which as I have said before is a bit of major oversight for Starfield as it's makes any travelling from a base camp of ship impossible to do.

I see the ship mods are starting to appear and has anyone done a Cobra Mk 3 yet which would give a proper Elite rather than the over rated ELITE Dangerous.

This post was modified 11 months ago by Pinback

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Stumbles back into SpaceSimCentral after years in cryo....

Hey all, long time no see. Hope you're all good 😀 

I've been playing this for a week or so now, and definitely have mixed feelings. It's good to have a space game, of course. And there are space sim elements to it - there is some piloting, and space combat, and the feeling of the ship being a "home" and a real place. And there is some basic exploring too (in the sense of picking systems from a star map and going there). It's just missing a certain...something. The space elements just make me wish the space part of the game was Elite: Dangerous.

And the ground/quest elements are good, and some of them are funny/engaging/interesting. I got quite absorbed in the Neon city quests (maybe I should be playing Cyberpunk, hah)! But again - a certain something is just missing to me. The big inhabited cities (New Atlantis, Neon, Akila) feel a bit like being in a Disney theme park. And it really just feels a whole lot like Skyrim. Same generic dialogue, same way of engaging in conversation, same random items everywhere, same sound effects sometimes.

Having said all that, it's very polished, a lot of love has gone into it, and there are many cool elements. So think I'll keep going!



You look good through a crosshair.

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Hey auryx... good to see you!

Oolite Naval Attaché

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Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Welcome back Auryx.

I will be waiting a little while to play this just because I think when Bethesda finally comes out with the modtools that the modders will make space more engaging and possibly the surface travel. Plus they will be coming out with an expansion so I am sure they might surprise us with some new functionality in there somewhere.

My son is playing Cyberpunk now and loves it, I was waiting to buy it so I can buy it and the expansion after all the reviews hit and it looks amazing. I think between these two games you can spend thousands of hours with them and the mod content so lets see what the future brings.

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Hello Auryx, yes these long duration trip in cryo can be a bugger, I know myself. 😀 

I look forward to playing the game when ever I get a computer or console that can play it.

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Thanks guys! Good to see you again 😀 

You look good through a crosshair.

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The game seems to be getting a bit of a kicking in the Steam reviews for anyone who has payed it, is it not living upto the hype or is just fanboy frustration ?.


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Completely missed this as I have not been paying any attention to the game but it look like it may be getting land vehicles as in one, something that should have been their right from the start, even more damming when you consider that Precursors had them back in 2009.


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Look like some new DLC for the game.


Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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It looks pretty good I haven't played this at all yet was going to wait for the expansion to come out and a little more patches.... mods will get better now that tools will start to roll out, but I do kinda hate the fact their will be paid mods unless we are getting something of quality. Looks like Nexus will get a lot more users soon because of this creation club. But they have been adding to the game and fixing it that I have read in the patches over the past few months.

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