To all SSC Station occupants
Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.
Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.
Same here I'm sold and likewise will probably pick it up at Christmas, although I'm not keen on paying £60/£70 for a digital game but it may get the better of me.
This is what ED should have been and the only downside is a lack of ground vehicles.
Like the ship customisation and pretty sure we will see every ship from film, tv, book and games as a mod within months of the games launch.
If Bethesda embraces modders like they have done for all their games I would suspect that Starfield is going to blow up with visuals, ships, creatures... they have created a monster of a game.... and if that in-game experience we saw in the trailer is indeed legit this game will easily be Game of the Year in my opinion.
Just seen the collector edition of the game £250 for a bit of plastic and a cheap watch and not even sure if you get the game included with that.
Wait for the reviews folks! 😉
Wait for the reviews folks! 😉
And the bug fixes and updates which will hit in the first few weeks.
As I believe this will be on game pass on first day of release that might be the best way to play it as long you can download 100GB or more.
Some sort of cartoon, you would think that they would show some more gameplay.
Just realised that their seems to be a number of these sort anims.
Nice video showcasing everything so far about Starfield
I was lucky, I was purchasing something on NewEgg and got the Starfield Premium Edition for free for Steam with a purchase 🤗. I will take a little bit to get to this game since in December my new PC should be complete I will post some pics and stats of it soon. Need a new one to play these new games.
I need a new pc if I want to play the game but I may go the console route on this as I'm still attached to physical media.
... coupled with an RTX 4070!!
@cody I just upgraded to a Ryzen 9 7950X3D 16-Core with 128 GiGs of RAM and a RX 7900 XTX graphics card. Oolite runs nice! 😀
<grumbles> I guess I'm off the upgrade carousel, probably for good. That's mainly due to eyesight problems making it nigh on impossible to play video games! Even reading/writing text has become problematic. Meanwhile, I have an incursion of ants to deal with.
Aye sorry to hear that Cody.
@sscadmin New GPU?
I 've just upgraded to a Ryzen 7 5800x3D coupled with an RTX 4070!!
Yes, bought a RX6750 for the kid. Newegg giving away a lot of copies of the game with a lot of the CPU/GFX purchases of AMD.
@cody I just upgraded to a Ryzen 9 7950X3D 16-Core with 128 GiGs of RAM and a RX 7900 XTX graphics card. Oolite runs nice! 😀
Nice, nice rig you have now Geraldine... you can play anything now 🙂 I was going to go with the 7900X and a 7900XTX and haven't decided on 64 or 128GB of memory, I hear that most people are having difficulties getting anything over 64GB running at 6000mhz so still debating. So hoping by Xmas I will be posting my build specs and pics.... did pickup the 4k Mini-LED 43" Samsung Monitor.... so nice 😍
<grumbles> I guess I'm off the upgrade carousel, probably for good. That's mainly due to eyesight problems making it nigh on impossible to play video games! Even reading/writing text has become problematic. Meanwhile, I have an incursion of ants to deal with.
Hope your situation improves @cody, I think I remember you stating before that you were doing some eye tests. I hope your vision can be improved.
Yes, I hit similar problems with the 128 GiGs I have, but it's down mainly to the Bios drivers of my motherboard, some are better than others. This is still fairly new kit so, it will take time for the drivers to catch up. Microsoft and AMD are also rumoured to be working on a Windows update to fully use all the 16 cores of the 7950X3D. As for the RX 7900 XTX, I've already updated its drivers 3 times since only getting it a short time ago! I picked that because of the things I heard about 4080s going on fire. So far, the 7900 has eaten anything I can throw at it with ease. I am happy enough with it. 😀
And so the hype train begins.
just saw an advert on YouTube for the game.
And hope you manage to sort out those ants. Tough little buggers
Update: after two major set-piece battles, I've beaten them. Skirmishes continue, however. Yeah, tough little buggers! Just as well they are little. Anyone remember that old "nuclear monster" movie? Them it was called - huge mutant ants!
Just like killing Thargoids, you should be a past master at this by now, Cody! 😊
Seriously though, glad you got these bugs on the run too. 😉
Is that the old Amiga game, Kal?