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To all SSC Station occupants

Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.

Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.


Star Trek Online Open Beta Dates

Illustrious Member Admin

Well the time has come when everyone will get to see STO in action. Read below for the info:


We're all very happy to be able to let you know that Star Trek Online will be in Open Beta from January 12 - January 26, 2010. Keys will be given out on a first come, first served basis, and can be acquired right here on We know you've all been eagerly anticipating your chance to experience the Star Trek Universe in a way that only Star Trek Online will allow, and we can't wait for you all to beam aboard this great adventure in January!

If people see this go active before me please let us all know so we can all get keys.

Topic starter Posted : November 19, 2009 17:53
Active Member
The system cannot find a mailbox for user
Posted : November 23, 2009 01:14
Illustrious Member Admin

What is this RedChico? Error or something?

Topic starter Posted : November 23, 2009 18:40
99 Star General
RedChico wrote:
The system cannot find a mailbox for user

Must have been nobbled by the Star Trek goon squad. 😆

Posted : November 26, 2009 23:26
Eminent Member
PINBACK wrote:
RedChico wrote:
The system cannot find a mailbox for user

Must have been nobbled by the Star Trek goon squad. 😆

Mmmm... I'm pretty sure that Goonswarm will have a presence in STO. Must be their fault 🙂

Posted : December 13, 2009 07:46
Illustrious Member Admin

A ST goonsquad is ok because Star Wars has had a presence in MMO's for some time now and it will be nice to see how STO turns out. I want Cryptic to succeed because this will just fuel the space genre of games so the more success all of the developers have the more fun for us 🙂

Hope I get in the beta, I just didn't want to have to pre-order to get in.

Topic starter Posted : December 13, 2009 09:40
Illustrious Member Admin

Well open beta has started today and i didn't get a key 🙁

I might go to BestBuy and buy a pre-order for $5 to get in the beta not sure yet.

Topic starter Posted : January 12, 2010 04:36
Illustrious Member Admin

Well went to bestbuy and picked up the pre-order box for $5 and i have my beta key. The 7.8GB client should be done downloading when I get home today so over the next few days I will give STO a spin and hopefully post some nice screenshots and give everyone my opinion. Is anyone else here in the beta that I could hook up with in the game?

Topic starter Posted : January 13, 2010 04:28
Estimable Member

When you gonna be done installing? I'm anxious to get your feedback on this.

Posted : January 13, 2010 18:58
Illustrious Member Admin

Done last night I played about 30mins before Cryptic did some server patching 🙁

But I was able to at least make my character, which the character generation screen is very indepth and I spent like 40+ mins just tweaking my character looks. I went with creating my own race and didn't use the defaults. You will get to pick from 4 natural abilities if you create your own race if you choose other races modifiers are chosen for you and then you will be able to pick 1-2 more for a total of four.

I will be checking my directories tonight to see if the printscreen button is actually saving pics. And if so I will have a flood of them I will upload this weekend. I'll do my best to describe all areas and what I think about them. But also at Bestbuy you can still go in and buy the $5 pre-order box and there is no obligation to buy the full game 🙂

And for everyone use the torrent download MUCH quicker.

Topic starter Posted : January 14, 2010 05:22
Estimable Member

Any updates?

Posted : January 20, 2010 06:40
Illustrious Member Admin

I was hoping to write a little something up this weekend. I have taken many screenshots and will try to display all aspects of the game that I could access or see and give my opinions on gameplay during the process. Patience, patience 🙂

Topic starter Posted : January 21, 2010 03:58
Estimable Member


Posted : January 21, 2010 07:08
Trusted Member

Darkone, if your still playing add me im Neagoth there too 🙂

Edit: or anyone else from here thats playing it 🙂

Posted : January 31, 2010 00:04
Illustrious Member Admin

I decided not to purchase STO and was going to wait to read up on some of the things I will talk about in my mini review of my beta experiences.

Topic starter Posted : February 1, 2010 04:31
Trusted Member

Thats cool, well im enjoying it, its Star Trek, its sci-fi, its space lol. Got bored of elves & orcs mmo's played them all.

Sure there's some stuff i dont like, but you cannot have everything. 🙂

Posted : February 5, 2010 14:09
Illustrious Member Admin

Posted my beta comments here: reviews-f59/sto-beta-review-t784.html feel free to add to them with your own questions and experiences.

Topic starter Posted : February 7, 2010 08:00
Eminent Member

To bad this game wasn't free. Either initially or monthly, that would have been awesome. Im probably one of the few people that's a ST fan, that wont be playing this game for the simple fact, I refuse to pay monthly fees for the privilege of playing a game I own. They could have easily made this puppy free, and still made a crap load of money off it.. And gotten 10x's the playerbase, and beat out WoW.

Posted : February 17, 2010 18:36