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Group: Registered
Joined: May 30, 2009
Petty Officer Registered
I now know what I'm getting when my X52 dies

In forum PC and Console Gaming

14 years ago
Today was a great day to be a mechwarrior :)The video clip y...

In forum FPS, Strategy and Tactical Scifi Games

14 years ago
Damn, Torfi is a passionate :)Yes, I'm back after not visiti...

In forum EVE Online

14 years ago
PINBACK wrote: r3dfiv3 are they still thinking about doing ...

In forum EVE Online

15 years ago
PINBACK wrote: RedChico wrote: Quote: The system cann...

In forum StarTrek Online

15 years ago
The video is basically a condensed version of the alliance s...

In forum EVE Online

15 years ago
Mechwarriors, start drooling!

In forum FPS, Strategy and Tactical Scifi Games

15 years ago
Nah, I hadn't really left; just got caught up in this thing ...

In forum Jumpgate Series

15 years ago
Awesome way to come back to this site :)I really can't wait ...

In forum Jumpgate Series

15 years ago
I voted MMO but the poll is missing an option that says "All...

In forum Space/SciFi Combat and Simulation Game Discussion

15 years ago
Dust 514 means something apparently.... well I guess I'm not...

In forum EVE Online

15 years ago
Apocrypha 1.5 in testing on Singularity server

In forum EVE Online

15 years ago
Hendar23 wrote: I think EVE Online gets it perfect. Altho...

In forum Surveys and Polls

15 years ago
Darkone wrote: What is even better news for Mech fans is th...

In forum PC and Console Gaming

15 years ago
The banks in EVE are created by players, so use of them is "...

In forum EVE Online

15 years ago
Holy sweetnesss !!! Can't wait :DActually I really liked MW4...

In forum PC and Console Gaming

15 years ago
You know EVE is one of the Big Boys when it makes real-life ...

In forum EVE Online

15 years ago
Yeah this one affects my current alliance a lot as we are in...

In forum EVE Online

15 years ago
Keep Googling... there are some much better ones :)

In forum PC and Console Gaming

15 years ago
You can get a Saitek X52 fcs at a pretty decent price these ...

In forum PC and Console Gaming

15 years ago
Yeah... that baby's gonna rock !!! Post some FPS tests when ...

In forum PC and Console Gaming

15 years ago
Just to give you an idea, this is the sim-pit I plan to buil...

In forum PC and Console Gaming

15 years ago
Looks like I'll be spending a few bucks on this. This is pre...

In forum Starwraith Games

15 years ago
Logged in for the first time today and of course got ganked ...

In forum Mobile and Web Gaming

15 years ago
Don't hold your breath... I'm in the process of moving. I sh...

In forum PC and Console Gaming

15 years ago
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