To all SSC Station occupants
Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.
Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.
If I'm not mistaken it will be Frontiers 30th Anniversary in October 2023 and what a perfect opportunity to do remaster of the game as they have the crappy Elite Dangerous game engine and assets to use.
And by remaster I don't mean adding any new features to the game apart from updating the combat, so instead of all that jousting nonsense that the original had you get a more playable combat game. Along with just the one cockpit for all ships, hell they could do all three game and I'm sure they could sort out any problems with Bell.
Then again I seriously doubt Frontier Developments has the savvy to do anything like that, but we can dream. 🤣
Not sure if the purposed roadmap will allow it 🙁
Our three focuses before the year ends are launching the next phase of the narrative, stability and optimisation. We’ll release three more updates to support these. Within the narrative, human space balances on the precipice as tension mounts within the bubble. The Azimuth Saga will conclude in a grand finale event, the consequences of which will mark the beginning of the next stage of the Elite story in Update 14. Meanwhile, updates 12 and 13 will largely focus on quality-of-life changes, stability and optimisation. Work has also begun on a major feature overhaul for 2023 that we’ll discuss later in the year. Please note that the details and timings of each release are subject to change and that any adjustments will be shared ahead of time. Beyond this we are also discussing additional game content, and we’ll reveal it once confirmed.
But you never know, maybe they can have a few devs work the conversion
I meant to say single player and offline and it would not have nothing to do with ED.
It would be just a straight forward remake of the game, but as I said, their be more chance of finding ice cubes in hell then Frontier doing anything.
Also this, the OST, starting with the best version, the Amiga soundtrack of course. 😉
FEII <checks box> 3.5" floppy, manual, gazetteer, stories, star chart - yep, still complete!
Don't quite know why I've kept it all these years, as the game never grabbed me!
Didn't like the Newtonian flight model? I loved it as I always, and still do, struggle with Elite 1 and EDs at times. 🙃
Anyways, I would love for FD to do a remaster of Elite II. I remember back, when ED's Kickstarter concluded, there was hot debate on the forum about what shape, which of the older games it was to draw inspiration from. FD went for Elite 1 which was fair enough I suppose as it was likely the most commercially successful in the series but old FE2 fans like me were a wee bit disappointed. This up and coming anniversary could be an opportunity to right that wrong. 🤓
Didn't like the Newtonian flight model?
It wasn't only that - there were bugs, and planetary landing/buildings simply looked naff to my eye.
FD went for Elite 1 which was fair enough I suppose as it was likely the most commercially successful in the series...
A quote from DB (re: FEII/FFE) when the ED kickstarter was launched:
I loved the richness of the galaxy, but with the benefit of hindsight I think the way the ships flew detracted from the joyous immediacy of those in “Elite”
I couldn't agree more (and I've rarely agreed with DB), but as you say, the commercial aspect loomed large!
I liked the more tactical approach FE2 gave. It was possible to set up very intense battles with little jousting once it's flight model was understood. It had a learning curve tho that took me time to appreciate it. Once I did tho, it was always a struggle to go back to Elite 1 after that, for me at least.
It's beyond ironic that Star Citizen of all things gives me that same feeling I had in FE2. Might be a good game one day.......if they ever get around to finishing it that is..... 😒
Obsidian Ant did a Flashback review of FE2 a while back.
Hey, remember when I did a pdf conversion of Stories Of Life on the Frontier? Took me ages to put that together. Glad D1 gave it a home. 🙂
It's beyond ironic that Star Citizen of all things gives me that same feeling I had in FE2.
Can't comment, as I never participated in the SC KS. Will they ever finish it? Somehow, I doubt it.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: ED could've been an absolute humdinger of a single-player game! All those thousands of dev-hours put into making it MP, instead of enriching the game itself. That'd be my wish: a single-player offline ED!
How much difference has 25 years made? I'm now an old man, drawing the state pension. Nurse, nurse... my medication!
Never say never, as they say.
Well, if you ever did, I am fairly sure there would be only one ship you would fly; the good old Cobra MkIII. However, you backed the Kickstarter didn't you? That means, I think, you have also have access to an exclusive ship, the Cobra MkIV. Being honest here, I think the MkIII is still the better ship between the two.
And here is my MkIII below. 🙂
I am fairly sure there would be only one ship you would fly
Damn right! And here is my Mk III. Note all the "loaned" kit and lack of cash - playing Ironman was tough!
How does one post a thumbnail? The thumbnail link provided by the host doesn't seem to work.
How does one post a thumbnail? The thumbnail link provided by the host doesn't seem to work.
Just download the image and drag it to the bottom of your post screen before you press Add Reply button. 😉
Anyways, you got some work to do on it I see. Here is a few possibilities, for combat and exploration focuses, including my very own Jay Miner's Revenge Sidy! 😀
Of course, those stats can be improved even further since there has been additional engineering upgrades and other things brought into the game since then, however the images can give you some "ballpark figures" to aim for, anything else on top is a bonus. 🙂
Just download the image and drag it to the bottom of your post screen before you press Add Reply button.
Ah yes... I remember now. Testing...
A lot of catching-up to do, and after 7 years, I expect my ED account is dormant. I bet FD would make me jump through all sorts of hoops to allow me to play again. I'll ponder it for the winter - got to get my eyesight sorted first (which probably entails more eye surgery).
Sorry to hear that Cody. 😟 Best of luck! I hope they can sort your peepers out for you! 🤓