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[Sticky] FFED3D Complete Package

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Master Chief Registered
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PINBACK wrote:
It could be some sort of bug between your computer and the game,remenber the game is still a w.i.p.If you can,can you upload your save game.

Yeah.. it sounds like a bug to me.. prolly no one upgraded the scripted mission bases into D3D or sumthing. I know that they were different models then the regular space stations.

I'm gonna try to play to that point and see if I can figure it out.

Crewman Registered
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I get the same problem as above, missing military installations. My work-around is to save before you jump into the system, open the save up in JLFFE, jump, save and open up again in FFED3D. Your instillation will appear that way.

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mick6116 wrote:
I get the same problem as above, missing military installations. My work-around is to save before you jump into the system, open the save up in JLFFE, jump, save and open up again in FFED3D. Your instillation will appear that way.

I wonder if anyone posted this bug over at the FFED3D forums?

Crewman Registered
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Cheers for that Micki, it worked loading with GLFFE. You have to load a save preceding having jumped into the system, though. Thereafter, you can save as soon as you hyperspace in, and load back up with FFED3D and the base will remain there.

99 Star General Site Moderator
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Shingen wrote:

I wonder if anyone posted this bug over at the FFED3D forums?

There is a bug thread on the EG forum but I think it more to do with getting the game up and

running.Strange how it effects some and not others?.

Crewman Registered
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New bug! I tried working around it by loading up GLFFE, to no avail.

Essentially, I'm in the throes of completing Thargoid Part II. I Land in ???? and the Thargoids tell me they'll inspect my ship. They inspect it, then the dialogue comes up offering me their warship vs alien artifacts. It gives me two options "Yes / No" (boxed). I click Yes and get a click noise to confirm i pressed a button. The Yes / No option boxes disappear, but the dialogue giving me the options remains. I dreamwalk a day, and all that happens is the Yes / No boxes reappear. I click Yes again...dreamwalk 24hrs....yes/no boxes reappear. I did this several times. I loaded several times, fooled around with the dreamwalker...eventually, after MANY attempts, it somehow accepted my "yes".

Is there something easy in the code that can fix this? Surely a 1995 bit of programming isn't too hard to sort out?

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Promise I will upload a new FFED3D download at the end of the week. I will remove all old links/downloads to not confuse any one and I will make a 1 package download and multiple file download.

What will it have?

- Latest package from (Nov 2009)

- Latest models pack (Jan 2010) plus any models/skins it was missing

- Latest version of JSGME (Generic Mod Enabler)

- All mods in the enabler will have descriptions and easy to read and add.

I will create instructions of course to use it. Been testing the JSGME mod tool and very simple to figure out and works well in my testing of its functionality. I think people will like this package. I will be removing extra folders that are really not needed to hopefully bring down overall file size.

If someone wants a mod added to this package post a link to it or upload it to the download area, before this Friday.

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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All the files are currently being uploaded to the server. I will be removing all other versions of FFED3D from the server. So give me a bit and please read the first post for all info when I am done.


Rear Admiral Registered
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Hi Darkone

Just downloaded all 4 parts and given it a quick flight test, ........all systems are go! A great download and I can see just how much effort you put in to this. Every Elite fan salutes you! Thank you Darkone for putting together this great package! 😀 😀

Now to try out this new Mod Manager! 😉

Oh one more thing, a new special FFE3D version of Buffet (the FFE editor) is due out very soon. It will be loaded with lots of great features. I have asked it's author if it's ok to upload it to the SSC and he has given permission. Initial release will be beta with the final release to come soon after once all the bugs have been shaken out. Watch this space or check out the Frontier Forum for more info. 😉

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Thanks Geraldine.

I'm just glad that the multi-part download works good for people so far, I know people have had issues in the past and I just wanted to try to solve these issues. I scrapped over the Elite-Games forums and I pulled in every single mod/texture I could find. So what you see in the mod manager is what isn't included in the latest compiled version of FFED3D and the latest model pack.

I liked the Mod Manager personally think it will be great for people that are new to FFED3D. And might save me some time because I can just upload files for people to add to their MODS folder. 🙂

That editor sounds great Geraldine, feel free to upload it or if you want me to upload it just send me all the link info.

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Oh Darkone, just you wait until you see what the author is promising the new Buffet can do. For a sneak peek of SOME of the features, check out this thread on the Frontier Forum 😉

You know I can see how FFE3D is starting to mature as Oolite did, into a wonderful game. Well done one and all! 😎

Crewman Registered
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Darkone wrote:
All the files are currently being uploaded to the server. I will be removing all other versions of FFED3D from the server. So give me a bit and please read the first post for all info when I am done.


Hi, could you upload it to megaupload, because download is very slow, and stops at 9mb :/

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Things I do for the community... 🙂

Also put the link in the first post.

Crewman Registered
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Im Having a problem getting icons to appear when being windowed mode.

Is There any way to have icons without going to fullscreen.

I have NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GS And have Direct X 9.C

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Paholainen wrote:
Im Having a problem getting icons to appear when being windowed mode.

Is There any way to have icons without going to fullscreen.

I run FFED3D windowed at 600x400 and the icons appear ok.

Crewman Registered
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Steve wrote:
Paholainen wrote:
Im Having a problem getting icons to appear when being windowed mode.

Is There any way to have icons without going to fullscreen.

I run FFED3D windowed at 600x400 and the icons appear ok.

Still isn't working! Also my resolution in my windows xp is 1280x800 so there should not be bigger than my resolution.

Warrant Officer Registered
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Paholainen wrote:
Steve wrote:
Paholainen wrote:
Im Having a problem getting icons to appear when being windowed mode.

Is There any way to have icons without going to fullscreen.

I run FFED3D windowed at 600x400 and the icons appear ok.

Still isn't working! Also my resolution in my windows xp is 1280x800 so there should not be bigger than my resolution.

Confirmed, Paholainen. I normally run fullscreen at 1152x864 but switching to windowed buggered the panel icons - they still worked but were completely blank. No idea how to go about sorting that, though, sorry.

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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This is definitely a game issue and not and issue I caused 🙂 Windowed mode is a nice feature to have but if it continually causes problems they should disable it until it is fixed. Now it may just be the resolution is not of the really standard ones out there. I have tried 1024x768 windowed and works even know I run 1920x1080.

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Yep, and 600x400 works on a 1024x768 desktop...


99 Star General Site Moderator
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Paholainen wrote:
Steve wrote:
Paholainen wrote:
Im Having a problem getting icons to appear when being windowed mode.

Is There any way to have icons without going to fullscreen.

I run FFED3D windowed at 600x400 and the icons appear ok.

Still isn't working! Also my resolution in my windows xp is 1280x800 so there should not be bigger than my resolution.

The game usally pretty good runing under xp,the icons thing is usally a vista problem.

It might be a stupid question,but you are changing the setting for the window mode in the games CFG file,and you do have the icons in the tex file.

Captain Registered
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seems like every system preferes another resolution, that works well, xp is different from vista or windows7 as well as simply your screen's native resolution would play a big part to it (especially on non tubes). i.e. all multiples of ffe's native resolution don't work for me but 1280x1024 (aspectfix=1) or even 1650x1024 (aspectfix=0) works well in windowed mode, my screens native res. is 1680x1050, which i use for fullscreen (aspectfix=0). once i was shure i can't go below 1024 vertical but it seem's for others it works (maybe native res. is lower than 1024 vert., would be interesting to know).

i think each one has to experiment with the resolutions by himself to find working res., from far i think it's screen's native resolution that counts most and it would be good to post different setups for different monitors on different machines, so we can take some inferences and maybe setup a little compatibility chart.

Crewman Registered
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I'll name all my future children "Darkone"! - (Well, maybe Darkone, Darktwo, etc.)

Thank you very much!

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Haha 😆

Made me laugh this morning Zardoz. Trust me I would really like to be there when you have to explain to your wife on why 'DarkOne' must be the childs name that will be a classic.

I am hoping once I push my site update/fixes out I will make another complete package of all of FFED3D again. I will post something when its that time to have people pitch in their contributions and point out mods to have included. I'm just trying to do my part in making sure that people can easily play FFED3D and get access to it.

Crewman Registered
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Hi there Dark ,

I have to say that as some one who played the Original Elite ( Yes i really am that old and still breathing Lol )

then progressed to Elite 2 and onwards that I find your adaptation ..... awesome !.

Ive always wanted to be able to play Elite(s) on an XP OS system but I am not computer literate enough to get them to work.

I dont even remember enough about Dos, or to try get it going in Dosbox or any other form of emulator!.

Any way rambling aside , thanks for giving us this game .

Bladedancer !.

Rear Admiral Registered
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Hi Blade Dancer

If you want to get any old game to run on a modern OS try De-Fend Reloaded, here is a link

Really easy to set up, then all you have to do is find some games for it....

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