I seen this mentioned on RPS and the link they gave was to this Venture beat site and it's very thin, all they say is "Oh, and that HD remaster of an EA game is the Mass Effect Trilogy. Just don’t expect that to also launch on Switch — at least not at first."
So who knows and will they put all the DLC in this time.
Edit removed link as it no longer linked to that post.
I would actually rather see them just amalgamate all 3 games into one big game plus spruce up the graphics and gameplay mechanics so they all work and play in the same way. Some things were better in the early games, some better in the later games; use the best from both! Call it, Mass Effect: The Commander Shepherd Saga or something like that. One game to unite them all! If that sounds a bit "Lord Of The Rings" then I make no apologies because the Mass Effect Trilogy is just as worthy as an epic. Heck, they should make a movie while they are at it, using Jennifer Hale in the lead role because we all know, Fem Shep is the best Shep. ?
Given Hollywood's track record of games to films, lets hope they don't. ?
With Hollywood in it's present state, I tend to agree. However, they are not the only place that makes movies. There are still lots of great people out there who could pull this off. The real trick is finding them! As for the game series itself, this could be a real chance for Bioware to reclaim their crown as the best creator of RPGs. They knew how to make great games, I still have many of them. I'd love to see them return to their old form and not, as has so many great dev houses before them, fall into obscurity, left only as a footnote in gaming history..
With Hollywood in it's present state
Hollywood? Wollyhood!
Films are made globally but the big money still comes from Hollywood and any Mass Effect film would need a big budget, unfortunately space operas seem to out of favour, and given that most of Hollywood is now controlled by big corporations who only interest is in making a profit, it maybe some time before we see anything.
It's pretty unlikely but if Dune 2020 is a big hit we might see more studios taking an interest in scfi again.
Truly the wallys are in Wollyhood. ?
I would actually rather see them just amalgamate all 3 games into one big game plus spruce up the graphics and gameplay mechanics so they all work and play in the same way.
That's a good idea especially if they stuck a little content or movies to discuss what transpired in between each game. 1-2 were great with the story, 3 looks to have the edge on the combat. So I think your right, mesh it all together.
I read on the game site this unannounced remake has been delayed until early next year, although it may all just be speculation.
Yeah this rumor been kicking around for like 3wks now. They should remaster all those games and maybe even add new content to really make it really immersive, heck maybe fix Andromeda too 😉 I still haven't played #3 and #4 since those never made it to steam, played #1&2 on the PS3. I been waiting for these to come to steam and now that EA has released them on steam I thought about grabbing them all but may wait to see if these rumors are true. I would pick them all up this year if I knew I would get the remake for free, if not then I would just wait for the remake to come out.
I think this may have been posted elsewhere in the SSC but thought it ought to be here too.
This is a list of texture mods for the original trilogy. First up Mass Effect 1. As the oldest game it needs the most help in bringing it up to scratch. To do this there is the MEUITM Mod. You can find that here. Below, a video that shows what it does and below that how to install it.
Next, the Whole Lot of Textures mod. This covers all 3 games in the trilogy and comes in various resolutions, 2k or 4k. These make a big difference to the graphics. The version for Mass Effect 1 is fully compatible with the MEUITM mod. All of these are on Nexus Mods, here are the links:
Finally, a video that shows what this mod does.
Nice find Geraldine, remember looking at the first game a couple of years ago and thinking it had not aged well.
Looks like this is on according to their blog. https://blog.bioware.com/2020/11/07/happy-n7-day-4/ good to see that they have included all the DLC this time around and lets hope they have done something with the load times.
Mass Effect Legendary Edition will include single-player base content and DLC from Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, and Mass Effect 3, plus promo weapons, armors, and packs – all remastered and optimized for 4k Ultra HD. It will be available in Spring 2021 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC, with forward compatibility and targeted enhancements on Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5. More information to come in the new year!
I see the Mass Effect Legendary Edition now has a release date of spring next year. Recent trailer too.
If it has a full DRM free copy available on GOG, I might get it. Otherwise I'll just stick to my modded versions of the older games.
Since I played these on console I would pick these up when they can show some of the gameplay and updates that they have done. Don't screw this up BioWare 😉
New Trailer for it and can be pre order on Steam but at £55.00 I will be waiting for a sale.
They saying possible May release:
EA and BioWare announceMass Effect Legendary Editionwill come what may, as the remastered versions of theMass Effecttrilogy will be released for PC and console on May 14th
Will be released on Steam and Origin stores
It already has a Steam page Pre-purchase Mass Effect™ Legendary Edition on Steam (steampowered.com) and it requires an EA account, so I wont be buying that on PC.
Ugh... I don't see myself spending $60 for a graphics update, I have heard they added a little bit more story related bits to some of the cutscenes. But not sure if all that is worth the price, I might pick it up next xmas when it drops a little. But I would like to get it at some point since the visuals look really nice in this update.
Looks like they are rejigging the first game to make it less of an RPG and more shooty type game that the two sequels were, details on their blog.
It would have to be very much cheaper than that before I would consider it. The original versions, with mods, are totally fine. If all the DRM crap was stripped out of them however, I might have been tempted by a GOG version.
This is a nice video showing off some of the updates
Would be nice to see it on GOG but it looks like EA are just adding more DRM nonsenses to it by making you download and log into their own client before you can play the game on PC.
Not sure if it's going to be the same for the console?.
Oh do you think they are going to do that @Pinback? Why they would need to do this it makes no sense its a single player rpg why would we need to communicate with their servers?
It says this on the Steam page.
Incorporates 3rd-party DRM: EA on-line activation and Origin client software installation and background use required.Requires 3rd-Party Account: EA AccountRequires agreement to a 3rd-party EULA
So innless I miss understand that it looks very much like you will need an Origin account, even if the game is bought through Steam or Epic ect.
It says this on the Steam page.
Incorporates 3rd-party DRM: EA on-line activation and Origin client software installation and background use required.Requires 3rd-Party Account: EA AccountRequires agreement to a 3rd-party EULA
WTF? <scratches head> Talk about control-freakery!