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No Man's Sky

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99 Star General Site Moderator
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Seems to causing a bit of a buzz on the net from the video that has been released it a FPS with seamless transitions between space and planets surface. Think Precursors and Frontier with every thing procedural generated from fish in the sea to solar systems.

No mention of it on their site yet







Hugely ambitious just hope the have the resources to pull it off, no word on which platforms Just found the VGX interview Only 4 of them doing it, sound like it might be single player as well.

Warrant Officer Registered
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From the interview they said it's a MMO, but here's hoping it still have a single-player mode as in Elite:Dangerous or Star Citizen.



As for which console for the release, they said 'next gen' so it's safe to say the best bet will be all next-gen consoles (PS4&Xbone) and PC.

99 Star General Site Moderator
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I thought he was a bit unambiguous as to what type of game it would be, but a MMO would make sense especially if it turns out to have more of an RPG style of gameplay.


Also got the impression that they are looking for funding and have not decided how to proceed either from a publisher or a crowd funding route


Crewman Registered
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Seems to causing a bit of a buzz on the net from the video that has been released it a FPS with seamless transitions between space and planets surface. Think Precursors and Frontier with every thing procedural generated from fish in the sea to solar systems.

No mention of it on their site yet







Hugely ambitious just hope the have the resources to pull it off, no word on which platforms Just found the VGX interview Only 4 of them doing it, sound like it might be single player as well.


That's just crazy with the asteroid. Star Citizen is inspiring a lot of copy cats.

99 Star General Site Moderator
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Looks like they have taken idea with the asteroid from miner war.

Warrant Officer Registered
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Oh man, this looks fantastic!


Please tell me it's not an MMO.  Please no, I want single-player.  Are they really going to ruin it for me?

Warrant Officer Registered
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Yeah this looks great!

99 Star General Site Moderator
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Just looked at the interview again and I dont think he give any answer to the question about online component, I guess we will have to wait for the gaming site to do some interviews with them to find out more details about the game and the big question as weather it is a single player, mmo or both.


Love the Chris Foss look and the crashed ship. 😎

Senior Chief Registered
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looks great, keeping a eye on it

Senior Chief Registered
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Looks great I just found this and thought wow how did I miss this.

Warrant Officer Registered
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I thought he was a bit unambiguous as to what type of game it would be, but a MMO would make sense especially if it turns out to have more of an RPG style of gameplay.


Also got the impression that they are looking for funding and have not decided how to proceed either from a publisher or a crowd funding route

The "*insertplayernamehere* has discovered *insertplacenamehere*" message in the trailer screams MMO/highly multiplayer-oriented for me though.



At least, bonus point for Arrakis alike, complete with its huge worm-thing.

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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No Man's Sky is looking really good thus far and hope they do keep it single player. With the possible scope of this game with it being procedural there is a lot of areas that should be smoothed out before they introduce a MP piece to the game. For this sort of game they need content and lots of it, just because it's procedurally generated doesn't mean it will be fun to play? Big point is to make sure it is not boring and there is some good story pieces to the game, yeah you can have open-ended game play but without a purpose to it all it could get boring. Or am I the only one that likes immersiveness and content  🙂


But this is a grand idea, and if anything they would have beaten Infinity to market.

Warrant Officer Registered
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Whatever happening, here's hoping the PC version to be moddable. Imagine that.

99 Star General Site Moderator
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Just looked at their Twitter page and they have released some details to the game sites, so it looks like an online mine craft game. and


Excitement over the rest of us can go back to waiting.

Petty Officer Registered
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Warrant Officer Registered
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Just looked at their Twitter page and they have released some details to the game sites, so it looks like an online mine craft game. and

Excitement over the rest of us can go back to waiting.

As in Minecraft or such, I hope we can do singleplayer and/or more importantly, create our own dedicated server.

Commander Registered
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Is it weird that I never played Minecraft so I don't know if I'll like this or not ... ?

99 Star General Site Moderator
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RPS has part 2 of their interview up

Warrant Officer Registered
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Let's hope the devs can debunk people's perception of 'procedural generation is boring and empty'.

Warrant Officer Registered
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If you read the last week news, apparently the developer's office got flooded a week ago, presumably almost everything there were lost afterwards (they didn't explain whether ALL resources and source code were gone or not though).


Hopefully they have that backup somewhere else. Otherwise they might have to start over from the scratch.

99 Star General Site Moderator
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Well they not said much about the game so even if they have to start again it will probably won't effect it too much.


They should have read the small print about about insurance companies not covering flood zones now.

99 Star General Site Moderator
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Little update from Hello games


Will this delay No Man’s Sky?

We won’t let that happen!

At times recently I’ve wanted to be depressed, to wallow, but it’s impossible surrounded by this team. They are literally unstoppable. If we’ve lost some work, we’ll make up the time. We’ll steal dev-kits. We’ll work on a boat. Whatever it takes (not actual stealing… maybe 🙂


Are you going to do a Kickstarter?

I like Kickstarter, and I love what it stands for (all my Xmas presents were Kickstarter pledges). Financially I guess it’d probably be a really good time for us to do one, and so many people have suggested it. I just don’t think it’s the right thing for No Man’s Sky right now though, and we’d probably rather not eat than do the wrong thing for this game.

If people buy our Joe Danger games then that does support us. We’d rather you buy Joe Danger because you want to play them though… they are real good games 🙂



Not surprised at them not doing a Kickstarter as speculation on the web is that they may be looking at one of the console makers to fund development of the game.

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Pic of that flood that ruined their equipment is a shame, hope they had backups offsite 🙂


Sometimes I think that would be the best thing for this game, there is a lot of space games being worked on and coming out and only a small amount are going to be on the console and it wouldn't be bad for them to put this game on the console, they have had a decent amount of success with the console and their games so why not and if it does well they should be able to port it over ok after the console folks flush out the game and make it right.

99 Star General Site Moderator
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Theirs a big 4+page interview with them in this month Edge magazine which does a fine job of not saying anything apart from the fact that it won't be like Minecraft and the game will have no tutorial with people left to figure out the game mechanics something similar to the Dark Souls game. Also will be some sort of Multiplayer/online where you can chose to share information with other players.

99 Star General Site Moderator
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That interview with Hello Games from last months issue is now on the Edge website

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