Nice screenshots btw Pinback.
Thats what I wanted to see and has really been the only thing that has stopped me from buying. I can only run around on some planets for so long before I would get bored. So they need to make it more engaging in space to complete the package....
Nice pics +1 ^^
I picked it up a while ago but I'm afraid it's actually too "open" for my taste.
Currently my fav game although I have not played it since Christmas, but I intend to go back to it soon as I'm still trying to get the ground vehicle.
They have announced that they are adding Vulkan support to the game At the present it's on the Experimental branch of the game, but will be making it way to the main one.
Yeah I saw that last night, that would be good for me when I get the game so I can exercise this Vega 64 I got. Plus any games that I have seen that use Vulkan look great (ex: X4, Doom Eternal, War Thundar, etc..)
I planned to buy NMS on steam summer sales, this vulkan support is very interesting, i like vulkan and i have a Radeon VGA so it's perfect.
I only hope this will not introduce other annoying bugs.
So I just downloaded the game onto my Windows 11 machine and it CTD when starting, going to have to update the game on the Windows 10 computer and see if it is doing it their as well.
Well the Windows ten version of the game works fine no issues at all.
Was going to have another look but Steam is redownloading all 18GB of the game again?.
turned out to be the old favourite, drivers, the penny dropped when everspace 2 threw a fit and put up a screen about out of date drivers.
once updated everything works.
And the download the other day was 9gb Aquarius update and the big thing for this update, fishing. I expect the next update to include pub game and dice and card games.
I just haven't got back to the game it sits on my desktop, been busy and I been wasting lots of time playing the witcher series slowly 🙂 But I hope to dive back into it soon and I am sure I will be pleasantly surprised with the gfx update and some of these new updates after it.
Same here, not played the pc version in a while and must try and get back into it.