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Although I have been visiting for decades(?), I have to say is ultra cool

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Posted by: @classyk

Although I have been visiting for decades(?), I have to say is ultra cool

I agree the new site update is nice and I think the domain name is a lot better with the .space


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I have a problem with the new Oolite site, it triggers my security software and causes it to be blocked. 😐 

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Posted by: @geraldine

I have a problem with the new Oolite site, it triggers my security software and causes it to be blocked

I'll mention it to the devs, amiga, but there's a lot of tinkering going on at this time. Mostly beyond my ken, I might add, and as I've had to give up playing the game, I'm not involved much anymore. Sic transit gloria ludi, as they said in Rome!

Oolite Naval Attaché

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Ooh, I am sorry to hear that, Cody. 😧 Oolite was a game you got tons of enjoyment out of. I was leafing through my OXPs and found your story mission. Once I figure out how to use the Oolite utility thingy for handing OXPs I'll reinstall it. I tried doing it the old way and the game didn't want to know, but I am sure I'll have it up and running soon. Sorry, you can't play it anymore. 😔 

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Posted by: @geraldine

Sorry, you can't play it anymore.

Can't even play FreeCell... ho-hum!

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@Geraldine - from timer (the owner of

our site is a pure mixture of html + css + js (at this moment) and all the site files are publicly available on GitHub. And CloudFlare and GitHub acts as a web-servers... there is nothing dangerous there


Which OS and AV are you using, amiga?

Oolite Naval Attaché

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Win 11, Malware Bytes, F-Secure, Spybot and "some other things" 😉 
It could be they need to get on their Whitelists as, right now, all of the above are listing the Oolite site as crawling in malware. I've just got this thing up and running, so I'll hold off for now. I am almost sure they are just listed wrongly as a threat...almost...
Also, if you can't play Oolite anymore, how about Alite instead? Could that be better for you, as it runs on Android phones with touch controls?


Edit: Updated version here:


If that site does not work, here is it's Git Hub page.

This post was modified 10 months ago 2 times by Geraldine

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Posted by: @geraldine

... and "some other things"

<grins> Razorwire and Claymores? I can't check it out as I'm running an unpatched Win7 with no AV whatsoever, which means I'd see no warnings. The devs seem confident that is clean and safe, but you'd best hold back a while I suppose.

Why can't I play? Long story cut short: my eyesight, mainly double vision. Even typing short messages is difficult. Been waiting for an appointment at Moorfields Eye Hospital for over a year, but I'm sure you're aware of the state of the NHS, and strikes ain't helping.

Oolite Naval Attaché

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Sorry to hear that, Cody. Hope they manage to fit you in soon. I've been on a waiting list myself, for a different procedure, since before the Pandemic. When I remember what the NHS used to be like, it makes me sad to see it struggling so these days. 😑 

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Posted by: @geraldine

I've been on a waiting list myself, for a different procedure, since before the Pandemic

Yeah, my eyesight problems started in 2019, just before the wheels came off the NHS. It's irreparably broken!

Oolite Naval Attaché

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It can be fixed but those in power have to have the will to do it. The shower that are presently in government don't seem to have any interest in that. They would sell off the NHS to the American big Pharmas if they could get away with it. Depressing it is. 😑 

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Granted I don't have any malware/virus checking software monitoring my browser but in chrome or brave browser nothing is popping up for me on Win10. Hmm glancing through the site with devtools I didn't see anything pop out at me as a security risk. I wonder if its hitting on the files on the site ... for example I see OXZ, EXE. I would .ZIP/.7zip any files if possible just to avoid issues with downloading. And I noticed in a few places you get redirected to other sites when clicking on specific links.

Which SSC does a lot of this and so far no one has mentioned any bad stuff about links or files. But at first glance the site seems fine to me @cody.


I am a little ignorant on overseas medical coverage and availability. USA's medical availability is usually quite good if you need something done you can get it pretty quick, granted you will pay a lot for it and I think that may be the problem. Can you pay extra to be seen quicker @cody or is taking a small vacation to get a procedure done in another country an option for you? Totally sucks people have to sit and get worse waiting for a appointment/procedure. I hope you can get good news about your situation soon. 

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Thanks D1. Earlier comment from the owner of

All reports about the danger of the site (if I understood correctly) boiled down to the fact that the site does NOT pose a threat, but does NOT prevent potential security problems. I tried to set the headers of the site in accordance with the security requirements (thanks @hiran for the report) - please try to evaluate if anything has changed... we will improve the characteristics of the site to get a good security rating - this has nothing to do with the content of the site, this just "server" settings.


I'll get back to you on the workings of the UK health system one day.

In short: on my state pension, I can't afford private health care.

Oolite Naval Attaché

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Fix for AppleMac Oolite's Expansion Manager

Converts it to "" using the Terminal utility (hidden away in the Utilities folder).

This post was modified 7 months ago by Cholmondely

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Summary of recent Oolite activity for January 2024

1) Work on Nightlies/Oolite v.1.92
*Major improvements to graphics including support of HDR and the colour-blind, and other improvements for planets, etc.
*Ability to configure keyboard
*Ability to update all Expansions
*Other improvements

2) OXPs

2a) Revamped old favourites (almost all by Phkb)
*Cataclysm (Mission) - has been deprecated since Oolite v.1.76 - "a great example of a story-like mission"
*LoveCats (Mission)
*New Cargoes - issues since Oolite v.1.82 finally solved
*Tianve - has been revamped with a realistic pulsar, better textures and New Cargoes added in. A better texture for Tianve which includes dark-side city lights!
*New textures for Globe, Torus & Taranis stations
*New textures for Commies, Dictators & Feudal States - with more realistic Feudal joust wagering odds too
*Tionisla Chronicle Array - Alnivel has made this more compatible with the "Tionisla Reporter OXP" mission
*Telescope - cag has made this much more flexible (and complicated), even adding in a second MFD: you can set one for stations, another for ships

2b) New OXPS
- Route Planner OXP - makes the ANA much more flexible (adds more than the one destination)
- Interface Reordering OXP - allows reordering a lengthy F4 docked screen (and possibly even adding Cyrillic titles! - not tried this...)

- Griff has started producing SpecGloss textures for the core ships - 6 so far. The Sidewinder's textures get grubbier as its maintenance level deteriorates!

Killer Wolf
- a new Adder for Harder Start upgrades - Adder Mark III
- a massive new station with an incredible docking experience - Isis Interstellar

- reintroducing some of the features of Classic Elite: Jane's Galactic Shipset & Fighter-Explorers
- Galactic Hyperdrive Reimagined - now reusable and intergalactic travel takes time (may spoil some missions)
- Comedy: Alien Systems & Solo's Alt Stations

- Vimana-X HUD (the newest HUD with many working equipment lights and optional gubbins)
- Expanded Weapon Info (gives information about lasers on the F3 screen - range, damage, overheating, etc.)
- Missile Summary (lists your missiles/bombs on the F5 screen)
- Retextures for WildShips/Kiota Stations
- Tionisla Memorials (TOGY) - adds starbird memorials for Oolite community members Svengali & Ironfist
- Xenon UI SW Economy Addition (but does not identify the "3rd trade-pole" mining worlds as such)

2c) Experimental and unfinished
- Black Hole (by Phkb: with texture and position, but needs game effects added - attraction/heat/equipment malfunction, etc)


This post was modified 7 months ago 2 times by Cholmondely

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Screenshots for Summary for Jan 2024

Globe Station (revamp by Phkb of 2006 oxp)
Tianve 2.0 (revamp by Phkb)
Griff's deteriorating SpecGloss Sidewinder
KillerWolf's Isis Interstellar Station
Phkb's Vimana-X HUD


Tianve Pulsar v2.0
Trade Factor Animation
Isis Interstellar
Vimanax hud
This post was modified 7 months ago by Cholmondely

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Problem solved! (see comment appended beneath)


Problems with Oolite BB (we all seem to be permanently banned from Oolite Bulletins/

Aegidian hopes to look into it on Thursday, but until then we are using the "User:" pages on our wiki (for those of us with accounts) and possibly also (a senior member of the Oolite Admiralty Board).

The Witchspace Lobster has struck again!

This post was modified 5 months ago by Cholmondely

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Aegidian just implemented a temporary fix!

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A very temporary fix it would seem. I’m just getting a 504 gateway error at the moment.

Edit: And it’s back. Weird.

This post was modified 5 months ago by phkb

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Giles is asking for new forum admins - it certainly needs fixing. And welcome to SSC.

Oolite Naval Attaché

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It’s down again, it would seem

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Posted by: @phkb

It’s down again, it would seem

Aye! Question: would you be interested in becoming a forum admin?

Oolite Naval Attaché

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Oh dear! Message from Giles:

This morning I fixed the gzip problem and updated the phpBB installation to 3.3.11.
Softlicious insisted it made a backup at each stage.

This afternoon, the board broke.
The backups haven't worked, not my ones, not the softlicious automatic ones.
The database is broken and restoring the board seems beyond my capabilities.

I hate this.
I poured a lot of myself into oolite over the years, and this board was my last bit of that.
And I don't have the time or the talent to restore it.
So, I think I have to move on.



Oolite Naval Attaché

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Oh no! 😢 

That’s not good at all, the brokenness of the board, and Giles coming to the realisation his time with Oolite might be done.


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