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Looking for a good game

Crewman Registered
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I'm looking for a good space sim game, but can't really find what I'm looking for, so hopefully I'll get some ideas from you guys.

I have been looking a bit on Infinity, and it seems as EXACTLY what I'm looking for. However it's still in development and who know when it will see day light..

The last space game I played was Freelancer and I really liked it. I would however like a bit more sand box to it and a bit more depth, with more dynamic systems and the ability to actually fly in to planets atmospheres.

I want the game to contain:

- Traiding

- mining

- combat

- missions

- Freeplay

- exploring

- the ability to enter planets and fly withing the atmosphere and land

It shouldnt be to old either as I would like some nice graphics as well.

Is there any game out there that meets these criteria?

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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I would checkout either Evochron Legends or Evochron Mercenary. Mercenary being the latest in the series.

Petty Officer Registered
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Darkone wrote:
I would checkout either Evochron Legends or Evochron Mercenary. Mercenary being the latest in the series.

I wanted so much to like the Evochron games but after buying Mercenary, I just found it incredibly shallow and trite. Maybe I was missing something, but so much seemed to be missing. As a developer I can appreciate the many hours of work that have gone into it, but the gameplay just seems so off. It's almost as if it's developed to meet a list of checkboxes (mining, planetfall, trading etc) without having a strong enough core to support these oft-requested features.

That said, I don't have any better suggestions to offer

Crewman Registered
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thanks for the tip.

I did try Evechron Mercenary, but the game somewhat feels not very well polished.

Petty Officer Registered
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Is everything you just asked for and more... If dated graphics and a clunky interface won't turn you off. I suggest you check out this diamond in the rough. It has a 30 day free trial and $9.99 monthly subscription fee. It is technically an MMO, but has a very small playerbase. It is better to think of it as a multiplayer space sim. It's simply the most feature rich and original game ever made.

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Legion wrote:

Is everything you just asked for and more... If dated graphics and a clunky interface won't turn you off. I suggest you check out this diamond in the rough. It has a 30 day free trial and $9.99 monthly subscription fee. It is technically an MMO, but has a very small playerbase. It is better to think of it as a multiplayer space sim. It's simply the most feature rich and original game ever made.

How much players does it have?

It seems like a game like that would probably not have a particularly large player base, and that is a bad thing for an MMO.

How does NPCs function in the game? Are there independent NPC ships going about their business etc?

Warrant Officer Registered
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Im going to respond to the questions regarding Star Quest online. Not out of player experience, but from reading the forums over there. I looked at this game for a while, and the biggest impressions I got where as follows.

+ Maxes out at 20 players online during peak times.

+ Admins/Developers havn't addressed the community in months if not years. Development has obviously stopped.

+ No 'beginner' or 'training' ship, you start on someone elses' ship, and if the forums are any indication griefing seems common.

These points all stuck out to me. Naturually I have never played the game, so take my advice with a grain of salt. That being said, I would definately do your research before dropping any cash. 🙂

If I'm wrong please let me know! Id hate to slander any game, or internet community.

Petty Officer Registered
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You actually don't have to start on anyone's ship. I bought my first ship by playing video poker in the Spaceport Bar. There is a wonderful post on the forums by Kip Kippers that tells you everything you need to know to start a civilian life.

The low population is due to many of the factors you just listed. Though now that the admins are not there. I have decided to return to the game. They built a game where you could actually kidnap someone and hold them, and their only way out is to starve to death or get sick. Made their slogan "Hardcore games for Hardcore gamers", and then they got personally involved in who actually sits in the brigs and who "magically escapes", who's ships get reinstated after they were blown up, and whose didn't. The admins being gone is a double edged sword. On one hand the game can finally be played as it was intended. On the other bugs and new content are probably not going to be fixed anytime soon.

The community is small and there is a lot of tension, but it's because everyone has something to gain or lose. Consider griefing espionage. You have enemies that want to harm you so bad they pose as new players just for the chance of flying your ship into the sun, or kidnapping you.I have been kidnapped off of a fleet vessel and had my attributes permanently damaged with player made drug injections. It caused my character to die whenever he took a step. I went through hours of physical therapy before I was able to walk again. It's part of the game.

Basically if you stay out of politics, and find yourself a nice little system outside the known universe you will have very few porblems.

I will help anyone who is interested in this game get started with a free ship.

Crewman Registered
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I just downloaded the demo-version of "Starpoint Gemini". The graphics are extraordinary. Actually i'm not quite used with the ergonomy, but I think, that this game could be pleasant to play. But, as I already mentioned, I'm not quiet through, so I still have no great idea of the storyline. Maybe someone else has more knowlege in that matter.

regards, Marcel

Crewman Registered
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if you like action game than try the mummy in this game u found how to kill the mummy and you also get interesting gift while complication of every stage like sword guns and etc

so try to find it

and play it's very nice

Crewman Registered
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is the same query i have. I'm looking for a PC game that can be similar to X3 or Free Lancer. It can be a bought game, but i do DO NOT want to pay per a month for it (ex- EVE ONLINE) But i have a very fast computer (12GB ram) with impressive processor and graphics card (yes its a gaming computer) so i want to have this game with Realistic looking graphics! So im pretty much looking for a HI-RES Space simulator game, any suggestions? (NO EVE) Also i dont care if the game is an MMO or not, just dont want to pay per a month for it.. THANKS!

Rear Admiral Registered
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Well, with a rig like that, you might be better off waiting for Elite IV! 😆 Seriously though, lots of good suggestions so far, perhaps Evechron Mercenary might just be what you are looking for 😉
