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2024 Feb 3 Pioneer day - New release

Pioneer Moderator
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Today we have published the annual pioneer release, please see the many exciting features in the release notes and give it a spin.

Nozmajner has also made a lovely trailer for us on youtube, demonstrating some of the key new features, and new music.


EDIT: We now have a bug-fix build, that's the same as the above release, but +20 bugs fixed, including combat being broken. Please check it out instead.

EDIT2: If your save doesn't load, hold ctrl key and see the "load" button change to "recover", and load the game that way. It's supposed to be backwards compatible, but there's a bug that forces the player to force-load (hold ctrl) old saves. Sorry about that, we might do _another_ bug-fix release for that little bug, to fix that inconvenience.

This topic was modified 4 months ago 2 times by impaktor

Crux 72
Senior Chief Registered
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Ok - following the ongoing conversation here, already the first disappointment:

Posted by: @crux_72

... I see the latest version is available - so I'll soon know where I stand 🙂


Posted by: @impaktor

Interesting. I believe we discuss (way into the future) adding some more RPG into pioneer (actually, the New Game menu in the up coming release is a step in that direction). I keep pushing "my dream" post on everyone, so why not you as well:


I think we've already talked about this - and I'd already read this post over on the forum. I think I remember that we exchanged a few ideas on how this could perhaps be implemented 'relatively easily' as a first step, at least in such a way that the impression is created that you are entering a starbase/city as a player. Since then, nothing has changed about the fact that I can't code, but if you manage to create a certain basic structure, I still think I can help out here. Maybe it will be easier now with the new language...

The system editor does not start (it loads, but then crashes without any further message). So... I'm out for the time being and right away.

This post was modified 6 months ago by Crux 72

Pioneer Moderator
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@crux_72 Please see instructions on how to launch the editor on the wiki, and get back if you still have problems:

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@vernakuhlman Please read the wiki. You can not just "double click it" you need to pass which command you want it to use from the command line.

Crewman Registered
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Hei guys, any way to use the orbital scanner? I still haven't managed to do it. Is it possible to land on a planet? (not station)

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@corriereromano You must be doing something wrong. Please note: for scanning from orbit, you need the orbit scanner. To do the surface scan, you need a surface scanner. In your mission list (F3 -> star-tab), you can click on a mission, and there should be enough information on how to do it. Please let us know if you figure it out, and what information would be good to have to avoid the confusion.

Yes, you can land on planet, this is required for search and rescue missions when the ship in need of help is on the planet (you need to land very close to it, according to mission description).

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We'll likely do a bug fix release next month, perhaps. If you have a github account you can already now download bug-fix build from the "Actions" page. Most notable bug in the release was beam and projectile weapons being broken (were out of sync by one frame, which matters for high speed weapons, and high speed ships).

Below are the bugs fixed in master branch so far, since the February 03 release:

February 2024 (dev)
  * Internal Changes
    * Fix MSVC CI build on non-PR refs (#5733)
    * Update libfmt, fix compilation warnings and invalid JSON CustomSystem position (#5759)
    * Add documentation to make life for package maintainers easier (#5749)
    * Fixed broken screenshots links (#5761)
    * Adding editor.txt, removing ModelViewer.txt to document new editor (#5737)

  * Fixes
    * Local missions should list distances in AU rather than Ly (#5756)
    * Fix star background generation (#5758)
    * Fix path of pioneer executable (#5743)
    * Fix 'nil' in hyperdrive Maintenance BBS advert (#5754)
    * Generate atmospheres for gas giants also in legacy custom systems (#5766)
    * Fix "bad argument" error in SearchRescue.lua in custom systems (#5769)
    * Fix crash when deleting a flightlog entry (#5768)
    * Fix projectile and beam weapons not able to hit, frame sync (#5767)

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@salmawisoky I suspect you are mixing up some games 😀

Pioneer Moderator
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Bug fix build has been released now, +20 bugs fixed, including combat being broken which has now been fixed:

EDIT 2024-03-16: If your save doesn't load, hold ctrl key and see the "load" button change to "recover", and load the game that way. It's supposed to be backwards compatible, but there's a bug that forces the player to force-load (hold ctrl) old saves. Sorry about that, we might do _another_ bug-fix release for that little bug, to fix that inconvenience.

This post was modified 4 months ago by impaktor
