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I tried to do a pull request for this but couldn't get it to work for some reason. Regardless, this is my suggestion for a 'storyline' for the game. The letter would go in front of the Pioneer Manual and inside the manual, alongside the 'actual descriptions' would be a colloquial markup where appropriate.

Let me know what you think.



673 Duncan Oakes Drive

North Baysville, CA 53286

North America




Dear Jake

I never forget my promises and I always repay my debts. Your actions last October saved my youngest daughter and for that I will be eternally grateful. I know I can never fully repay you for what you have done, but I couldn't live with myself if I didn't try.

We didn't spent much time together before the explosion but I remember how passionately you spoke of your grandfathers travels through space. This struck a chord with me as it is a life I have also experienced. The isolation, being your own boss, never having to see another living soul if you don't want to, the possibility of flying away from civilisation and not stopping till you have passed the edge of explored space. Living your dreams where you want, when you want. There is a Pioneer in all of us, but I know yours is stronger than mine.

Packaged with this letter is the manual and access chit for a second-hand shuttle, a small token of my appreciation. By the time you receive this letter she'll be fuelled, certified and ready to fly from your local starport. It may be a small ship but it punches above its weight in terms of performance. She even comes loaded with the basic equipment to get you going, but it'll be up to you to equip her properly.

I know this is a lot of new information, most of it foreign to you so I've annotated the manual where appropriate. You'll struggle at first, It took me a year in space to find my feet (metaphorically of course), but you'll quickly find the niche that’s right for you. There is money in trading – I'm proof of that – but something tells me that won't sate your thirst for adventure. Doing odd jobs can be its own reward, never working for the same person twice, drifting on the darkest sea like the sail boats of old. Bounty Hunting may come later if you have the skills. If not you may fall into the trap of piracy, but I pray you won't. If you get bored you can always run freelance missions for one of the governments. The Galaxy is at peace my friend, but I find that is when it is at its most dangerous.

I can't tell you what will happen, where you go and whether you will survive, but regardless of the outcome I hope you enjoy the journey and that my small token brings you a lifetime of happiness.

If you are ever back this way again make sure you stop by for a beer.

Your friend,

Carl Noebbers

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That has a good feel to it. It'll need a little proofing, but I really like the idea.

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Thargoid wrote:
There is a Pioneer in all of us...

That was the point that you had me hooked. Awesome work! 😀

Master Chief Registered
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The manual was one of my favorite things about frontier/ffe! The feeling that I had inherited a ship and was now reading the instruction manual before attempting a very first space flight was priceless.

This is a great start! 😀

Rear Admiral Registered
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A big +1 from me also. This does "feel" right, it has human feeling in it. 🙂

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Thought I'd ditto the other replies. Nice work (for a Thargoid). 😉

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Thanks everyone for your replies. I'm glad you all like it.

Now after an edit or two i've got to figure out why my local git isn't committing or pushing or some other thing.

@marcel: Thargoids are good at poetry too 😉



Captain Registered
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I like it! 🙂

Master Chief Registered
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I agree a nice big thick manual with stack of detail is part of the experience. I LOVE the manuals of the Elite series.

Great work here.

The recent Wing Commander Saga has an excellent manual too, over 100 pages. Nice !

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Ok i've taken on board some comments and redone the letter slightly.

673 Duncan Oakes Drive

North Baysville, CA 53286

North America




Dear Jake

I never forget my promises and I always repay my debts. Your actions last October saved my youngest daughter and for that I will be eternally grateful. I know I can never fully repay you for what you have done, but I couldn't live with myself if I didn't try.

We didn't spent much time together before the explosion but I remember how passionately you spoke of your grandfather's sojourn through space. This struck a chord with me as it is a life I have also experienced. There is nothing like striking out on your own, choosing a direction and running before the wind until you pass beyond known space. The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew, the furrow followed free: We were the first that ever burst into that silent sea. There is a Pioneer in all of us, but I believe yours is stronger than mine. The fringe is rough; it takes someone rougher to master it.

Packaged with this letter is the manual and access chit for a second-hand shuttle, a small token of my appreciation. By the time you receive this letter she'll be fuelled, certified and ready to fly from your local starport. It may be a small ship but she's durable, reliable, and has a few tricks up her sleeve. She even comes loaded with the basic equipment to get you going, but it'll be up to you to equip her properly. You'll also find a small package in the storage compartment in the cockpit. A small item, for a friend in the Tolan Kingdom. His contact details are attached. If you could deliver this – keep it off your manifest if you can – I would be doubly in your debt.

I know this is a lot of new information, most of it foreign to you so I've annotated the manual where appropriate. It took me a year to find my space feet so you'll probably struggle at first, but you'll quickly find the niche that’s right for you. There is money in trading – I'm proof of that – however something tells me that that won't sate your thirst for adventure. Doing odd jobs can be its own reward, never working for the same person twice, drifting on the darkest sea like the sail boats of old. Bounty Hunting may come later if you have the skills. If not you may fall into the trap of piracy, but I pray you won't. If you get bored you can always run freelance missions for one of the governments, but beware: they all keep tabs on each other. Opening a door in one room makes you an enemy in the other. The Galaxy may be at peace my friend, but I find that that is when it is at its most dangerous.

I can't tell you what will happen, where you go and whether you will survive, but regardless of the outcome I wish you fair seas and following winds as you stake your claim on the coldest sea.

If you are ever back this way again make sure you stop by for a beer.

Your friend,

Carl Noebbers

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Minor quibble. "grandfathers" should be "grandfather's". 🙂

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true that.

