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UPDATE 5 is live on Steam!

Master Chief Registered
Joined: 10 years ago
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Hey there, been a while!

Did you see our latest ship the PLC Heavy Cruiser ‘Algenib?’

“Although some critiques call the design into question noting that it’s peak fire coverage points are the same as the Matar’s, the craft sports far stronger generators making the Algenib a more capable energy weapons platform.”


We’ve been busy since our Steam launch rolling in fixes and additions to the alpha.

UPDATES 1, 2, 3 were basically bug fixes and we added the ability to change the theme of your ships allowing the customisation of the primary and secondary colours and the tweaking of the material properties (metallic, shininess.)

UPDATE 4 worked on the scanning mechanics making it harder to detect the enemy and introducing a negative status if your units are ‘surprised’ by the enemy (they start attacking you before you’ve detected them,) we are started rolling in the Objectives system and we added new weapons and abilities. (over 60 fixes, additions and tweaks in total)

UPDATE 5 is the most recent unit which introduced the Algenib Heavy Cruiser, 5 new abilities, the ability to save/load fleet configurations and we evolved the Objectives system a little more (over 80 fixes, additions and tweaks in total)


We also unveil the second subversive faction the ‘Allied Pirate Forces” over on the blog:

“[Abbreviated: APF] More often than not, history teaches that ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’ and this is the common ground that forms the tenuous power titled the ‘Aligned Pirate Forces’.”


Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 7888

Congrats on the successful steam early access, users are giving shallow space some great ratings so I am sure you guys are excited about that. I also liked reading that you made starting a game a bit quicker and easier for gamers with some pre-configuration options.

Master Chief Registered
Joined: 10 years ago
Posts: 155
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Congrats on the successful steam early access, users are giving shallow space some great ratings so I am sure you guys are excited about that. I also liked reading that you made starting a game a bit quicker and easier for gamers with some pre-configuration options.

Cheers bud, appreciated! 🙂
