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Cockpit View EV:Nova?

Crewman Registered
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I saw there was a topic where someone else was looking for an EV:Nova-type game, and I am as well... Except without the top-down style. Basically, I think I'm looking for a single player version of what Infinity is going to be like. (My god, the little tech demo they released is amazing!)

I am in the process of sourcing some copies of both X3 (don't know which version) and Independence War 2. I installed the latest Evochron demo and hated it. The menu system seems to lack any sort of polish, it's like a bad mod for a good flight sim.

Honestly, I've been installing all my old games and playing them for a day, then uninstalling them. I just can't find anything that fits. I really need an open ended freeform space game... Do some trading, upgrade my ship, etc. Let me know what you guys are into and hopefully how it compares to something I'm familiar with. (ex. EV:Nova or the Infinity tech demo.)


Master Chief Registered
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Ast0reth wrote:
I saw there was a topic where someone else was looking for an EV:Nova-type game, and I am as well... Except without the top-down style. Basically, I think I'm looking for a single player version of what Infinity is going to be like. (My god, the little tech demo they released is amazing!)

I am in the process of sourcing some copies of both X3 (don't know which version) and Independence War 2. I installed the latest Evochron demo and hated it. The menu system seems to lack any sort of polish, it's like a bad mod for a good flight sim.

Honestly, I've been installing all my old games and playing them for a day, then uninstalling them. I just can't find anything that fits. I really need an open ended freeform space game... Do some trading, upgrade my ship, etc. Let me know what you guys are into and hopefully how it compares to something I'm familiar with. (ex. EV:Nova or the Infinity tech demo.)


Hmm.. well have you tried FFED3D or Vegastrike? Those both are free and very good freeform Space-sims.

Then there is Terminus.. but it's harder to find and uses a pretty rigid pseudo-newtonian flight model. Not for the arcade-minded "point & click" type gamer.

There is Privateer Gold.. that's based off the vegastrike engine.


a few others..

Not really much to choose from as far as true freeform open-end space-sims. The genre is very small.

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Ast0reth wrote:
I installed the latest Evochron demo and hated it. The menu system seems to lack any sort of polish, it's like a bad mod for a good flight sim.

Is that all your complaints are for is the menu system? Because the actual game is good, I know a lot of people may not like its newton physics but it is the only game that has no transitions from space to planet and vise-versa. Personally the hour long demo doesn't let you get to all the things you can do and you can mod the game so you could possibly fix the faults you don't like 🙂

But outside of that Shingen listed the rest I believe and you do have to remember no game is perfect in every way for all gamers. 😉
