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Squadron 42 - Road Map for a Road Map???

Illustrious Member Admin

Wow... this is depressing really, I didn't read all the comments but the community is pissed. I will be honest I bought into the kickstarter because of squadron 42 because I just loved all of the Wing Commander games and I wanted this. I could have cared less about Star Citizen but I really wanted SQ42 especially once I saw Mark Hamill was going to be in it 😉 

Why they have taken 8yrs to make a single player game is beyond me, last time I thought we were supposed to get beta in 2021.

Read this:


This is a good summary video on what is going on:

This topic was modified 5 years ago by DarkOne
Topic starter Posted : August 1, 2020 19:18
Noble Member

<scratches head> Words fail me! Luckily, I'm not invested in any of this... what shall I call it... vapourware?

Posted : August 2, 2020 05:59
Illustrious Member Admin

I hope not @Cody, as long as I get SQ42 I would consider the money I spent on this project fulfilled. I always knew that SC was going to be a big and probably long project so I was mainly focused on SC42 and playing that, so here is hoping we get it within the next 2-3 years....? And at one time I thought I remember them saying SC42 was going to be episodic....what? if your taking this long for episode 1 what is going to be the gap in-between games haha 

Topic starter Posted : August 2, 2020 09:41
99 Star General

Same here I bought into this more for the single player game than the online one and I was expecting to see something this year as they had hinted at being near the end.

Posted : August 2, 2020 10:29
Gaius Konstantine
Bounty Hunter Registered

Sigh... It looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and waddles like a duck... it's probably a duck. 

Posted : August 5, 2020 11:29
Noble Member
Posted by: @gaius-konstantine

it's probably a duck.

A duck? Where's my gun? Who took my gun?

Posted : August 5, 2020 11:55
Gaius Konstantine
Bounty Hunter Registered
Posted by: @cody

A duck? Where's my gun? Who took my gun?

Cody! That's cruel and insensitive... what time is dinner?

Posted : August 6, 2020 01:27
D.C.Elington and Cody reacted
99 Star General

I read we maybe getting some news about 42 over the weekend but as always don't hold your breath.

Posted : October 10, 2020 06:10
99 Star General

Look like it was this video and it's over an hour long, but I lost interest in it as soon as I read that this is a quarterly series, guess we not going to be seeing anything any time soon.

Posted : October 11, 2020 03:23
Illustrious Member Admin

I watched this and it was generally boring, but the NPC interactions were really good on how they interact with you. They are really building some immersion with this here, I can definitely see why it is taking so long because this level of detail is really insane.

Topic starter Posted : October 13, 2020 10:03
99 Star General

I read the other day that they have said that it will be done when it's done, which is about the same as saying how long is a piece of string.  

Posted : October 13, 2020 13:05
Illustrious Member Admin

Hahaha, I guess I can accept that sort of a response from a developer if they have a track record of releasing games with high quality.... but CIS hasn't released anything officially yet this is their first game. 😉

Yeah it may be playable to some extent, but here we sit 8yrs later and its hard to tell someone that bought into the kickstarter that it will be done when its done..... I understand its a passion project and a vision that Chris is trying to make come true.... but in the end gamers bought into the kickstarter because a specific vision was presented to us and we bought into it thinking yes I want that, so make it and it was promised to be done years ago 🙂 I don't care if you want to tweak it and make it better, do that after you have delivered your product like other companies have done with Elite and NMS, they are slowly building and making their games better every year.

But I will stop venting and wait, guess I don't have a choice 🙂 well least in another 1-2mos I will get to do my yearly login to SC and see how it is can't wait.

Topic starter Posted : October 13, 2020 13:53