Just found this forum whilst browsing looking for info on Elite 4...
Have always enjoyed a good sci-fi game or film - favourite space sci-fi game is FFE, I play JJFFE every now and again, but I have been tainted by modern graphics. I have tried X-2 & X-3 but can't seem to get into them...
Best film is the cliche of Aliens, or serenity.
Claim-to-fame - I have completed the arcade game 'Assault' by namco, start to end credits, without loosing a life (on the real machine in 1989 in the students union at Bradford Uni)
Best wishes,
(Hans Zarkov)
Welcome to SSC, John.
Welcome to this corner of the galaxy 🙂
Welcome John!
Welcome to the forums HansZarkov
And may I just say " GORDON'S ALIVE "
Shame we don't have any arcades anymore.
Welcome aboard, John.