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Hello from South Wales

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Hi All,


I'm a big fan of space sim games, particularly the X-Wing series, Elite & Freelancer. I am in the process of developing and Elite themed mod for Freelancer, this is in the early stages of development but a I have a beta version released in order to get some feedback from other gamers. If you'd like to have a look, you can get the mod from

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Hi Stormprooter

Welcome to the SSC! Yes I saw your mod on ModDB, looks great. I was really sad when Gibbon stopped developing his Awakening mod. Best of luck to you though with your mod!

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Hi Geraldine,


I was looking for an Elite mod for freelancer myself back last December, when Elite: Dangerous made the kickstarter funding level, I really wanted to play a more modern version of Elite (OOlite is good, but not enough action for my tastes) - but I couldn't find a freelancer mod done for the Elite universe (which I found strange) - so I decided to make my own. I found Gibbon/Griff's ship & station model pack, and this gave me a big boost in getting started, so I began in January this year.

I am a software developer by trade, however modding Freelancer prooved to be quite a learning curve - so many details to take in, and a quite awkward set of data structures to work with for creating game content - but it's getting there.

Development now continues to take this from a proof of concept into a game I will really enjoy playing myself - and hopefully others will enjoy as well.

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I would suggest you drop by Gibbon's Gizmo forums. He could give you a lot of helpful advice, perhaps maybe you could even recycle parts of his shelved Elite mod if he is willing? His forums are to be found here.

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Welcome to SSC, Stormprooter.


Not enough action in Oolite? Hmm... oh well.

Oolite Naval Attaché

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Welcome to SSC, Stormprooter.


Not enough action in Oolite? Hmm... oh well.

Don't get me wrong, I love Oolite - but I'm an action junkie who like to get into blasting away at plenty of enemies as soon as possible.

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Heh, that's easily arranged in Oolite - become a contrabandista (my profession). All the action you need, in almost every system!

Oolite Naval Attaché

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Welcome to the forums Stormprooter


An Elite mod for Freelancer Excellent work Stormprooter  😎  😎  if you want to upload a copy here on SSC or start a thread in the Freelancer forum  you are most welcome too.


 (OOlite is good, but not enough action for my tastes)


Would some one please pick Cody off the station floor.

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Welcome to SSC Stormprooter, with you being an action junkie just don't start picking fights outside the station. Well I guess you could, I did have a new targeting system installed on all the flaks that need to be tested 😀

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Heh, that's easily arranged in Oolite - become a contrabandista (my profession). All the action you need, in almost every system!


I guess I haven't added the right mods for it - only really played 'vanilla' OOlite, and the Navy Missions Mod(where you get a million thargoids to try to destroy). I have also played with creating my own mods for OOlite but never really had a good enough idea to take forward. I will re-visit it, and get the graphics updates and the like and see what I can conjoure up - when I get the time.

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Welcome to the forums Stormprooter


An Elite mod for Freelancer Excellent work Stormprooter  😎  😎  if you want to upload a copy here on SSC or start a thread in the Freelancer forum  you are most welcome too.



Would some one please pick Cody off the station floor.


Thanks for the offer, I am having to decide on a 'Home' for the mod, as I am getting feedback and fix requests from lots of different places at the moment, and it's a bit of a nightmare keeping track of everything. I Initially chose facebook as it was easy and free, but I suspect it's not the best place as many gamers don't like facebook. I'll have a think.....

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Welcome to SSC Stormprooter, with you being an action junkie just don't start picking fights outside the station. Well I guess you could, I did have a new targeting system installed on all the flaks that need to be tested 😀

Hi Darkone, I'm not really one for starting fights, except in PVP battles, and then only in-game 😀


Also, I must compliment whoever designed this site - it's really nice looking, easy to navigate and easy to use - not too common in gaming sites.

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I guess I haven't added the right mods for it - only really played 'vanilla' OOlite...


Apart from eye-candy, I only use a few mods that toughen/smarten the NPCs that vanilla Oolite spawns.

My chosen profession means that everyone is after my blood - pirates, bounty-hunters, and the cops.


But as you say, finding the time is the key. Me, I'm a monogamiac - all my game-time goes on Oolite.

Oolite Naval Attaché

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I must compliment whoever designed this site - it's really nice looking, easy to navigate and easy to use - not too common in gaming sites.


Agreed - it's one of the best sites of its type. Nothing but quality at SSC - kudos to D1 for that.

Oolite Naval Attaché

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Welcome to the site Stormprooter, good luck with the mod, we need a decent Elite Mod for Freelancer to keep us goin till the new Elite is out




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Welcome to the site Stormprooter, good luck with the mod, we need a decent Elite Mod for Freelancer to keep us goin till the new Elite is out




Cheers Neagoth, I've had a little break from development after releasing the beta, apart from a bit of 3D modelling, but I am planning to get back onto development in full swing this weekend.


I've got a few bugs & niggles to work out of the current version, mostly surrounding game balancing the NPCs - I don't have enough variety, and the Thargoid Warships are not appearing as they should.

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Well keep it up, i've not had chance to play it yet 😯  but will do soon after i get all this painting done otherwise i feel the wife's wrath lol
