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[Sticky] New game mod: Pioneer Scout +

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Oh no, I do not build ships, only buy and sell.

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Ports Of Call!! I loved that game on the Amiga!

Crewman Registered
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I use pioneer 71 with scout + G9 and the fix pack G9.02.

When I open the ship information, I got an error message (see attach file).

Someone can help me ?



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You must have installed the two fix packs:



They are not cumulative.  One fix one thing and another, another. 

Crewman Registered
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Thx  for all !

It's works perfectly !

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Is coming!


Pioneer Scout Plus. G10 version

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Again with you. Tenth release, for ten consecutive months!


It's here!

Pioneer Scout Plus G10 version





Now, to ships SPA members, will install a sophisticated new experimental active defense system. In case of attack (detected impact of plasma, and if you are armed with cannons), the system will take control of his ship and attempt to destroy the hostile ship, or disable their electronic systems. This system has not yet gone on sale in the market and is, for the moment, for the exclusive use of members of SPA.




Now, when requesting takeoff (or press F5), the ship is heading skyward. This gives the pilot time to take action, without worrying about the sometimes complicated takeoff tasks.


Now, the "Knights hackers", attack to you only if it detects that your ship is equipped with cannons. If you is a SPA member and have installed the new active defense systems, it gets interesting. Else, god help you. In case you win (destroy him), you can get a juicy reward. If you are not armed, she only take some of your money. Although in some cases is possible to escape, in others can not do anything.


Now, the crew is able to perform more useful tasks:




New information on "Personal Info", very important for Scout missions:




In "state" of the Scout mission, added: "Mapping" and "Suspended"


In the Scout mission: If the mapping is finished, and you are (deceived) sent to a different faction than the source (now can make checking "Previous Faction"), shall be fined, but not counted as failed mission.


Module enhancements "Ship Resale". Now not displayed duplicate ships.




New sound effects. When entering a system, you hear the distinct sound of the faction. You're going to "hear" when the faction is "different" than usual.


New buildings are added, converted to SGM by potsmoke66 (Gernot)





All ships have been rebalanced and optimized to avoid system ruptures.




Fixed bug when viewing Personal Info in hyperspace.


General improvements and code optimization.



Download free from here: Pioneer Scout+ G10 (all platforms)


Applicable to Pioneer Space Sim 20131011 (or higher).


Download free "Pioneer Space Sim 20131011" from here:  Win32  Linux32  Linux64  OSX


If you do not know Scout+ I strongly recommend you read the post from the begining.


Instructions for installing it are here: How to install the mod



I hope you enjoy this as much as I do.   

Senior Chief Registered
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Nice Name for the Kanara_civ 

Master Chief Registered
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If you've played the Paragon, you could see a lot of npc ships. The game became a living. How to do well in the Pioneer?

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@sapog662 In Scout+ G10, you'll find more of NPC ships. Have not you noticed? But some are very aggressive and bite. Are alive!


As the Pioneer core becomes more stable, and permits, more will be added. For now, prioritized stability.


@NiankoSensei I not incorporate your 14 station platforms because of the small bug. I hope your can fix that, before the G11, to have more NPC in sight.

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@NiankoSensei I not incorporate your 14 station platforms because of the small bug. I hope your can fix that, before the G11, to have more NPC in sight.



Bug ?


You tell about pad lighting, negative stock values or something in the model ?


By now is hard incorporate the 14 pad version inside pioneer for that i have made a 6 pad version.

When i have time (probably today) i want make a 8 pad and see if it work fine for now

Warrant Officer Registered
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@ walterar 


I'll be very intersting to implement your ""auto lauch sequence of ships " on Geneisa too , i knw its not on the source , but where is the mod ?  lib/ship ? or on another lua ? 

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@Vuzz Here is the function you want, in mod format: 

Warrant Officer Registered
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thanks !! as usual you're alway terribly pro  ^^

Warrant Officer Registered
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Is it me or the Xylophis shuttle doesn't have any model folder?


I've just tried the G10 BTW. Also, are those 9.01 and 9.02 fixes obsolete now?

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Xylophis is an original model included in Pioneer. It is not added by this mod. You can find it in the folder /data/models/ships/Xylophis within the Pioneer installation.


Everything concerning G9, should uninstall it with to install G10. 

Warrant Officer Registered
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Welp, just noticed that I haven't updated my Pioneer install to the latest version yet, therefore Xylophis model didn't show up. My bad.

Petty Officer Registered
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Really enjoy your mod and the changes that you make on a regular basis:


Would like to point out just one thing about the recent change to PersonalInfo.lua, you might want to have it coded thus:


    local CurrentPosition

    local CurrentFaction

    local StationName

    local frameBody = Game.player.frameBody.label

    if Game.system == nil then

        CurrentPosition = t('Hyperspace')

        CurrentFaction = t('Hyperspace')

        else if Game.player.flightState == "DOCKED" and Game.player:GetDockedWith().type ~= 'STARPORT_SURFACE' then

            StationName = Game.player:GetDockedWith().label.." - "

                else if Game.player.flightState == "DOCKED" then

                    StationName = Game.player:GetDockedWith().label

                    StationName = StationName.." STARPORT - "

                    else if Game.player.flightState == "LANDED" then

                        orbitalBody = frameBody

                        StationName = frameBody.." - "


                        StationName = t('')




        CurrentPosition = StationName

                  ": Sector ("




        CurrentFaction =



or something similar. The reason being is that if you land on a planet and then access your Personal Info Stats. the system crashes because  it is only taking into account docking at stations and not landing on planets. Have attached a jpeg showing what the above code does when having landed on New Hope near ITZALEAN Starport. This code also concantenates the title Starport after surface stations. I noticed that orbital stations usually get the title station after their name but surface starports just give you the name, so this adds that addition. There is probably a more elegant way to code this, but this is what I have for now.





By the way do you know how to get these images to display in better quality than they show after they are uploaded. On my system it displays as an 1286 x 988 24 BPP image, but here it is very small when displayed and the image quality is not so good.





To ensure that the previous location statistic also shows both the STARPORT and ORBITAL suffixes I editted the /00-Player/Player.lua file thus:


local onShipUndocked = function (player, station)

    if not player:IsPlayer() then return end

    local pLabel = player.label

    local sLabel = station.label

    local sType = station.type

    local frameBody = Game.player.frameBody.label

    local faction =

    if sType == 'STARPORT_SURFACE' then

        _G.PrevPos = ((sLabel).." STARPORT - "..": Sector ("..





        _G.PrevPos = ((sLabel).." - "..": Sector ("..






    _G.PrevFac = faction

    if sType == 'STARPORT_SURFACE' then

        Comms.Message(t(pLabel.." taking off from " ..sLabel.." STARPORT"))


        Comms.Message(t(pLabel.." taking off from " ..frameBody))




This is just for those whose personal preference is to have the specific locations reflected on their screens.



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Thanks for informing me of this bug.    Correct this, and other fixes, a fix pack to publish today or tomorrow.

Obviously I do not usually land outside a space station on my testing.   



In Scout+ G11 expand on the information of the space station where the ship is docked: surface or orbital station.


I do not upload my images in spacesimcentral, I keep them in my dropbox. They look better as well and everyone can see them if they are not logged in.

Petty Officer Registered
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Is there a way to take some of the ships out of the mod? i opened it and took some of the ship files out, than compressed it back into a zip, but it didnt work.

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I do not upload my images in spacesimcentral, I keep them in my dropbox. They look better as well and everyone can see them if they are not logged in.




Thanks, so that's how it is done, might have to get a dropbox account.

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"i opened it and took some of the ship files out, than compressed it back into a zip, but it didnt work."


It should run. Here I leave an example with Caiman

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@SuperNewtable: You need to keep the directory structure of the mod. Ship models should stay in the .zip/models/ships/ directory and the shipdef lua's to the .zip/ships/ directory. Or just copy the original mod and delete every other thing, but leave the things you want.

Petty Officer Registered
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Is there a way to take some of the ships out of the mod? i opened it and took some of the ship files out, than compressed it back into a zip, but it didnt work.


A sure way to have any ship you want in the game is copy the DataModels and DataShips directories to a safe location. Unzip your mod to your Documents directory usually following the directory structure of Pioneer. For example, your directory might be something like this under Windows:


C:usersyour usernameDocumentsPioneerData


Unzip your mod under that data directory making sure you follow the directory structure of Pioneer. If necessary create the top level data directory under your username location where the Pioneer mods directory is located.




Under DataShips make sure to copy all the .lua files of the ships you want, then under DataModels all the model directories that match the ships in the Dataships directory. Make sure there is not any reference to any ship you do not want, particular in the DataUIMainmenu.lua or any other lua for that matter, but usually the mainmenu.lua is the culprit because that is where you get your starting ship. After that I delete all the model directories and all the lua's in the ship directory in the Main Pioneer executable directory where ever you installed Pioneer. Just be sure to leave the empty wherever you installed the executable PioneerDataShips and PioneerDataModels directories in there locations. Once you have everything running you should be able then to compress the data directory under you username location and then stick it in the Pioneer Mods directory. However, since I usually mod a lot I just leave everything uncompressed in the data directory of my usernameDocumentsPioneerData directory. Hope this makes sense.


As with anything always backup first in case something goes wrong.

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Attention! FixPack 01 to Scout + G10


The latest versions of Pioneer have some internal changes. For this reason, Scout+ G10 is obsolete.


Also, I take the opportunity to make some corrections and cleaning. You will see the difference.


The latest version of Pioneer can be downloaded from here: Win32 Linux32 Linux64 OSX


To apply thisyou should add this fix pack in the mods folder:


Enjoy   🙂

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