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[Sticky] !! Pioneer Question Time !! - Ask them here

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Have you crashed by hand, or the autopilot crashed you?

If it was the autopilot, than first try the "Fly to vicinity" command of it. Sometimes the autopilot miscalculates.

If you flew by hand, than you have to look out for your speed. From orbit you can get up to several km/s and need time to slow down. For most ships retro and lateral thrusters are much more weaker than the main engine, so you want those mains to point towards your prograde vector (the little diamond which shows your direction of flight). Especially when you start slowing down late in your flight.

You can use the Set speed flight mode (F5 cycles them, Enter increases, Right Shift decreases), for the final approach, and then for hovering over the pad. Using the lateral thrusters overrides Set speed, so you can gently thrust down and release a few times, until you reach the target indicator the station gave you when you asked for Landing clearance (F4-comms). Also don't forget to lower your landing gear (F6).

Alternatively for the final soft landing you can set a sufficiently small Low thrust amount with F8, then just thrust upwards while holding shift (Still in set speed). If you picked a good Low thrust setting, then you won't be falling too fast because the up thrust slows your fall, and you can land slowly.

If that's pain too, you can fly over the designated pad, nose up to zenith, then set a small negative speed for Set Speed, and gently hover down at that speed. The station should still chatch and dock you when you are close enough.

Hope this helps. (Man, I should finish the flight tutorial on the wiki)

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In the sector map it is not obvious to me what the different colours of the labels indicate. Do they indicate something at all, or is it just to be able to seperate them?

Crewman Registered
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On numerous times in the last few days I have attempted to unzip the pioneer-20160404-win32.7z file using 7-zip program and failed to open the 2 .exe programs (pioneer and modelcompiler) due to an "error" . Very frustrated. Any suggestions. Thank you.

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jhryan123 are you extracting all of the files to a folder before trying to run them?

Or are you just opening it with 7-zip and then tryuing to run the programs within it as that will not work?


If you're just running it from the 7z file tiself then:

  • Open the pioneer-20160404-win32.7z in 7-zip,
  • select all of the files,
  • click the extract button and follow the instructions.
  • Then open where you extacted them and run "pioneer.exe".


NB: Sorry for the basic explanation but we get ask this quite a lot 🙁


If that's what you are already doing/done then take a look in the "My Documents/pioneer" folder for the files "opengl.txt" and "output.txt" and post their contents, into a reply here, or a PM (Private Message) to me if you'd prefer.

Then I'll be able to tell if your computer can actually run Pioneer or if it's failing to do something during startup.



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In the sector map it is not obvious to me what the different colours of the labels indicate. Do they indicate something at all, or is it just to be able to seperate them?


Sorry that I didn't see this before! The different label colours indicate the faction of the system, if it's inhabited that is. The Grey/White labels is an uninhabited systems name/catalog ID.

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ON-8833 leaves frame Benjamin's Misery

MY-5798 leaves frame Benjamin's Misery

deneb jump status is not OK

MY-5798 enters frame Benjamin's Misery

MY-5798 docked with Elliott ship:deneb

ON-8833 enters frame Wolf 1061 e

error: [string "[T] @libs/Equipment.lua"] attempt to compare nil with number

stack traceback:

[string "[T] @libs/Equipment.lua"] in function 'OnBeginAcquisition'

[string "[T] @libs/Equipment.lua"] in function 'BeginAcquisition'

[string "[T] @libs/Ship.lua"] in function <[string "[T] @libs/Ship.lua"]:553>


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@awang, as did to catch this error?

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Is there any way to cancel missions?

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Hi Pablo, bienvenido a bordo.

 Not specifically, but you can recover a previous saved game to the taking of the mission.

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Thanks, Walterar! It's awesome, by the way. I've been playin a few days.

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How do you determine the m/s^2 from thrust when looking at ships in the shipyard? They only show G and Delta-v (which i guess is a speed limit or some kind?), but the value that would be most useful to me is m/s^2 (how much actual acceleration the ship gains from given thrust for the mass). You can see this when you already own the ship in the ship stats.

Also is there a fix for launching pioneer from steam w/ overlay? I get an OpenGL error and the fonts in-game are messed up.

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Just multiply the G value by 10 (*9.81 really, but *10 is easier to do in your head).
You could treat deltaV as a speed limit of sort. It's the capacity of your ship to change it's speed. Like that would be your velocity if you would get to with your propellant if you would burn it all. So consider it as mileage. Burn about half of it (or half the distance to your target, whichever comes first), then use the other half to decelerate.
But it also defines your travel speed. Quite more so than acceleration actually, especially for longer trips.

No fix for the overlay glitch. It seems to be a quite low level openGl issue if I recall what fluffyfreak said about it, and it isn't a trivial problem either.

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ah so "g-force" is a misnomer, it's actually acceleration. good to know 🙂

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newly registered member - not sure quite how to post or where - so forgive if this is not the right place....

My name is Steve, I found Pioneer on WikiPedia and followed the links to how to WikiPioneer etc.

I'm a devoted space flight fan (began on Commadore's Elite game, then to Hardwar and I-War, etc.)

Pioneer looks pretty awesome visually and I thought i'd try it out.  Not least because i'm fed up with PC gaming needing perpetual upgrading of hardware or drivers.

I DL'd the latest Pioneer version and thought i would test it on my old Win XP laptop (32bit).

But although it installed smoothly, the moment i started it i go an error message saying "this is not  a Win32 program".

I like the look of the game and the idea that it is opensource etc. But although i'd like to join a forum with people wanting to discuss the game (playing and development), I can't seem to get anywhere.

Is this the right place?

Can anyone help?

Regards, Steve

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Posted by: @walker

I DL'd the latest Pioneer version and thought i would test it on my old Win XP laptop (32bit).

Hi Steve, using an old laptop may be the cause. I have 3 suggestions for you. Firstly, try one of the older builds that you can find on ModDB. The builds go all the way to 2010 on there.

The second suggestion I have is to have a look on Pioneer's dev forum here. Post any error messages your getting ect. The Pioneer devs used to frequent here quite often but apart from a few notable exceptions, I've not seen them posting here in a good while. So, your best bet is their own forum.

The final suggestion is, you could try posting in Gernot66's thread here. Gernot is building a version of Pioneer of his own, separate from the main branch, that is based on an older version of Pioneer. You might find, if he has done a recent upload, this might work better on your system. Hope that helps!


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@walker Hi!

In theory current master builds for 32 bit, so it is possible. We are gearing up for release, hopefully in a week or so it will be out. I could compile a 32 version for you then. But there's a great chance that your GPU will not be supported (almost guaranteed not to, according to the guys), so you might be stuck on older builds. The game requires openGL 3.1 capable GPU since 2018.

Yes, we aren't frequent here these days, but I still take a peek regularily. Development discussion happens mostly on our irc channel and dev forum. Bug reports should go on github, but please post feature requests on the dev forum.
A note for the dev forum and irc. There were prevalent spamming issues on both places. The response to the registration question on the forum is 3222, and it might still not send the confirmation e-mail. If that happens, then holler here, and I'll activate you.
Freenode had similar issues, so you need to be registered there if you want to talk on any irc channel. There's a guide on their page I think on how you can do that.

Geraldine liked
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Just to say, nice to see you here nozmajner 🙂 

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@geraldine \o 🙂

Crux 72
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Hello all.

I'm posting here too as I think it fits.

I was actually looking for a current Elite: First Encounters version and then stumbled across 'Pioneer' by accident! I can't believe this game has slipped under my radar all these years....

Well, I started with the February version, then saw the December version and played it straight away - great! Now, of course, I wanted to be able to give feedback, which is why I signed up for the DevForum. Unfortunately, the activation link does not seem to be mailed. So I'm posting here in the hope that someone will see this and activate my account there.

Thanks already and hey... Great work!


Cmdr Crux

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Welcome to SSC, amigo! I'm sure one of the Pioneers will be along shortly.

Oolite Naval Attaché

Crux 72
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Thank you.

I've been here for a while (passively), but only when I started with FFE3D3 a few days ago there was a reason to register - and now to make a post because of Pioneer 😊 

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@crux_72 Hi! I've activated your account on the dev forum. (prevalent spam issues, wehad to lock down, and for some reason the activation e-mail isn't always sent out.)

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Posted by: @nozmajner

and for some reason the activation e-mail isn't always sent out

You on phpBB yes? Is it updated? We have some troubles with email notifications on our Oolite install of that. As for spam, which is always bad at this time of year, do you have first post approval enabled? That at least keeps the bastards off the forum.

Oolite Naval Attaché

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Posted by: @cody

As for spam, which is always bad at this time of year, do you have first post approval enabled?

We ask the player a game specific question, that killed 100% of the spam. For a while, we asked space nerd questions (astronomy, star wars, sci fi culture references), and that swarmed the forum with spam. A question that forces the player to start the game and check will keep the spam away.

We're on phpBB 3.1.0 (latest is apparently 3.2.11)


Crux 72
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Thanks 🙂

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