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New Video

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Ahoy Space Sim Centrallers,

Here's a new video for the game:


Here's the direct link, in case you want the HD version.

The game is very close to being finished, just a little more testing to do. I'm going to be talking with the company(s) I'd like to work with to distribute the game in the coming weeks. Hopefully things go well - I'll keep ya posted.

99 Star General Site Moderator
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Awesome vid Jabberwocky 😎 😎 😀

What kind of download size are we looking at here. ❓

Also make sure you have a Manual which be download for the game when it goes on sale, even if you have tutorial levels in the game it still worth having a manual player can refer too.

Senior Chief Registered
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Looks awesome, I agree! I would definitely want to play this game ❗

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At last! Some news about Salvation Prophecy! 🙂

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Welcome back from hibernation Jabberwocky and you came with gifts I see.

This video is some great work in showing off all the features of Salvation Prophecy. The space and land combat looks great and fun. And one surprise to me (unless my memory serves me wrong) that military command option is new or wasn't talked about much in the forums here and looks to be a great part of the game. Glad to see that our wait is almost over and with that trailer your going to get some great exposure.

So what are the distribution plans for Salvation Prophecy?

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The video is awesome, and the game seems epic. Cannot wait to play it 😛

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Hiya PINBACK, deepseaweed, Geraldine, CaptainKal, and DarkOne

Always such a nice reception here.

Kindred spirits with stars in our eyes, I guess. 🙂

PINBACK wrote:
What kind of download size are we looking at here.

Right now I'm sitting at around 850MB. I don't expect that to change much for release.

PINBACK wrote:
Also make sure you have a Manual which be download for the game when it goes on sale, even if you have tutorial levels in the game it still worth having a manual player can refer too.

There is a tutorial, but yeah, I agree.

I've built a manual into the game, where you can click between different topics:


I've been trying to decide whether that's good enough to have the manual in-game. Thoughts?

DarkOne wrote:
Welcome back from hibernation Jabberwocky

We Canadians are good at hibernation. 😉

DarkOne wrote:
And one surprise to me (unless my memory serves me wrong) that military command option is new or wasn't talked about much in the forums here and looks to be a great part of the game.

The military command has been part of the plan from the beginning. But I held off talking about it too much. I was worried I'd need to cut the feature, in case I didn't have enough time to make it good.

But now military command in-game and done. See, us devs actually do something useful when we disappear for months at a time. 😉

DarkOne wrote:
So what are the distribution plans for Salvation Prophecy?

I'm just starting to work that out now. I should know more in a few weeks.

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Jabberwocky wrote:
I've been trying to decide whether that's good enough to have the manual in-game. Thoughts?

Well, it works well enough in Civilization. I think it would be a good idea because the player can dip into it as and when required. From your screen shot it certainly looks clear enough 🙂

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Jabberwocky wrote:
See, us devs actually do something useful when we disappear for months at a time.

hahah, don't take this personal Jabberwocky. But if you come back with things like this you need to stay away more often 😆

Jabberwocky wrote:
I've been trying to decide whether that's good enough to have the manual in-game. Thoughts?

I guess as long as the game is in a paused state while looking at the manual there is nothing wrong with having in the game. I actually prefer it that way, as long as it is just as descriptive as a text manual would be and it has some images and/or 'how to' screenshots.

One thing I liked about the ground combat was that there was some boss fights in there and did you see the deployment of that turret... fun fun. I guess the big question is there any plans for expanding the universe with DLC depending on how Salvation Prophecy does? Or will Salvation Prophecy be moddable so players can addon to the universe in time?

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Probably best to have it on the menu page unless its like a mass effect codex, although I think you should still have a PDF one on the site that players can download and print out themselves.

Any chance of a demo

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Probably best to have it on the menu page unless its like a mass effect codex, although I think you should still have a PDF one on the site that players can download and print out themselves.

The mass effect codex was very handy. Although I used to prefer big printed manuals when I was younger (EF 2000 or Jane's USAF anyone? :D), I go straight into the game nowdays. (Some times I even skip the tutorials).

How many planets are you going to include in the game Jabberwocky? And are you the only developer?

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Yep, you guys nailed it. The help screen is from the main menu, while the game is paused. You can access it at any time. There are some screenshots to indicate the purpose of all the HUD meters and widgets.

Geraldine wrote:
Well, it works well enough in Civilization

I'm a big fan of Civ, it's probably where the idea came from.

DarkOne wrote:
hahah, don't take this personal Jabberwocky. But if you come back with things like this you need to stay away more often 😆

Heh, thanks. 🙂

DarkOne wrote:
One thing I liked about the ground combat was that there was some boss fights in there and did you see the deployment of that turret... fun fun.

Yeah. There's 4 playable factions:

The Drone Unity - big angry metal robots

The Free Nations - the last remnant of humanity, your bad-ass marine types.

The Salvation - an all-female mystic faction of evolved humans.

The Wyr - a quirky, glitchy science/engineer bot that are sort of criminally insane.

They each have different weapons, and the turret construction is a custom ability for the Wyr.

CaptainKal wrote:
How many planets are you going to include in the game Jabberwocky? And are you the only developer?

There's 16 planets.

Most are "battle planets" where the factions do battle over building colonies.

There are also some designed more for solo exploration.

I'm the only full time dev - I hire contractors for artwork, music, and the bit of voice over in the game.

DarkOne wrote:
is there any plans for expanding the universe with DLC depending on how Salvation Prophecy does? Or will Salvation Prophecy be moddable so players can addon to the universe in time?

It's not designed to be modable yet. You could probably customize some of the artwork, but that's about it.

I get how important modding is for space sims. But it's a huge feature for code work - I'm already tackling an insane amount of work for the size of the team.

I'd really like to continue on with Salvation Prophecy. It all depends if I make enough money to continue supporting myself while doing it. As any indie dev will tell you, it's a pretty major financial risk to self-fund a game. If it all works out, DLC, modding, porting to Mac or Linux, or a sequel are all things I would consider.

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I'm the only full time dev - I hire contractors for artwork, music, and the bit of voice over in the game.

I am speechless 😮

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Close to release?

Pinch me, I must be dreaming.

No, wait, don't pinch me. I want to dream more =P

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Hey kaesho -

Thanks for the enthusiasm, it's a big help!

There was a Kaesho who left a comment on my website: "I keep throwing money at my screen but you aren't taking it! Why aren't you taking my money?!"

Same guy? Anyway, that visual made me chuckle. I hope you didn't damage your monitor. 😉

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Jabberwocky wrote:
Hey kaesho -

Thanks for the enthusiasm, it's a big help!

There was a Kaesho who left a comment on my website: "I keep throwing money at my screen but you aren't taking it! Why aren't you taking my money?!"

Same guy? Anyway, that visual made me chuckle. I hope you didn't damage your monitor. 😉

Yup, t'was me. Since that comment I've gotten a new monitor and whole new pc =P

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Really impressed with this vid. The game looks fantastic !

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Thanks Sol!

Right back at you - I've enjoyed browsing through some of your artwork and videos. Cool stuff man.

Senior Chief Registered
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Really great video. The effects are well done, and (more importantly) it looks fun to play. Once you get closer to release, you could drop Rock Paper Shotgun a line for some more exposure. If you haven't already, that is 😆 I'm a fan of having fun in space AND dirtside, too few games allow that. Fewer do it well. This looks like a promising gem!

Have you chosen a price point, or gotten any further with selecting a distributor? Seems like quite a few projects I'm following have used BT Micro (for better and worse) and just provided the download themselves, but I have no idea what your plans there might be. Steam would be wonderful, of course, but they seem to have an odd selection process that can leave some great games out. Desura has been getting some interest, but I've no experience with them. Would Paradox be interested as an all-out publisher?

What the heck am I doing? Hah, a whole paragraph of crap that you already know. I've been awake for too long. Apologies.

I'm looking forward to the release. I'd be interested in pre-ordering, too, should that become a possibility. I've only bought a couple games in the last six months, Starfarer and Mass Effect 3. I look forward to adding Salvation Prophecy to that short list.

Best of luck. You've got a tremendously ambitious project here, one that deserves attention. And success!

Now ... hurry up and take my money! 😀

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Hey Digitalus,

Thanks for all the nice stuff you said about the game. 🙂

You sound like you know what you're talking about, when it comes to distribution and publishers. Most of what you've said closely echoes my thoughts on things.

No word yet (good or bad) on distribution. I have sent the game out, but only to one distributor so far. If that falls through, Paradox is high on my list of people to talk with. Distributing the game myself would be a last resort - I hate business stuff, and I already have to do more of it than I'd like.

I don't know for sure how long the usual wait is for a game to be accepted or rejected. If they take the time to properly play test the game, I suppose it could be a while.

I have some ideas on price - but nothing concrete. Less than a full priced AAA, more than a cheap indie game.

I'm a fan of having fun in space AND dirtside,

"Dirtside" is totally the cool space lingo. 😉

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Another distributor you might try is Iceberg Interactive Jabberwocky. They have been doing a lot of space/scifi games lately like Armada 2526, Starpoint Gemini, Star Ruler, Gemini Wars and Space Shuttle Simulator. Developer submit page is here: ... sions.html

And I agree with Digitalus comments on Salvation Prophecy deserves some success, one it helps you make more Salvation Prophecy additions or sequels and helps space genre as a whole for games like these to surface and do well.

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Thanks for the tip DarkOne.

Googling around a bit, it looks like Iceberg Interactive is particularly strong for European sales. Some games that started as digital downloads later went on to sell retail boxed copies in Europe through Iceberg Interactive. That seems like a pretty smart plan.
