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Group: Registered
Joined: November 25, 2010
Senior Chief Registered
I'm definitely looking forward to a fresh look at the X game...

In forum X Series

12 years ago
0.50a released: campaign mode!

In forum Starsector

12 years ago
Really great video. The effects are well done, and (more imp...

In forum Salvation Prophecy

12 years ago
I was thinking about getting back into this a little. I mana...

In forum StarTrek Online

13 years ago
My biggest problem with the X series has been the interface,...

In forum X Series

13 years ago
TotalBiscuit: WTF is Starfarer Video

In forum Starsector

13 years ago
Looks really fun, I like the idea of a ten-minute space stra...

In forum Free SciFi Gaming Projects

13 years ago
Just have to say: NAEV 0.5 is really frackin' fun so far. I'...

In forum Free SciFi Gaming Projects

13 years ago
This looks really interesting, I'll have to give it a try!

In forum Free SciFi Gaming Projects

13 years ago
Definitely interested in seeing what they've got planned. We...

In forum Space/SciFi Combat and Simulation Game Discussion

13 years ago
Some of my buds on the Bay 12 (Dwarf Fortress) forums mentio...

In forum Mobile and Web Gaming

13 years ago
Which server are you guys on? Or did you already say and I, ...

In forum Mobile and Web Gaming

13 years ago
I'm sure STO will go free to play if Champions makes more ca...

In forum StarTrek Online

13 years ago
The D'Kyr does indeed look awesome. Always liked that design...

In forum StarTrek Online

13 years ago
I played STO for 60 days a long while back. Probably three m...

In forum StarTrek Online

13 years ago
Looks like it's down to $7.99 now. The "digital deluxe" down...

In forum StarTrek Online

13 years ago
Shant wrote: Quote: WHAT DO I WIN? Nothing, as you sk...

In forum Political and World Discussions

13 years ago
Haha! That was great. Looks like they were having a fun time...

In forum General Chat

13 years ago
My plan is to wait a bit for the price to drop. If the devel...

In forum The Precursors

14 years ago
PINBACK wrote: I think Xenus II is the Russian name for Wh...

In forum The Precursors

14 years ago
Looking forward to it! Thanks for the update.

In forum Salvation Prophecy

14 years ago
Hello, and welcome to SSC! Glad to have you. :)

In forum Introduce Yourself to SSC

14 years ago
Oh man. Oh wow. Oh man. Stunning graphics. Very impressive...

In forum Free SciFi Gaming Projects

14 years ago
Thanks! Good to see it's still around :)

In forum Free SciFi Gaming Projects

14 years ago
Hello, and welcome! :)

In forum Introduce Yourself to SSC

14 years ago
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