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Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Hmm, that is interesting. Let me see what I can do. I think I have topic pages set to 25 responses per page. Maybe I will lower that so it will limit the amount of responses on a page which should lower load time if there is a lot of responses with youtube videos. I cannot control to my knowledge the loading of the youtube videos I don't think but I will look into it.

I have been noticing general slowness across the site unless its just me 🙂 but the whole reason I went to PHP7 was the enhancements and I don't see much enhancing haha. But over this month I was hoping to speed things up because the DB for SSC is getting larger and I think that is slowing down some things too so I need to optimize it a little better.

Thanks for the heads up Marcel

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Ok Marcel, did some investigation and I installed a plugin that only loads the pic for the videos and you have to click the image to play it now. Seems like it loads a lot faster for me now since now its not going out to youtube and prepping the video for playing.

Also I noticed there is a lot of old tags for bbcodes not used on the site no more. I am going to try to clean some of that up as well because it ruins a bit of the experience in the older threads.

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Performed some site maintenance;
- I purged all of the users that hadn't logged into SSC in over 400 days and had also had no posts/comments (so basically no activity since you created your account). So if that was you and your trying to login you will need to create a new account, sorry.
- I corrected all the user roles for all members

Please let me know if you see anything not working correctly. Thx.

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Recently I noticed that a few members accidentally received a forum role of blocked... I am not sure why they got it but I reverted them back to normal users. If you see this happen to peoples accounts or your own please contact me so I can fix it right away.

Rear Admiral Registered
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Hi D1 o/
Glad I am finally able to post again 🙂 I was contacted by Nevil Clavain (creator of XFrontier) who was having difficulties in trying to access the forum. Could I ask you you check his account is functioning properly? His profile is here:
Thanks! 🙂

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Hey Geraldine

I just upgraded bbpress to the latest version and did some cleanup afterwards to make sure all the roles for users in the forums are sent to what they are supposed to be 'participant'. I will be monitoring this... what was strange is that users that haven't logged in were being set to blocked which was strange since I don't have anything in place to auto block i do all that manually. So something was messed up somewhere and I am trying to find it. I am hoping updating all of the forum software and resetting all the permissions fix this anomaly because it has been annoying.

Rear Admiral Registered
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No worries D1, I know you have been working very hard on the forum recently and I am grateful for that. There is bound to be a few hickups along the road but the main thing is the SSC lives! 🙂

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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No longer seeing that issue where random users were having their permissions changed to block, looks like the upgrade and resetting all of the permissions did the trick whew 🙂

Rear Admiral Registered
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Next time Nevil contacts me I will give him the good news, unless of course he has found out himself already. 😉

Warrant Officer Registered
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Back, after a lot of months, and a bunch of failed pasword reset 🙁
The trick to know was that you had to enter the email address and NOT the nickname (argh)

Apart from that, smells like the begin of a new era


Warrant Officer Registered
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And thanks Geraldine for your help. We'll surely meet again in the Elite dangerous galaxy

Rear Admiral Registered
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We will indeed Nevil 😉 , in fact I had a dodgy moment in the game just there as the servers were going down for an update and I had a snatch job to do on some cargo at a planetary outpost! Damn close, but got what I needed with seconds to spare. I never knew SRVs flew so good! 😮
Anyways, glad to see you made here updates on XFrontier to share pretty please?

Warrant Officer Registered
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Hooray, Nevil is back! 🙂


You look good through a crosshair.

Warrant Officer Registered
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Thank you Auryx !

Warrant Officer Registered
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Geraldine see my reply here:

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Hey Nevil, you must have made a new account? Cause I see your posts didn't carry over. Should have contacted me with your troubles I would have fixed it for ya :). I will try to do some database edits this weekend to link your posts with this new account of yours 🙂

Welcome back.

Rear Admiral Registered
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Yaay! o/

Rear Admiral Registered
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Is it just me or is the SSC coming back to life again? In anycase it's a great thing to see D1 🙂

Warrant Officer Registered
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A new account ? hu...ho Honestly D1 I tried a lot of things to recover my SSC access a few months ago and I can't remeber everything that have been done, and I silently gave up, which is bad and I apologize for that. If you can link my old post to my current account it will be cool but if it's too hard or too complicated I will not feel offended, do not tweek it too hard. Your database safety first !

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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A new account ? hu…ho Honestly D1 I tried a lot of things to recover my SSC access a few months ago and I can’t remeber everything that have been done, and I silently gave up, which is bad and I apologize for that. If you can link my old post to my current account it will be cool but if it’s too hard or too complicated I will not feel offended, do not tweek it too hard. Your database safety first !

I will be doing that this weekend. I will probably copy your PW from this account to your old account and link these new posts to your old account... Not sure if the avatar will be brought over so you may need to upload it again. I will email your accounts I have when I made the changes and if you need me to reset password I will be able to do that too.

Yeah that bridge really messed up my data and took me a lot of time to get everything linked back up a lot of MSSQL queries to get things right again 🙂

Warrant Officer Registered
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Thank you for your dedication 😀

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Sent you an email Nevil, but you should be all set now.

To everyone else, if you see an older post of yours and it shows up as a Anonymous user please let me know so I can correct it.

Crewman Registered
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No email received !!!!!



Warrant Officer Registered
Joined: 8 years ago
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Hi Darkone,
congrats for the new look of your forum and homepage, I have been away for some time but always happy to come here. I hope the look will attract a lot of space sim fans and we all get to see the epic game discussions that we have seen in past years.

Best salutations!

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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I try to post as much as I can, I just get busy with the whole work and single dad thing 🙂 I try to keep up on the news, hehe in 10 years I hope when I retire I should have a heck of a lot more time on my hands then I can actually play games maybe if I don't have arthritis or something hahaha

But welcome back XenonS 🙂

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