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To all SSC Station occupants

Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.

Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.


Star Citizen Delays

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Illustrious Member Admin

Well looks like RSI is delaying some features in their latest post:


The gamers are getting restless in their forums 😉 its about time. I didn't read all 400+ posts but there is a lot of negativity in this thread and personally I agree with a lot of the gamers on this point. Everyone is blaming the virus for delays these days, if that is the case what the heck have they been doing for the past 8yrs? As you will see they are making sure there is a kiosk in the next update 🤣 hahaha yeah that is a real necessity huh.... the project manager for this project needs to be let go and someone with better qualifications hired. All this excess bullshit in SC needs to be let go and give us what was promised, I am so glad I only spent $50 on this game and not the hundreds or even thousands many other gamers have given RSI. C'mon RSI you have been funded over 250mil for this project thus far.... I thought the US govt was awful with the money vs. results ratio 😉


Topic starter Posted : April 20, 2020 10:55
Famed Member

The problems they have in progressing the development of the game has simply been compounded by the virus outbreak. Had they been making leaps and bounds in development before all this happened I am sure the community over there would have given them some slack but the fact is they had already gutted their development roadmap before all this happened with little explanation. So they can't use Covid as an excuse.


Their woeful lack of progress has finally come home to roost in other words. 8 years they have had and still the game is in alpha. If they hope to turn around this dire situation they had better do something pretty amazing this year. This calls for a level of effort even Hello Games couldn't do. CIG are bigger, they have more people, more money than Hello Games did yet No Mans is seen now as what can be achieved with solid hard work. CIG need to learn from that. You mentioned the US Government there D1. They, and other governments in Europe and elsewhere, might well get involved if this goes on much longer as serious questions are being asked. This isn't going to be the same world as it was before the outbreak and one of the first things that will change is business practices. CIG might find themselves falling foul of new legislation with harsh penalties brought to bear on them.


I still want the game to succeed but there is no getting away from this lack of progress. They asked a lot of their community and they got it. Now they have to deliver a lot and soon. It is as simple as that or I fear the whole project will be shut down either by themselves or through governmental intervention. That's my take on the situation.

Posted : April 20, 2020 12:39
Noble Member

I never got hooked into SC, or LT for that matter. Got burned by ED though! <grumbles>

Posted : April 20, 2020 13:53
Illustrious Member Admin

Oh I agree @geraldine, I want nothing more for this project to succeed. Because I love all of the wing commander/privateer games and I want nothing more than that style of gaming again made by Chris Roberts. I may be wrong because I don't remember all the details, but CR was in charge of Freelancer and Starlancer projects and I believe CR was removed from these projects by the publisher because of the delays. I like CR vision its just you cannot develop for 8yrs with over 100 person staff and still have a alpha 😉 SC needed a outside influence like a publisher to kick them in the ass for taking too long.

I have read articles on occasion about what you touched on about many foreign countries starting crack down on companies for shady business practices in gaming.... example: selling millions of dollars worth of in-game ships when the game isn't even released.... So yeah I could see a big problem here with that. No game company should be allowed to sell DLC or addons for a game that isn't officially in a released state. That was the big reason why I never bought any more ships, was because the game wasn't finished yet. I would have thought about it if the game was finished and they delivered on what they promised in the kickstarter as a thank you for getting it done 🙂

Because if SC just doesn't fix the basics of the game stuttering, clipping, low population servers (because of server/network issues) and general lag in-game (which you cannot have in a action game) this game will never be game. Get the basics of the game down then add the fluff.... its the fluff that is causing all this in the first place imo. I hope the can pull off a Hello Games, I really do.... but in the end it comes down to the leadership.


I though ED got better @cody? I almost bought it the other day on steam during the 70% off sale. But just watching newer videos it still seems boring to me ... maybe I am wrong.


Topic starter Posted : April 20, 2020 15:43
Noble Member
Posted by: @sscadmin

I though ED got better?

In my very personal opinion, it got worse! The early Beta had so much going for it, but then FD changed tack, and I began to lose interest. Once the single-player mierda (which bordered on the fraudulent) hit the fan, I walked away.

Still got a long-range Cobra, parked at one of the old worlds, but I doubt I'll ever return to it.

Posted : April 20, 2020 16:07
Famed Member


Well, if you ever change your mind Cody, look me up. I've got a private group on there with good folks in it. That goes for you too D1. Tonight I just finished mapping a system out in the back of beyond in my old beat up Asp Explorer and parked up for the night next to some fumaroles spouting toxic gas into the thin atmosphere. Elite has it faults for sure but at least you can fly with your friends in a stable server and do missions and trade runs together. Star Citizen has that ability too but the servers and lag can be horrendous at times. Such a shame too as sometimes it can be very pretty.

However the best graphics in the world wont save a game if its crashing and filled with game breaking bugs all the time.

Posted : April 20, 2020 19:20
Noble Member

[a lone wolf howls mournfully]

Posted : April 20, 2020 20:21
Geraldine reacted
99 Star General

Hard to believe that in another two years, SC will marking it's tenth anniversary and no doubt their will be more excuses from them. 

Posted : April 21, 2020 05:01
Famed Member


If they hit that shameful mark, then I expect there would be a major backlash against them. Not just in their community but in the wider world too. I sure hope, for their sake, the game is out proper by then. We will see. Maybe in two years I will come back to this post and see what the state of things are then.

Posted : April 23, 2020 11:48
Famed Member


Did you ever start to engineer your Cobra? It's a force to be reckoned with once it's been tweaked a bit.

Here was an early attempt by me to improve mine. It's got even better since then.


This post was modified 5 years ago 2 times by Geraldine
Posted : April 23, 2020 11:49
Noble Member
Posted by: @geraldine

Did you ever start to engineer your Cobra?

Nope! I was playing Ironman, so hadn't got very far. My Cobra is pretty much the stock model...



Damn, couldn't figure out how to post a click-through thumbnail.

This post was modified 5 years ago by Cody
Posted : April 23, 2020 12:19
Famed Member


That was a good start you had there. The one thing about the Cobra 3 they mucked up on was the hard point placement in that, not all 4 converge properly. This makes using fixed weapons a bit troublesome as you can either hit a target with the top 2 or the bottom 2 but not all at the same time. The Cobra 4 fixed this somewhat but it is an abomination to fly compared to the 3. Engineering helps of course but it's a bad day you have to mod a ship to make it useable.

Really tho I wish they had the original Cobra available from the previous games. It is actually in the game but only at the Jameson crash site. 😔

This post was modified 5 years ago by Geraldine
Posted : April 23, 2020 15:02
Noble Member
Posted by: @geraldine

I wish they had the original Cobra available from the previous games.

Like Spindrifter, you mean? I think that's the closest to the original.

And yes, that was a good start. Ironman is a harsh way to play - you earn every kill, every penny!


This post was modified 5 years ago by Cody
Posted : April 23, 2020 16:00
Famed Member


Yes Cody. I still think the design of the original Cobra is still the best. They "over improved" it in my view for Elite Dangerous when really all they had to do was update it a little. Had it, for example, just one front facing very big hardpoint, like the older models had, I could have lived with it. Would have saved on power levels too. As it is, it's still a great ship but maybe not as great as the Cobras both you and I flew in the older games and Oolite of course. 😉 

Oh and the Spindrifter, could really do with a dead head emblem on it by the way to match it's cockpit. Yes I remember! 😀 

This post was modified 5 years ago by Geraldine
Posted : April 23, 2020 16:20
Noble Member
Posted by: @geraldine

Oh and the Spindrifter, could really do with a dead head emblem on it

You mean the tailpipe decal?


Damn, still can't get a thumbnail posted. Oh well, c'est la vie!


Posted : April 23, 2020 16:28
Famed Member


Ah! Sneaky! 😉 

Just remembered something....

Hey! You don't happen to own a copy of Freelancer do you Cody?

There is a mod for it called Mostly Harmless, could be worth a look!

This post was modified 5 years ago by Geraldine
Posted : April 23, 2020 16:29
Noble Member

Sneaky? Moi? Perish the thought! <grins> And no, never got into Freelancer.




Don't worry, Star Citizens, normal service will be resumed shortly!

This post was modified 5 years ago by Cody
Posted : April 23, 2020 16:56
Geraldine reacted
Reputable Member



"22 jumps to go"

Well to be honest I still took 60 hours of it! 😋 

Posted : April 24, 2020 02:51
Cody and Geraldine reacted
Famed Member
Posted by: @cody

Don't worry, Star Citizens, normal service will be resumed shortly!

Yes your right Cody it is about Star Citizen. 😔We were bad.

Mind you, where it will end up, the game that is not the thread, this gif could well be on topic with regards to the development of this game! 🤓 

Posted by: @d-c-elington



"22 jumps to go"

Well to be honest I still took 60 hours of it! 😋 


Touché! 🤣 

Posted : April 24, 2020 04:24
Noble Member
Posted by: @geraldine

We were bad.

Yep... we're bad company!



Posted : April 24, 2020 05:09
Illustrious Member Admin

Aren't you pilots lucky SSC's management is not too strict where the pilots are allowed to discuss whatever they want.... 😉

I just look at the diversion as we are bored of waiting and need to play other things haha, maybe I might need to checkout Elite at some point during the summer sale. It looks a little boring, but I do like exploring.... I hear that some of the more experienced players do a little griefing in the game, what happens to you in-game when player messes with you?

I wish I could talk more on Star Citizen, but I think my motivation is gone. I was really looking forward to Squadron 42 but that is delayed as well 🙂

Topic starter Posted : April 24, 2020 07:19
Famed Member
Posted by: @sscadmin

Aren't you pilots lucky SSC's management is not too strict where the pilots are allowed to discuss whatever they want.... 😉

Phew! Thank goodness for that!

I hear that some of the more experienced players do a little griefing in the game, what happens to you in-game when player messes with you?

Well it depends, If they attack you, and your not wanted, they will get a bounty on their head. If they destroy your ship and they are flying a bigger, more powerful one, your rebuy is reduced. All this happens in open mode, but I play in private groups where more *cough* "mature players" inhabit. Sometimes I even play solo. If being in a large group is what you want but without PvP, I suggest the Mobius Group. Elite can be as boring or as exciting as you want it to be. Go looking for trouble and will find you. 😉

Posted : April 24, 2020 08:08
Noble Member

Ian Gillan had an amazing vocal range! He (or his management/label) had the good sense to hire Chris Foss to do the album artwork for IGB's Clear Air Turbulence. This wasp-like spaceship has trouble written all over it. Typical Foss artwork, for sure!

Of course, Clear Air Turbulence is also the name of a spaceship in Banks' sci-fi novel Consider Phlebas, which is a cracking read!



This thread hijack was brought to you by the SSC Pilots Collective! We don't have to look for trouble, we know where trouble is!

This post was modified 5 years ago by Cody
Posted : April 24, 2020 10:34
Geraldine reacted
Famed Member


I...........had tickets to see DP this year. Guess that won't be going ahead now. 😔

Posted : April 24, 2020 12:37
CaptainKal reacted
Noble Member
Posted by: @geraldine

I...........had tickets to see DP this year. Guess that won't be going ahead now.

Aye! I was hoping to see Nick Mason's Saucerful of Secrets, but alas...

Posted : April 24, 2020 13:07
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