To all SSC Station occupants
Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.
Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.
True, there was no dedicated mining ships in the game and maybe give you the ability to upgrade components to help find/process the ore more quickly. Or maybe depending on the size of your vessel you could launch a mining ship out of the hanger and provide overwatch while your miner does the dirty work for you.
Dark...that reminiscent of Mining Drones, on another game. If you had a frigate class or bigger you could buy drones that mine for you. You target the asteroid you want mined and launch them, three or four could destroy an asteroid in 15 minutes or so, getting all the valuable ores and bringing them back to your ship cargo. They weren't cheap, but they paid for themselves, and the idea was that they recharged so unless you left them behind after being chased away by pirates or something, they could be used over and over, until they too were destroyed by someone. 🙄
OK I said it before, but after playing for a whole I have to say it again...more information about ships you capture. Since I never buy ships I have no idea the ship names. I just got another one that really upset me, after trying 4 timers win different sectors I got one, but it was a give away, the game always said that when I dropped 32-35 guys on board (never 40) then they always had 45 or so, so it had to be a bigger frigate than the one I'm in, it also has 7 guns instead of 6 so it was a sure thing. But now that I own one, which by the way had 6 guys on it this time...just It now says that its a frigate and that it carrys.....40 marines, I know that you can only get 40 at a time from a station but I had to run around gathering new shields..(it has nice lev 4 shields all around)..and it never picked up any more. The number generator strikes again...booohoooo...and I still have no idea the ships name, because the information page doesn't list it or the manufacturer, that has got to change in the new game.
I believe it is a Korkarin design or something similar though, with one rear facing gun.Oh, will get me through the next mission, the one about the spy..theres a good fight in that one, so those shields will come in handy.
I will have to revisit this and take a look, I thought ship names were used or maybe that is only when you purchase them like you said. I would love to see more stats, especially when adding crew members currently you really have no clue if they are actually working because you cannot find any stats on the pos/neg to adding a crew member.
Been patiently waiting but no announcement or any more info or a time line for dropping the new game on us yet. Hope things are going ok, and we didn't scare you off with our wish
It finally happened, I know that there's a bug in the game that lets you capture ships and even with two to help you, they'll let you have a ship with equipment missing. Twice I got ships and sold the old one and there was no engines...yes, you can fly from station to station looking for equipment at 5-10 But yesterday after all the talk I did about never buying ships...unless I'm mining since they don't have those ships yet, I captured a corvette, sold the freighter I was mining with and put guns and stuff on it ready to go.
That's another thing, if there's no equipment, there's no box, so you never know unless you count..hehe and when I got ready, I hit the button to leave and....a little box popped up that said.."you have no generator". Surprise....and you cant leave the ship and go to any wreck for one of those little lev 1 power supply's in your spacesuit, and you cant own two ships at I sat. Nice new corvette, no power to fly it, the station had 1 generator, lev 3, too big, nothing else, and no way to go get another, and you cant call and get one So... I had to sell it and buy a ship...I feel so, but now I have a independent frigate design, and the game can go on. Just another little thing that makes playing games fun...sudden surprises. 😀
Hopefully LGM Studios is just trolling the forums and finding all the small issues people complained about with SPG and making sure they are not in SPG2, or least that is what I would do 🙂
I know I have to get back to this game and finish it up play the DLC.
I still cant run the original game at all on my Bulldozer setup 🙁 Wish they would fix the compatibility issues. Ditto to EA with regards to Mass Effect.
The ad at the top of the page isn't our new game is it? Its about fleet maneuvers and running a fleet or kingdom. Thats a long ways from SPG, I hope thats not it.
so, any news, at all?
can you guys tell us any thing
a tidbit
a pic
anything, let us know you still alive?
If I get a free moment I will try to get a hold of the devs to see if the game is still in development and on track for this year. They have been too quite and it is concerning.
Hello guys.
We're not dead, just working <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />.
i think we can agree there's a lot that can be improved from SPG1 to go into the sequel <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />.
You've certainly given us a lot to think and talk about; and we are taking it all into account.
For example the mining/salvaging bit mentioned in the thread. The basic way of doing those two things is to shoot on asteroid/derelict. That yields lower rewards (less ore from asteroids, and for example scrap metal from derelicts). However if you use specifically dedicated equipment then you can get more rewarding loot. Salvage drones can disassemble the derelict with more finesse and save even some ship's equipment from it. The "getting the derelict to somewhat operational status" is a scripted event, but you won't repair it by shooting at it. The salvage drones are a key ingredient here <img src="' f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />.
hey, you're alive, yay!
look, you don't have to give any info on the game, just leave a comment on anything every now and then
just don't go silent like that, it's worry-some when developers do that
I really want to get my hands on this one! I wonder if it will be published by Iceberg again.
Will SPG 2 be released this year,god i hope so.Best of luck guys
Given new possibilities and focus, is there going to be an option for cockpit view or perhaps rather a bridge view?
Still no info?
An update on the progress?
I dont care how long I have to wait, I will buy this game.
I do care about knowing how long I have to wait. Please stop work long enough to tell us!!!!
They don't have the new site up so I doubt it will be released this year. I will ping Dorijan after the new year and see whats up. Personally as long as they nail down a few playability issues from SPG and increase the freedom and sandbox style play i would be happy.... and of course official mod tools (ahem they were talked about for SPG, but we never got them).
Sorry for not answering until now. I'm thankful and happy to see you're interested and I wanted to (actually "we wanted to" suits better) tell you everything, but we were just in the process of finishing up our agreement with Iceberg, and pushing the game into alpha, and preparing the website and the announcement and... anyhow, you surely get what I mean. It's been freakishly busy, but there was also some legal stuff to consider.
Finally, I've been given the chance to speak more openly. I won't bother you with too much talk. The SPG website has been updated for the sequel. as before. We invite you to check out the new site, browse the gallery and hope you like what you see. 🙂
PS There were some minor issues with the website yesterday, so if you've already seen the new website and are visiting it again, please refresh your browser and see if everything sits into place. If not, punch me an EMail and I'll forward it to our webmaster. Thank you!
Things seems to be very quiet with spg2,has there been anymore screenshots or info?
Things seems to be very quiet with spg2,has there been anymore screenshots or info?
Nothing new released yet. There will be some quite interesting news in the next couple of weeks, but NDA tells me I can't say a thing 🙁 .
All in all, things are progressing great. We're constantly importing graphic materials, implementing features and expanding gameplay elements...
Q3 this year still stands as release date 🙂
Nothing new released yet. There will be some quite interesting news in the next couple of weeks, but NDA tells me I can't say a thing 🙁 .
All in all, things are progressing great. We're constantly importing graphic materials, implementing features and expanding gameplay elements...
Q3 this year still stands as release date 🙂
Thanks dorijan for your reply,cant wait :nyam:
so, um, after those new screenshots I just thought I'd step in here and poke the beehive with a stick and see if we can get a comment or two
We've been pretty silent again, huh? 🙁
I know it seems like we're not doing much, but we are. You know the drill... small team, a lot of work, agreements... usual suspects 😉 .