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Group: Registered
Joined: May 2, 2009
Petty Officer Registered
Strike Wing releasing on Oct 24th

In forum Mobile and Web Gaming

11 years ago
Damn, we've been so busy working on the game that we forgot ...

In forum Mobile and Web Gaming

11 years ago
Thanks guys. As for our site, the hosting provider has some ...

In forum Heresy War

11 years ago
Dev update, cockpits, expansions and more

In forum Heresy War

11 years ago
Mine came in the mail today :) The t-shirt has melted a bit ...

In forum Star Citizen

11 years ago
To be honest, I'd very much like for somebody to try and mak...

In forum Freespace I & II

11 years ago
Yes, there is a sensitivity setting, but works only for the ...

In forum Heresy War

11 years ago
Strike Wing Trailer and June Update

In forum Heresy War

11 years ago
Well.. those are some video recording tests that i've done s...

In forum Heresy War

11 years ago
Strike WIng - May status update

In forum Heresy War

11 years ago
Right now Heresy War is on hold. It's a very big project and...

In forum Heresy War

11 years ago
I still have the MP3 theme on the hard drive somewhere, stra...

In forum Free SciFi Gaming Projects

11 years ago
Episode 3 has been released. You can check it out here. &nbs...

In forum Heresy War

12 years ago
You have no idea

In forum Heresy War

12 years ago
Strike Wing Screenshots

In forum Heresy War

12 years ago
Strike Wing Screenshots

In forum Heresy War

12 years ago
I will resurrect an ancient meme for what I've seen in this ...

In forum Space/SciFi Combat and Simulation Game Discussion

12 years ago
Well they said they will make it possible at least at some p...

In forum Elite: Dangerous

12 years ago
Yes, the big corvette is actually the mission objective. Who...

In forum Heresy War

12 years ago
Some more screenshots from a capital ship strike mission are...

In forum Heresy War

12 years ago
It's not really parallel universes :P. Never thought of that...

In forum Heresy War

12 years ago
Raptor Rising - A Heresy War / Strike Wing novel

In forum Heresy War

12 years ago
Actually the models that you're seeing here are the new Core...

In forum Heresy War

12 years ago
We've added 3 screenshots taken directly from the device. Pe...

In forum Heresy War

12 years ago
Hey there. We're working around the clock to get the game in...

In forum Heresy War

12 years ago
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