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Star Wars: Episode IX – Teaser "Rise of skywalker"

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Odd title, will it be any good after the disaster of the second one,.

Well JJ Abrams is back directing it but given that theses films are remake of the original trilogy and this one is based on Return of the Jedi. lets just hope their no bloody Ewoks in it.

This topic was modified 5 years ago by DarkOne

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Odd title...

Stupid title! Glad I ain't a SW fan!

Oolite Naval Attaché

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Hmm Emperor laugh at the end, how the heck? I do like the fact that I saw Lando.

But I still cannot wrap my head around how Rey can be this powerful and good with little to no training? hahaha

Yes the last film messed up a lot, and I agree with Angry Joe's thoughts on this movie better be 3+ hrs to repair and close all of the plot holes. 😉

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The latest trailer that came out last night during the Patriots game (which they won btw 🤣 ).... I don't know what to think about it myself. I truly hope they make the last movie in the series a good one. You would think with all these high budgets now for movies and special effects that they could produce a better movie than 30-40yro original series 😉

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Posted by: @sscadmin

The latest trailer that came out last night during the Patriots game (which they won btw 🤣 )....

That was some throw by Tom Brady!

Oolite Naval Attaché

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I still think these films is at heart they are just remakes of the original trilogy, just set some 30 years on from it. Their is a lot nostalgia in getting to catch up with the old characters, but it only goes so far  with the main plot just being a rehash of the old films.

Main problem with CGI effects, as you can now do anything you can imagine it just becomes one spectacle after another with a bit dialog in between them.

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I was upset in how they dealt with the iconic characters of the original series, I expected so much more from these Star Wars movies and I have to admit I am a little bitter on how they treated Luke in the last movie. Will I watch this in the theater.... nope. I will probably buy the whole Star Wars collection when they put it out on Blu-ray when the time comes. But I really have no excitement to see it. I just cannot connect to Rey, not once have you seen this girl train with the force to hone her powers she just had them.... such crap. The only movie I have liked from Disney Star Wars is Rogue One, that was actually good. Everything else is just meh they definitely have not recaptured the magic of the original series.

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Just do what the rest of us do D1, pick up your copy of Empire Strikes Back and grip it a little, look up at the sky and remember....

In all honesty, I wish the series had ended there.

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Posted by: @geraldine

Just do what the rest of us do D1, pick up your copy of Empire Strikes Back and grip it a little, look up at the sky and remember....

In all honesty, I wish the series had ended there.

I've often wondered how The Empire Strikes Back would've turned out had Lucas used the original screenplay, written by Leigh Brackett. She was one of the few female sci-fi authors of her day (and has been referred to as the Queen of Space Opera), and was also an experienced screenwriter. Another female sci-fi author, and a friend and contemporary of Leigh Brackett, was C. L. Moore. She wrote the Northwest Smith stories, of which Shambleau is a prime example. A character description of Northwest Smith reminds me of a certain Star Wars character...

By profession, Smith is an outlaw who lives by a variety of criminal means, including smuggling. By nature, he is an anti-hero, ruthless, self-serving, and cynical. Despite this, he has a core of goodness and often does the right thing in spite of himself. Smith is described as a dark haired man with "space bronzed" skin and pale eyes, who wears brown spacer's leathers and carries a raygun at his side like an old west gunfighter. His ship, the Maid, is small and unspectacular but surprisingly fast and agile.

Oolite Naval Attaché

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Yes Cody, all too familiar!



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I bought the film up at the weekend and well it's better than last one which is not saying a lot and Abrams has just did what he did with the first one and just steals scenes from the original films, but this time with any of the nostalgia that he manage to get away with in the first film. 

Strange start to the film as well as I felt that I had some how missed a big part of the story.

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Haha I totally forgot this was out to buy, I haven't even bought 7,8,9 yet at all. I am sure Disney will package it all into some package I might buy it then.
