To all SSC Station occupants
Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.
Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.
Bit of a weird one this, looks like a futurist version of Orbiter or a space shuttle game so it's going to be realistic and on a full size planet although not much of a planet for sight seeing. Should be out next year.
From Steam
Flight Of Nova is a flight simulation in which you take control of spacecrafts near a planet called NVA-31. As pilot, you train to fly on several types of crafts based on realistic aerodynamic and orbital physic during transport and search mission scenarios.
Missions involves being able to put vessels into orbit, rendezvous with stations, or survive atmosphere reentry to land in one piece at surface outposts.
The planet Nova is about 12'700 km diameter and is at full-scale in the game.Flight Of Nova features two gameplay modes:
In Scenarios, start at a specific location, altitude and velocity to complete a one goal mission.
In Rogue mode, explore the vast game area from orbital stations to outposts as you gain skills and access more spacecrafts in order to figure out why you were sent on that lost world.Key Features:
* Realistic gravitation and orbital physics
* Atmospheric density based on earth data
* Aerodynamic drag corresponding to vessel shape
* Drag / air friction energy calculations
* Real-time accurate orbital data
* Orbital stations and docking system
* Planet surface outposts
* Real-time control over crafts
* Full-scale body diameter 12’700 km
* Search and transport missions
* Quick flight challenges
Was just wondering if this was still going and a short but nice video has popped up on YouTube and it looks like it's still on for may next year.
Couple of short vids about the game.
very short vid of some of the ground and buildings, game reminds me of Hardwar but without the FMV.
Looks like this game is going to release in May, and it is mainly a docking and landing based simulator style of game (like Lunar Flight). Could be interesting depending on the objectives and mechanics.
Might be a bit basic on the mission types, could really do with making the planet more diverse in the habitats if it's possible to do it with the game engine.
As the title of the video says and is that guy in the vid wearing a crash helmet, classic. 🤣 😎
And another short vide of a bumpy but successful landing.
That's an insane ship! Looks like an absolute bitch to fly!
Haha I don't know if I am coordinated enough to play with foot pedals, throttle and stick all at the same time anymore. But I think my landing would have been a lot more impactful 😉
I don't know if I am coordinated enough to play with foot pedals, throttle and stick all at the same time
You and me both, D1.
<chuckles> Far out!
Visuals are looking great in this, the crash mechanics look good too with the breakup... I am sure I will experience that scene a lot
Another short vid of more crashing. 👍
There is something very attractive about this! The re-entry clips looks seriously good!
Only problem with the game is it may turn out to be a one trick pony as they have not said much about anything else apart from delivering cargo.
Only problem with the game is it may turn out to be a one trick pony
Aye - we shall see! Due for release next May, I believe.
And I thought the docking in Elite was hard. 😎
Very cool!
Thing that go bump in orbit.
Thing that go bump in orbit.
I love that! Keeps making me smile, does this sim!
Another bumpy one, about time they showed a bit more of the mission select, if their is any such thing.
Early access mid 22 according to the vid.