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Invictus Launch Week

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Looks like UEE Navy ships can be tested out this week in SC,


Rear Admiral Registered
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Yes its on all week but the build itself is in a very bad state at the moment. People cant even log into it.

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Most of the servers died when it went live.ย  I'm guessing 'twas overloaded from mass of people.

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Posted by: @geraldine

People cant even log into it.

Its supposed to be a MMO, the whole purpose of a 'Massively Multiplayer Online' game is to play with lots of people, you would think after 8yrs they would have at least the network code working well ๐Ÿ˜‰ Ugh stuff like this shows how unready for prime time this game actually is, its kind of depressing because I really would like to play this game.

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You can log into the game, more or less, now, although the framerates I saw are terrible. Its also supposed to be a lot of things, especially finished by now, D1 but..........there is still no end it sight. I've seen some, outside of CIG, saying maybe 2021 or 2022 for Squadron 42, the single player component, but nothing on the MMO. The playable "alpha build" if you want to call it that, I would rather prefer the term test bed, isn't anywhere near what you could call a functioning MMO. It has elements of it, yes, but after 8 years of development it's progress has been awful, no other word for it.ย  People still fling money at it and that marketing side of the game has been, undeniably, a great success, but progress on the game itself has always lagged well behind. How long can all this go on for is the only real question at this point.

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Posted by: @sscadmin

ย you would think after 8yrs they would have at least the network code working well ๐Ÿ˜‰ Ugh stuff like this shows how unready for prime time this game actually is, its kind of depressing because I really would like to play this game.

This is silly.ย  Steam servers still die every single Steam sale, and nearly their entire focus is on keeping the servers up for that with their billions ofย  dollars annually.ย ย  People flood servers when things like this open up.ย  It happens to everything.

Gaius Konstantine
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The entire history with SC... is just bad. This is exactly why there should be no mistakes and errors of this magnitude. There is a belief out there that with the amount of cash this has already raised, and all the delays that have accumulated, we may not see a finished product, at least not that one that was promised.

I'm going to take a wait and see attitude with this...

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Posted by: @blah64

Steam servers still die every single Steam sale, and nearly their entire focus is on keeping the servers up for that with their billions ofย  dollars annually.

Steam has many more users than SC ๐Ÿ˜‰ on a daily basis Steam has an average of 20mil people using their service at any given time during the day. SC isn't even 10% of that volume, more like 1% (200000, if that) so yes, after all of the money they have made their servers and network code should support at least 50k users. I doubt highly that even when SC releases that their population would even be that high because No Mans Sky and Elite Dangerous only have an average of 8-11k users playing their game on any given day. So I would say this is unacceptable after all this money and time. ๐Ÿ™‚

Posted by: @gaius-konstantine

I'm going to take a wait and see attitude with this...

I hear you on that, last time I played the alpha was 2018. I kinda gave up on SC being released anytime soon. I will consider getting my moneys worth if I get a complete and solid performing Squadron 42 game, they say 2021 so lets see if they hit that date.ย 

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Posted by: @sscadmin

Steam has many more users than SC ๐Ÿ˜‰ on a daily basis Steam has an average of 20mil people using their service at any given time during the day. SC isn't even 10% of that volume, more like 1% (200000, if that) so yes, after all of the money they have made their servers and network code should support at least 50k users. I doubt highly that even when SC releases that their population would even be that high because No Mans Sky and Elite Dangerous only have an average of 8-11k users playing their game on any given day. So I would say this is unacceptable after all this money and time. ๐Ÿ™‚


Servers are set up for their normal usage.ย  Steam servers run fine during normal use, 'Star Citizen' servers have been running fine under normal use, as I have experienced plenty this patch.

It is during the 'events' that much larger than normal usage occurs that both Steam & 'Star Citizen' have troubles.ย  That's normal no matter the size of the company.

This post was modified 4 years ago by Blah64

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I would be interested in seeing how many gamers are trying to play. Because SC has over 11mil subscribers/purchasers of their game. So having the ability to handle 50k concurrent users would and should be a minimum. SC doesn't really release this info or I cannot find it, but for the amount of people that own this game you should at the least be able to support 10% of them. Now your right events or patches bring people back to the game. They probably knew a event or patch release would cause the bump in usage, more planning needs to done. The reason why I may seem like I have a small issue with the outages is because this company has taken in over a quarter of a billion dollars over the years so yeah I would expect they would have the money for a server farm for their only game ๐Ÿ™‚ย 

I definitely want SC to succeed I have loved all of Chris Roberts games in the past I am a fan, I will be loading up SC again when it hits Alpha4.0 so I hope I am pleasantly surprised when I do ๐Ÿ™‚

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I just read that SC has just passed the $300 million mark. 😲ย 
