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Group: Registered
Joined: August 30, 2010
Senior Chief Registered
For $499 I can build a nice slightly lower-medium tier gamin...

In forum Mobile and Web Gaming

13 years ago
Shingen wrote: I can live without the extra graphics. Up-to...

In forum PC and Console Gaming

13 years ago
One of my friends more or less recently got me into Mass Eff...

In forum Mass Effect Series

13 years ago
Mozilla needs a to make a phone. I can just see it all start...

In forum General Chat

13 years ago
I remember playing the directors cut of one on my brother's ...

In forum PC and Console Gaming

14 years ago
Does X3 have a cockpit? 3rd person views kind of kill the im...

In forum X Series

14 years ago
Starforce on X2?

In forum X Series

14 years ago
1. When you think of space, what is the first thing you thin...

In forum General Chat

14 years ago
Closed doors are like walls in their own right.

In forum General Chat

14 years ago
Anyway, I hate waiting for it. It feels like it's right arou...

In forum PC and Console Gaming

14 years ago
Geraldine wrote: Well, er...yes you did Rith and well done ...

In forum PC and Console Gaming

14 years ago
I'm planning to get it for the XBox. I hope it's still going...

In forum PC and Console Gaming

14 years ago
Freelancer 2From what I've heard, Microsoft ate Digital Anvi...

In forum PC and Console Gaming

14 years ago
Sorry I haven't checked this in a while. I thought I remembe...

In forum PC and Console Gaming

14 years ago
That's how fads work. The mainstream has a short attention s...

In forum Sci-Fi Movies and Television

14 years ago
PINBACK wrote: golden oldie Medal of Honor Allied Assault s...

In forum PC and Console Gaming

14 years ago
de5me7 wrote: it depends on what he considers a doom clone ...

In forum PC and Console Gaming

14 years ago
de5me7 wrote: with the rig youve described all he would ne...

In forum PC and Console Gaming

14 years ago
Looks interesting. I'm waiting for my handle to be approved.

In forum Mobile and Web Gaming

14 years ago
Darkone wrote: What about Return to Castle Wolfenstien or H...

In forum PC and Console Gaming

14 years ago
A game for older computers

In forum PC and Console Gaming

14 years ago
I have a refurbished one from eBay with a nice 60GB hardrive...

In forum PC and Console Gaming

14 years ago
From what I've read, it seems doing this is comparable to ta...

In forum FPS, Strategy and Tactical Scifi Games

14 years ago
Surely someone's modded WinXp with DX10?

In forum FPS, Strategy and Tactical Scifi Games

14 years ago
This game will not run on WinXp. I have the system specs, bu...

In forum FPS, Strategy and Tactical Scifi Games

14 years ago
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