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Group: Registered
Joined: January 4, 2010
Master Chief Registered
Oooh yeah :D

In forum Elite: Dangerous

10 years ago
Can they introduce a monthly fee for " server maintenance el...

In forum Elite: Dangerous

10 years ago
is paragon really having "a bit more gameplay" than pioneer ...

In forum Space/SciFi Combat and Simulation Game Discussion

10 years ago
Yes Caleb, beautiful game! And exploration is really a rewar...

In forum Space/SciFi Combat and Simulation Game Discussion

10 years ago
I don't know why this game is not mentioned. Evochron mercen...

In forum Space/SciFi Combat and Simulation Game Discussion

10 years ago
Hello and welcome. Evochron Mercenary is a very good space s...

In forum Space/SciFi Combat and Simulation Game Discussion

11 years ago
can't believe people bought into this and then are amazed of...

In forum Star Citizen

11 years ago
In fact the whole youtube channel of that user, isinona is p...

In forum Space/SciFi Combat and Simulation Game Discussion

11 years ago
amazing frontier elite 2 video

In forum Space/SciFi Combat and Simulation Game Discussion

11 years ago
Thank you for your replies :) I witnessed the lack of piracy...

In forum Pioneer

11 years ago
Current state of playability

In forum Pioneer

11 years ago
Wanted to ask you this, the game is pretty player centered r...

In forum Starwraith Games

12 years ago
i`m into space sims what can i say <img src="'"' clas...

In forum FFED3D

12 years ago
one planet per system?i don't want any of it <img sr...

In forum FFED3D

12 years ago
Oh darn, thank you Geraldine.Do you know by chance if Evochr...

In forum FFED3D

12 years ago
Ninja question

In forum FFED3D

12 years ago
Is the game like WoW?Running around doing quests and at the ...

In forum Space and SciFi MMO and Multi-Player Only Discussion

13 years ago
edeanp wrote: False. Only fees incurred during deposits an...

In forum Space and SciFi MMO and Multi-Player Only Discussion

13 years ago
A bit of a con. is a bit of an understatement.The whole proj...

In forum Space and SciFi MMO and Multi-Player Only Discussion

13 years ago
The "communism" threat can't be a boogie man anymore at leas...

In forum Political and World Discussions

13 years ago
Strange how they bagged the dude just when everyone got bore...

In forum Political and World Discussions

13 years ago
Thanks for sharing your sexual fantasies with us, bro.

In forum Sci-Fi Movies and Television

13 years ago
Its the fault of the society we live in, people like 3D and ...

In forum Sci-Fi Movies and Television

13 years ago
Thank God, i want to move to USA now, my shooting skills are...

In forum Political and World Discussions

13 years ago
RE: Space Exploration

In forum Political and World Discussions

13 years ago
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